And since you can buy quantum with dilithium but not vice versa, thats where you see the stupidity of the whole exercise. Is there really a point to having quantum?
Daily recharge rates of quantum could have been better adjusted by simply doubling the daily count of dilithium. So, 200 dilithium a day for $3.99/mo. Then just use dilithium to do the retrievals. But thats probably too straight forward of an idea for the stt team.
Maybe they should have just added re-rolls to beholds. Let people pay dilithium (free/100/150) to re-roll all frozen beholds. Nah, thats too straight forward as well.
I don't object to the ratio of quantum to ISM. It would still be nice of them to come out and say:
"We expect that you'll use your Quantum to give yourself a 5* once every 3 weeks."
I feel ISM is a completely pointless currency ... could have been ommitted completely ... have scans with something like 8 hr .. or 12 hr cooldown (so limit 2, 3, or 4 per day ... decide on the #), and/or have option to use dilithium to repeat scan.
Constellations are pointless .. just generate the random polestar, and be done with it ...
Watching paint dry is faster than the quantum recharge rate. I don’t mind having to buy it but the exchange rate is much too low. On the bright side I just need another 50 quantum to get the wascally wabbit I’ve been trying for a long time, after that is merry man troi. Nice to see abilities to get ism being done, maybe they could toss in some quantum also.
If quantum had a quicker recharge rate there would be less packs being bought and so unrealistic.
And even if it was quicker it is credits that are the problem. There is simply not enough in the game economy to make this a regular useful feature.
I do like crew retrieval, its just a shame it will be used so infrequently.
I feel ISM is a completely pointless currency ... could have been ommitted completely ... have scans with something like 8 hr .. or 12 hr cooldown (so limit 2, 3, or 4 per day ... decide on the #), and/or have option to use dilithium to repeat scan.
Constellations are pointless .. just generate the random polestar, and be done with it ...
This is well said. The whole feature is needlessly complicated. Too many pieces and too much randomness. Since there's no choice or re-roll option in the constellation it really is pointless to have them. As you said, just have a straight drop of the pornstar.
I feel ISM is a completely pointless currency ... could have been ommitted completely ... have scans with something like 8 hr .. or 12 hr cooldown (so limit 2, 3, or 4 per day ... decide on the #), and/or have option to use dilithium to repeat scan.
Constellations are pointless .. just generate the random polestar, and be done with it ...
This is well said. The whole feature is needlessly complicated. Too many pieces and too much randomness. Since there's no choice or re-roll option in the constellation it really is pointless to have them. As you said, just have a straight drop of the pornstar.
I was pleasantly surprised by the functionality of the new retrieval feature, enjoying the planning and strategizing about which crew to retrieve. TP actually had me excited about this (prior to getting banned, of course)!
However, now that the initial excitement about the shiny new toy has worn off, there are a couple aspects that have more than dulled that excitement:
1. Quantum - at the slow rate it builds up, this fun new feature is basically something that might get used once a month, since I highly doubt I'll personally throw any dilithium at it.
2. RNG - even running 4 scans a day (free + video & 100 ISM + video), I've been lucky to get 1 constellation every 3-4 days. When I do, I've had terrible luck getting useful polestars - I have received a few very obscure ones (Vidiian-3, Primal-8, Andorian-9) and also gotten multiples of some very common ones (Human x3, Romantic x3, Civilian x3). As a result, my 1100 Quantum is sitting unused.
It would be nice if we were at least able to build our Quantum stockpile without a cap, similar to ISM. That way we wouldn't feel the need to waste Quantum, polestars and up to $5 million credits on a crew we don't really need or want, just because it feels like lost opportunity to NOT use our Quantum to start the refilling process.
I think the amount of quantum needed should be much lower when only using one polestar. I have six Federation polestars. If I use just it the field of crew possible is 426 crew. That is a huge amount of crew that includes common, uncommon, and rare crew. Why is the cost so high for this pull? 749 Quantum.
Atm, I can create 2 legendaries with my polestars that I want. (Convergence Day Quark & Loken) But I have to wait until 04/03. But I understand they can't just give legendaries all the time. So in the meantime I can do 6 to 8 scans a day with the extra ISM and hopefully get some good polestars to create more legendaries I want. Credits won't be an issue, sitting on 12m atm.
Oh and I'm playing for 20 weeks. (Just got the 20 event participate reward)
I think the amount of quantum needed should be much lower when only using one polestar. I have six Federation polestars. If I use just it the field of crew possible is 426 crew. That is a huge amount of crew that includes common, uncommon, and rare crew. Why is the cost so high for this pull? 749 Quantum.
The Quantum cost seems arbitrary and almost random. I have found combinations of 3 polestars that guarantee a single crew that don't even cost the maximum 900 Quantum or 5million credits. And for others, one or two polestars can be max cost.
