Would confirmation dialogues on pack purchases make sense?

in The Bridge
I’ve been playing the game while more tired than I should be tonight. And as a result, while closing the event dialogues, I managed to misclick and drop 350 dil on a ship pack.
I mean, that’s on me. Much like when I accidentally hit the 10 dil refresh on skirmish rewards. But, if there had been a confirmation dialog asking if I wanted to use my dil, that would have stopped me using it in error.
Would it be worth adding a confirmation dialogue to every dil spend button? Or pack purchases? Or more trouble than it’s worth?
I mean, that’s on me. Much like when I accidentally hit the 10 dil refresh on skirmish rewards. But, if there had been a confirmation dialog asking if I wanted to use my dil, that would have stopped me using it in error.
Would it be worth adding a confirmation dialogue to every dil spend button? Or pack purchases? Or more trouble than it’s worth?
Yeah, i thought I remembered confirmations in most places, but didn’t want to try it out, because, obviously, there aren’t in some places, and I only have so much dil to burn by mistake tonight, ha.
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
I've been there as well, so annoying when it happens.
I think adding them to every dil spending button would be a bit much, but maybe for those over a certain amount (50? 100?)
I sometimes get the 10 dil offers during a skirmish and I'd be very annoyed if I had to click a confirmation button every time.
Skirmish has the separate issue that others have raised before - namely that the 10 Dil button is WAY too close to the "okay" button. We've all fat-fingered the Dil purchase now and then. That shouldn't be acceptable, but it would obviously be a waste of time and effort to try to get it refunded via CS ticket.
I just accidentally hit the ship back in the event screen and a confirmation popped up. Is it possible you double clicked mistakenly? I am on iOS, what platform are you on? Did you hit the ship pack on the event screen or in the portal?
iOS; I wonder if it combines with that rendering issue @Kanon mentioned, and slips past that way? I mean, I was exhausted so I wouldn’t put it past me, but two misclicks in a row feels less likely.
ETA: At least if there’s normally a dialog there, either I hit a bug, or I’m an idiot. That’s actually good! And if it’s a bug, a separate issue to conf dialog in general. If anyone needs me, I’ll be staring mournfully at my small pile of ship schematics.
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
I mean, I did hit it by accident, but it’s equivalent to any other opened pack, I assume. At the end of the day, it’s only 3 days of monthly card, and totally my fault. Just made me think about quite how many misclick purchases I’ve made, and how to keep it from happening more often.
Confirmation buttons are hit or miss for me...sometimes they appear sometimes they don t. No clue why, and yes on the same device.
Early in the game things like this happened to me a lot. If you still have the schematics should be able to get refund as @AviTrek says. They still might be able to undo if you upgraded.
Lucky for me, this was easy fix through support ticket .. but still .. those should not be a 1click purchase..