
in The Bridge
So I realized I kind of wanted the 5* this event, but not until Friday, only a day after starting right... no big deal - I was still on top of things just not extra... so I started to use resources, a lot of resources, a ton of resources, even at th end I used dil to speed up the last few I had that I knew wouldn't finish in time...
1502... that's crazy 16 seconds left 1499 - then 1502 after a TON of extra shuttles, 2x rewards etc...
The game is not adjusting for the player base, making it nearly impossible for anyone sane person to finish with the 5* any more.
I already stopped buying the monthly card - they charged taxes and it has been since October that I inquired about it.. you see, my state does NOT charge taxes on this sort of digital purchases.
yet this company is scamming me, and probably many of you. So I no longer spend money...
the game is getting old as it is- and I don't look forward to it as much. But I have invested a lot of money in this game... but after an event like this last one, where I stayed up late and made sure to run my shuttles with efficiency and I still can't break the 5*... yeah no thanks
at some point a person has to figure out when enough is enough - them stealing from me by over charging for the monthly dil was bad enough, but it has allowed me to save money from that.
the fact that even if I spend a lot of time and energy and not be able to crack the top 1500 is just insane
that means the only people getting those are people who are able to spend crazy time and crazy crazy resources to get it.
That isn't me... I can't say I am walking away 100% - I don't know if that is possible....
but I am so disappointed in this game these day and after this last event, so much more.
anyway - I know no one cares and everyone is like - if you don't like it walk away - i get it... just wanted to vent some frustration.
I hope you all have a blessed week and stay safe!!
1502... that's crazy 16 seconds left 1499 - then 1502 after a TON of extra shuttles, 2x rewards etc...
The game is not adjusting for the player base, making it nearly impossible for anyone sane person to finish with the 5* any more.
I already stopped buying the monthly card - they charged taxes and it has been since October that I inquired about it.. you see, my state does NOT charge taxes on this sort of digital purchases.
yet this company is scamming me, and probably many of you. So I no longer spend money...
the game is getting old as it is- and I don't look forward to it as much. But I have invested a lot of money in this game... but after an event like this last one, where I stayed up late and made sure to run my shuttles with efficiency and I still can't break the 5*... yeah no thanks
at some point a person has to figure out when enough is enough - them stealing from me by over charging for the monthly dil was bad enough, but it has allowed me to save money from that.
the fact that even if I spend a lot of time and energy and not be able to crack the top 1500 is just insane
that means the only people getting those are people who are able to spend crazy time and crazy crazy resources to get it.
That isn't me... I can't say I am walking away 100% - I don't know if that is possible....
but I am so disappointed in this game these day and after this last event, so much more.
anyway - I know no one cares and everyone is like - if you don't like it walk away - i get it... just wanted to vent some frustration.
I hope you all have a blessed week and stay safe!!
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Captain Zombie's Combo chain calculator
First of all, the game doesn't collect taxes or payments, the platform does. If you think your purchases shouldn't be taxed, I suggest you take it up with apple/android/Amazon.
Second of all, I finished 132 with no Dil while taking a day off in the middle of the event. So I find it hard to accept that you couldn't rank higher. You aimed for exactly 1500 and didn't account for the number of people pushing at the end. It's rough when that happens, but no matter where the cutoff value is, there will be more people pushing for that value and some will get pushed out.
Ranking in faction events requires using extra shuttles and speed boosts. But we get plenty of them for free. So it's not that you couldn't rank higher, it's that you underestimated the number you'd need to run and got burned at the end.
The difference between 1499 and 1502 was probably less than one shuttle. Can you really say you couldn't have run one extra shuttle at one point or used speed boosts for an extra round at one point over the the 4 days?
The key to faction events is strength/depth of crew (for good percentages) and a rinse-and-repeat mentality. The higher ranked players aren't letting their returned shuttles sit for very long before sending them back out. Because of this, climbing ranks in faction events is difficult once the first day is done (much harder than in galaxy events, for example). You not only have to keep up with your own time+1min turnarounds, but you also need to catch other players that are doing it too. The only answer (other than starting earlier in the event) is to out-pace the field, which means 1.5hr shuttles when they send 3hr, or 1hr shuttles when they send 1.5hr ones, etc. Also, it is a must to send extra 9hr "rental" shuttles overnight when you're sleeping (and yes, you can absolutely sleep during faction events - anyone that says otherwise isn't able to log-in consistently during the day or is ranked in the top-10 on the leaderboard). Even if you fail them, you get 1600 points, so just send as many as you can.
Perhaps this is the part where you say "people are spending crazy time and resources"... well, crazy is in the eye of the beholder. I ranked sub-500, so you might consider my time/resource usage to be crazy, but to me it was routine. On the other hand, I think everyone in the top 50 is crazy (rank 40 was nearly 2x my score), but considering that many of the names are ones we regularly see on the faction leaderboards, they probably would consider their behavior to be routine too. (I'm ignoring the role of cash/dilithium here, but obviously that is a route that can help accumulate more VP in short amounts of time. It's not my cup of tea, but it is a mechanism that exists.)