Quantum should be added to event thresholds. Doesn't have to be a lot, just something to reduce time to your next crew retrieval. And it would increase event participation.
Quantum should be added to event thresholds. Doesn't have to be a lot, just something to reduce time to your next crew retrieval. And it would increase event participation.
+1, and also to squadron rewards.
"In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
I was pleasantly surprised by the functionality of the new retrieval feature, enjoying the planning and strategizing about which crew to retrieve. TP actually had me excited about this (prior to getting banned, of course)!
However, now that the initial excitement about the shiny new toy has worn off, there are a couple aspects that have more than dulled that excitement:
1. Quantum - at the slow rate it builds up, this fun new feature is basically something that might get used once a month, since I highly doubt I'll personally throw any dilithium at it.
2. RNG - even running 4 scans a day (free + video & 100 ISM + video), I've been lucky to get 1 constellation every 3-4 days. When I do, I've had terrible luck getting useful polestars - I have received a few very obscure ones (Vidiian-3, Primal-8, Andorian-9) and also gotten multiples of some very common ones (Human x3, Romantic x3, Civilian x3). As a result, my 1100 Quantum is sitting unused.
It would be nice if we were at least able to build our Quantum stockpile without a cap, similar to ISM. That way we wouldn't feel the need to waste Quantum, polestars and up to $5 million credits on a crew we don't really need or want, just because it feels like lost opportunity to NOT use our Quantum to start the refilling process.
I am right there with you. I am less bothered by the slow rate of Quantum generation, but the bottleneck for me is not Quantum, it is useful Polestars. I have a fair amount of dilithium I would absolutely not mind feeding into my retrieval system to buy Quantum to get a handful of cards, but I have thus far been shutout from that process by repeatedly getting essentially worthless Polestars like "Human", "Federation", "Diplomacy", and then totally random ones like "Andorian", "Android", and "Trill".
If I could make a single minor change to the entire system, I would adjust the RNG for breaking down Constellations to reduce the emphasis on getting 'vanilla' Polestars like "Human" and "Federation" and give more useful Polestars like "Undercover Operative", "Crafty", "Communicator", "Desperate", "Inspiring", etc a bit more of a chance to be produced, so people can break up log jams more easily, get the crew they want isolated more easily, and actually use the system.
I was pleasantly surprised by the functionality of the new retrieval feature, enjoying the planning and strategizing about which crew to retrieve. TP actually had me excited about this (prior to getting banned, of course)!
However, now that the initial excitement about the shiny new toy has worn off, there are a couple aspects that have more than dulled that excitement:
1. Quantum - at the slow rate it builds up, this fun new feature is basically something that might get used once a month, since I highly doubt I'll personally throw any dilithium at it.
2. RNG - even running 4 scans a day (free + video & 100 ISM + video), I've been lucky to get 1 constellation every 3-4 days. When I do, I've had terrible luck getting useful polestars - I have received a few very obscure ones (Vidiian-3, Primal-8, Andorian-9) and also gotten multiples of some very common ones (Human x3, Romantic x3, Civilian x3). As a result, my 1100 Quantum is sitting unused.
It would be nice if we were at least able to build our Quantum stockpile without a cap, similar to ISM. That way we wouldn't feel the need to waste Quantum, polestars and up to $5 million credits on a crew we don't really need or want, just because it feels like lost opportunity to NOT use our Quantum to start the refilling process.
I am right there with you. I am less bothered by the slow rate of Quantum generation, but the bottleneck for me is not Quantum, it is useful Polestars. I have a fair amount of dilithium I would absolutely not mind feeding into my retrieval system to buy Quantum to get a handful of cards, but I have thus far been shutout from that process by repeatedly getting essentially worthless Polestars like "Human", "Federation", "Diplomacy", and then totally random ones like "Andorian", "Android", and "Trill".
If I could make a single minor change to the entire system, I would adjust the RNG for breaking down Constellations to reduce the emphasis on getting 'vanilla' Polestars like "Human" and "Federation" and give more useful Polestars like "Undercover Operative", "Crafty", "Communicator", "Desperate", "Inspiring", etc a bit more of a chance to be produced, so people can break up log jams more easily, get the crew they want isolated more easily, and actually use the system.
Maybe we need a system to help us target “worthy” Constellations for needed Polestars? Too soon?
“A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
I don't object to the ratio of quantum to ISM. It would still be nice of them to come out and say:
"We expect that you'll use your Quantum to give yourself a 5* once every 3 weeks."
They literally said that. Lol.
Its at about the point where they get to Quantum. Sorry I can’t scrub to that point in the video but its there.
Quantum is their gating system. Hope in the future that TP weights non common polestars higher. If it costs 900 quantum to get the legendary I want but I can only hold 1000 quantum at a time, then as soon as I hit 900 quantum I have to have the right polestars to pull good crew.
