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Anyone else getting ads with nudity in them?



  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    There are a couple that come to mind that get a raised eyebrow even from me.

    The ad for “King’s Throne: Game of Lust” I really think shouldn’t be popping up, not because it offends me personally, it doesn’t at all.

    The problem is that it shows up unsolicited and it very definitely could cause some havoc for someone in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    And believe it or not, a couple of the Homescapes ads are just insane. The in-game choice for a pregnant woman to either join her husband and the French maid in a threesome or storm out was...
    Unexpected to say the least. 😳😬

    King's Throne {like many of the game ads} is NOTHING like the ads.

    They advertise "Battle Warships: Naval Empire" all the time. I have a level 20 Base and over eighty Carriers. {Both of which take a lot of real world time to get to.} And every time I see that ad I am like "That game looks like fun".

    That’s actually pretty funny that the game is nothing like the ad; it goes out of it’s way to make the game seem like pure soft core raunch! 😂

    Truly, I could see someone being severely embarrassed at best and potentially landing in very hot water if that ad popped up at an inopportune time completely unexpectedly. 😬

    Oh, gathering maidens for your Kingdom is part of it. But, the way they are depicted in-game is very much different. Even the ones who "undress" when you get their "Intimacy" up do not show anything, really. Mostly in undies or carefully positioning their arms/legs to not be too "immodest". The Maidens are actually sources for Alliances, since Offspring can be married to other Kingdoms' Offspring. And they also generate XP that can be used to level up the Heroes you have. There are even "Maiden Knights" in the game, that serve both as Warriors and their own source of XP. I have two Maiden Knights Brunhilde and Matilda. They are my only 6* Heroes. The game is actually fun. But I definitely would only play it at home. Not at the library or on the bus.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    A reminder that there is a dedicated thread for ads, though I might need to start a new one.
    When reporting an ad please provide a screenshot of the ad showing the ad network, thank you!
  • There are a couple that come to mind that get a raised eyebrow even from me.

    The ad for “King’s Throne: Game of Lust” I really think shouldn’t be popping up, not because it offends me personally, it doesn’t at all.

    The problem is that it shows up unsolicited and it very definitely could cause some havoc for someone in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    And believe it or not, a couple of the Homescapes ads are just insane. The in-game choice for a pregnant woman to either join her husband and the French maid in a threesome or storm out was...
    Unexpected to say the least. 😳😬

    King's Throne {like many of the game ads} is NOTHING like the ads.

    They advertise "Battle Warships: Naval Empire" all the time. I have a level 20 Base and over eighty Carriers. {Both of which take a lot of real world time to get to.} And every time I see that ad I am like "That game looks like fun".

    That’s actually pretty funny that the game is nothing like the ad; it goes out of it’s way to make the game seem like pure soft core raunch! 😂

    Truly, I could see someone being severely embarrassed at best and potentially landing in very hot water if that ad popped up at an inopportune time completely unexpectedly. 😬

    Oh, gathering maidens for your Kingdom is part of it. But, the way they are depicted in-game is very much different. Even the ones who "undress" when you get their "Intimacy" up do not show anything, really. Mostly in undies or carefully positioning their arms/legs to not be too "immodest". The Maidens are actually sources for Alliances, since Offspring can be married to other Kingdoms' Offspring. And they also generate XP that can be used to level up the Heroes you have. There are even "Maiden Knights" in the game, that serve both as Warriors and their own source of XP. I have two Maiden Knights Brunhilde and Matilda. They are my only 6* Heroes. The game is actually fun. But I definitely would only play it at home. Not at the library or on the bus.

    Wow. That sounds like a sexist piece of **tsk tsk**. As much as I complain about STT, at least they show some morality (except where money is concerned 🤣 ).
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I always thought the ads shown were based on your search history, interests, apps on your phone etc...

    I can prove that's not true because the ads shown in STT are completely different than the ones shown in another mobile game on my same iPad. And it's from the same ad networks.

    Furthermore, this iPad is used for this game and that one other. Nothing more. I also have every possible privacy option selected, routinely clear and reset my ad tracking token. All of that. Plus, if it were true, I've never once in my life looked up hip hop music. I hate the entire genre. So why would it show that? Basically every ad shown to me is as irrelevant to my interests as I can imagine. And lastly, the ads display differently depending on platform. Android users always get ads I've never seen and vice versa. If I use Bluestacks (which I rarely, but sometimes do) then I will see the ads the Android users talk about. There's a lot of randomness to the ads displayed.
    Shan wrote: »
    please provide a screenshot

    Do you really want me to post tiddieѕ on this forum?

    Ads can be reported via tickets as well :)
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    There are a couple that come to mind that get a raised eyebrow even from me.

    The ad for “King’s Throne: Game of Lust” I really think shouldn’t be popping up, not because it offends me personally, it doesn’t at all.

    The problem is that it shows up unsolicited and it very definitely could cause some havoc for someone in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    And believe it or not, a couple of the Homescapes ads are just insane. The in-game choice for a pregnant woman to either join her husband and the French maid in a threesome or storm out was...
    Unexpected to say the least. 😳😬

    King's Throne {like many of the game ads} is NOTHING like the ads.

    They advertise "Battle Warships: Naval Empire" all the time. I have a level 20 Base and over eighty Carriers. {Both of which take a lot of real world time to get to.} And every time I see that ad I am like "That game looks like fun".

    That’s actually pretty funny that the game is nothing like the ad; it goes out of it’s way to make the game seem like pure soft core raunch! 😂

    Truly, I could see someone being severely embarrassed at best and potentially landing in very hot water if that ad popped up at an inopportune time completely unexpectedly. 😬

    Oh, gathering maidens for your Kingdom is part of it. But, the way they are depicted in-game is very much different. Even the ones who "undress" when you get their "Intimacy" up do not show anything, really. Mostly in undies or carefully positioning their arms/legs to not be too "immodest". The Maidens are actually sources for Alliances, since Offspring can be married to other Kingdoms' Offspring. And they also generate XP that can be used to level up the Heroes you have. There are even "Maiden Knights" in the game, that serve both as Warriors and their own source of XP. I have two Maiden Knights Brunhilde and Matilda. They are my only 6* Heroes. The game is actually fun. But I definitely would only play it at home. Not at the library or on the bus.

    Wow. That sounds like a sexist piece of **tsk tsk**. As much as I complain about STT, at least they show some morality (except where money is concerned 🤣 ).

    Yeah, it does feel like it might actually be coded by people from the time period where it is set.

    But, then most of the 6* {Highest Rank} Heroes are actually the women warriors. They include historical and epic legendary people, as well. My two Maiden Heroes are actually higher Ranked than King Arthur, Lancelot, Parcival, Beowulf, Siegfried, Roland, and other famous historical/epic legends. They are all 5*. Ivanhoe and Robin Loxley are 4*.......
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2021
    Shan wrote: »
    please provide a screenshot

    Do you really want me to post tiddieѕ on this forum?

    Maybe @Shan thought you were talking about these?


    It's great if your Tit is Great.

    But if your Tit is Bearded, Blue, Crested, or Marsh{y}, maybe time to see a doctor!

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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