I think the amount of quantum needed should be much lower when only using one polestar. I have six Federation polestars. If I use just it the field of crew possible is 426 crew. That is a huge amount of crew that includes common, uncommon, and rare crew. Why is the cost so high for this pull? 749 Quantum.
The amount of quantum needed is based on the range of rarity, not the number of targeted crew, I believe.
As this is such a broad range, it has a higher chance of getting 4 or 5* crew. Thus, a higher quantum cost. At least that's how I understand it.
I'm just waiting on the quantum. My roster is so open, I have a list several inches long of useful crew or stars I could add right now with what I have already.
W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
I think the Quantum is meant to be the gate keeping currency to keep the number of retrievals in check and things from getting out of hand.
Sure, we’d all like more...
Which would be fine if you could accumulate more than 1000 quantum while you are working to get the right polestars. If the best crew retrievals cost 900 quantum we should be able to hold up to at least 1500.
Which would be fine if you could accumulate more than 1000 quantum while you are working to get the right polestars. If the best crew retrievals cost 900 quantum we should be able to hold up to at least 1500.
Oh, I fully agree with you. Honestly, I think what is going to be found over time is that there are so many different currencies involved and so many different playing styles used by different individuals that the number of retrievals will be naturally self limiting due to shortages in a currency specific to a given player without the artificial cap on Quantum.
With the current rate of quantum accumulation, someone can get about two dozen legendaries a year. That's much faster than I was expecting.
As with others, I do wish we could hold more than 1000, so it was possible to save up longer if you don't have a great combo available at the moment. I'm also hoping at some point we're able to pursue specific polestars, although I'd expect that to be quite difficult (or at least, something you're only able to achieve a few times a year).
Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.
I was pleasantly surprised by the functionality of the new retrieval feature, enjoying the planning and strategizing about which crew to retrieve. TP actually had me excited about this (prior to getting banned, of course)!
However, now that the initial excitement about the shiny new toy has worn off, there are a couple aspects that have more than dulled that excitement:
1. Quantum - at the slow rate it builds up, this fun new feature is basically something that might get used once a month, since I highly doubt I'll personally throw any dilithium at it.
2. RNG - even running 4 scans a day (free + video & 100 ISM + video), I've been lucky to get 1 constellation every 3-4 days. When I do, I've had terrible luck getting useful polestars - I have received a few very obscure ones (Vidiian-3, Primal-8, Andorian-9) and also gotten multiples of some very common ones (Human x3, Romantic x3, Civilian x3). As a result, my 1100 Quantum is sitting unused.
It would be nice if we were at least able to build our Quantum stockpile without a cap, similar to ISM. That way we wouldn't feel the need to waste Quantum, polestars and up to $5 million credits on a crew we don't really need or want, just because it feels like lost opportunity to NOT use our Quantum to start the refilling process.
I am right there with you. I am less bothered by the slow rate of Quantum generation, but the bottleneck for me is not Quantum, it is useful Polestars. I have a fair amount of dilithium I would absolutely not mind feeding into my retrieval system to buy Quantum to get a handful of cards, but I have thus far been shutout from that process by repeatedly getting essentially worthless Polestars like "Human", "Federation", "Diplomacy", and then totally random ones like "Andorian", "Android", and "Trill".
If I could make a single minor change to the entire system, I would adjust the RNG for breaking down Constellations to reduce the emphasis on getting 'vanilla' Polestars like "Human" and "Federation" and give more useful Polestars like "Undercover Operative", "Crafty", "Communicator", "Desperate", "Inspiring", etc a bit more of a chance to be produced, so people can break up log jams more easily, get the crew they want isolated more easily, and actually use the system.
A good idea would be to have a fourth group of polestars: race (or species). And it just contains all of them, just making it as likely we'd get Orion, Human, or Barzan, etc. This could be expanded with another one of an affiliation or allegiance grouping, which could handle Federation, etc; though that might start getting difficult as, for example, there isn't currently a "Klingon Empire" tag.
The limiting factor for me would be credits right now, I would have to almost entirely stop levelling up new crew to get 5M every three weeks or so. That's one way to play the game but not a very interesting one.
While the 1000 limit to quantum is tight, I don’t see it as a problem. Even once you hit 900, that’s still 2 days until your quantum is full. And making decisions based on what you have available is part of the fun of strategy games! If you’re unlucky and have to retrieve something sub optimal, at least you then have three weeks to adjust (more scans, rank higher etc). Not nearly as bad as pulling lots of packs to find no begolds.
I agree that the quantum cost for pools flooded with 2*, 3* and even 4* crew is maybe a little high. I would want Apollo’s pool of 426 mixed rarity to be nearer 500 quantum, or even less due to the high risk of airlock fodder!
Daily recharge rates of quantum could have been better adjusted by simply doubling the daily count of dilithium. So, 200 dilithium a day for $3.99/mo. Then just use dilithium to do the retrievals. But thats probably too straight forward of an idea for the stt team.
Maybe they should have just added re-rolls to beholds. Let people pay dilithium (free/100/150) to re-roll all frozen beholds. Nah, thats too straight forward as well.
Lets just ban everyone instead.
"We expect that you'll use your Quantum to give yourself a 5* once every 3 weeks."
Constellations are pointless .. just generate the random polestar, and be done with it ...
And even if it was quicker it is credits that are the problem. There is simply not enough in the game economy to make this a regular useful feature.
I do like crew retrieval, its just a shame it will be used so infrequently.
This is well said. The whole feature is needlessly complicated. Too many pieces and too much randomness. Since there's no choice or re-roll option in the constellation it really is pointless to have them. As you said, just have a straight drop of the pornstar.
This might be my favorite typo ever.
However, now that the initial excitement about the shiny new toy has worn off, there are a couple aspects that have more than dulled that excitement:
1. Quantum - at the slow rate it builds up, this fun new feature is basically something that might get used once a month, since I highly doubt I'll personally throw any dilithium at it.
2. RNG - even running 4 scans a day (free + video & 100 ISM + video), I've been lucky to get 1 constellation every 3-4 days. When I do, I've had terrible luck getting useful polestars - I have received a few very obscure ones (Vidiian-3, Primal-8, Andorian-9) and also gotten multiples of some very common ones (Human x3, Romantic x3, Civilian x3). As a result, my 1100 Quantum is sitting unused.
It would be nice if we were at least able to build our Quantum stockpile without a cap, similar to ISM. That way we wouldn't feel the need to waste Quantum, polestars and up to $5 million credits on a crew we don't really need or want, just because it feels like lost opportunity to NOT use our Quantum to start the refilling process.
Oh and I'm playing for 20 weeks. (Just got the 20 event participate reward)
The Quantum cost seems arbitrary and almost random. I have found combinations of 3 polestars that guarantee a single crew that don't even cost the maximum 900 Quantum or 5million credits. And for others, one or two polestars can be max cost.
Indeed. As much as I would like it much faster (or even a little faster), the unintended consequences would cause problems.
+1, and also to squadron rewards.
I am right there with you. I am less bothered by the slow rate of Quantum generation, but the bottleneck for me is not Quantum, it is useful Polestars. I have a fair amount of dilithium I would absolutely not mind feeding into my retrieval system to buy Quantum to get a handful of cards, but I have thus far been shutout from that process by repeatedly getting essentially worthless Polestars like "Human", "Federation", "Diplomacy", and then totally random ones like "Andorian", "Android", and "Trill".
If I could make a single minor change to the entire system, I would adjust the RNG for breaking down Constellations to reduce the emphasis on getting 'vanilla' Polestars like "Human" and "Federation" and give more useful Polestars like "Undercover Operative", "Crafty", "Communicator", "Desperate", "Inspiring", etc a bit more of a chance to be produced, so people can break up log jams more easily, get the crew they want isolated more easily, and actually use the system.
Maybe we need a system to help us target “worthy” Constellations for needed Polestars? Too soon?
They already know that. That’s by design. One 5* crew every 3 weeks approximately.
They literally said that. Lol.
Its at about the point where they get to Quantum. Sorry I can’t scrub to that point in the video but its there.
The amount of quantum needed is based on the range of rarity, not the number of targeted crew, I believe.
As this is such a broad range, it has a higher chance of getting 4 or 5* crew. Thus, a higher quantum cost. At least that's how I understand it.
Sure, we’d all like more...
Which would be fine if you could accumulate more than 1000 quantum while you are working to get the right polestars. If the best crew retrievals cost 900 quantum we should be able to hold up to at least 1500.
Oh, I fully agree with you. Honestly, I think what is going to be found over time is that there are so many different currencies involved and so many different playing styles used by different individuals that the number of retrievals will be naturally self limiting due to shortages in a currency specific to a given player without the artificial cap on Quantum.
As with others, I do wish we could hold more than 1000, so it was possible to save up longer if you don't have a great combo available at the moment. I'm also hoping at some point we're able to pursue specific polestars, although I'd expect that to be quite difficult (or at least, something you're only able to achieve a few times a year).
A good idea would be to have a fourth group of polestars: race (or species). And it just contains all of them, just making it as likely we'd get Orion, Human, or Barzan, etc. This could be expanded with another one of an affiliation or allegiance grouping, which could handle Federation, etc; though that might start getting difficult as, for example, there isn't currently a "Klingon Empire" tag.
I agree that the quantum cost for pools flooded with 2*, 3* and even 4* crew is maybe a little high. I would want Apollo’s pool of 426 mixed rarity to be nearer 500 quantum, or even less due to the high risk of airlock fodder!