It sounds as though you had the necessary crew roster and resources to complete for the 5* - you just couldn't climb out of the hole from the delayed start. That's unfortunate, but also points the way to future success.
I went to google first thinking they were charging, they specifically told me that was the charges from the company NOT them.
I put in a ticket in OCTOBER of 2020 and have yet had a final out come or them deny they do it.
At one point I had 8 shuttles out, 4 of which were 9 hour. Every other shuttle I was right there when it ended to restart (within 1 or 2 minutes on one of them) I sent out 6 with 2x shuttle extra rewards.
At one point I was around the 1250 point, but I didn't let up. The only way you finished as you stated, was you used a crap ton of shorter reducers etc... I probably should have done that used a few more of the time reducers, but I guess I thought I was close enough and should be able to keep up. I never said there wasn't more I COULD have done, but I am saying I did a LOT I used probably 25 extra shuttles, plus the 2x plus some time reducers on some of the shuttles. The only thing I didn't do was wake up in the middle of the night to send - I used over nighters.
So to recap - 1 - yes it is this company that is fraudulent in collecting taxes, per google anyway 2- I never said I couldn't have done more, what I said was for all that I did do - it is crazy that I couldn't finish in the top 1500 and 3 - you used a crap ton of resources if you missed a day and finished that way, which is exactly what I as saying.
I probably used about 60 extra shuttles. All on 9 hour boosts. I also used 1.5 the reducers for my main shuttles when I wasn't sending them on 9 hours overnight.
Is 60 a lot of extra shuttles? <shrug> I still have over 100 left. For my other speed boosts I earn so many from Thursday with ad doublers that I have more unopened packs than what I have in my inventory. Could I do this every faction event, no. But I don't want every faction 5*. And I have enough to do this in events when I want the 5*. What else am I going to do with the resources? At least I'm only checking in every 90 minutes to resend shuttles. For skirmish events, the amount of time I need to sit glued to my phone drives me crazy.
I can feel your frustration, I’ve been there. I finished 1502 in an event last year because I didn’t give myself enough padding for the push at the end. It stinks, and it happens. And in the end, that was on me.
I do not agree that finishing top 1500 is impossible, nor does it tax sanity via time and resources. However, there are times when a card is more popular, and it will require more time/resources for 1500. I do think this was one of those times, hence more of a push this event.
The strategy I typically use to finish top 1500 doesn’t take me a lot of time (and I do not wake up during the night to send shuttles), and the resources I use are covered by the Thursday shuttle rewards (just saving them up over time) and extra shuttle tokens from the campaign. It could be done without extra shuttle tokens; it would just mean more time boosts. I like Faction events because we can send them and then go do something else. We don’t have to be in the game tapping away...
This ruined the event for me as I was at various engagements throughout the day where I would not have access to my phone. If it had been three hours I would have been able to send out subsequent shuttles through the day. The company have been silent on this point despite others having experienced it too.
If the 5* is popular, then a lot of people will compete, and it will be difficult.
If you want a top 1500 place to get the 5*, then you should be aiming for the top 1000-1200 to guarantee it.
Uhura is main crew, she is also tribble crew, so will be popular, and the competition was tough.
I finished in the top 250, I ploughed a lot of resources into that finish, because I wanted two copies.
This was not my best ever place, but it was one of the hardest fought. At some points over the weekend, I had dozen shuttles out, but I did not spend any dil to speed them up.
Between handing my shuttles in at 16:15, and the event finishing at 17:00 (UK time), I dropped about 20 places, this was from people all handing in shuttles at the last minute.
If you want to compete for the 5*, you have to make the effort all through the event, and not try and make up places at the end, because you can guarantee others will be trying to make up places as well.
I launched a lazy (3 hour) kickstart right as the event started, sent exactly 4 unboosted shuttles every three hours all weekend long, sent exactly 4 shuttles on 9 hour boosts every time I slept, and I managed to finish in 2,363rd place. (in fairness I was squad leader and sharing an immortalized Tribble McCoy, but nobody in my squad did anything more than clear thresholds)
Nothing fancy, just dedication for 4 days, and I finished within striking distance of the top 1.5K, and it was well within my means to close that gap without too much additional effort had I wanted to do so.
Ranking well in a Faction event is all about dedication and going in with a plan, and all Faction event plans need to begin on Thursday cadets. Next time you make a Faction event run, ask if you can be squad leader so your squad can help you score points, and make sure you have a 4 day game plan and the resources to execute it. If you have family plans, coordinate your shuttles around those plans ahead of time.
Thanks for that information. I was curious where someone would finish doing it that way. I can remember in olden times where that method was enough to finish top 1000 in a Faction event (certainly not the case today).
If they aren't I apologise.
If they are. I've been playing since day one. I'm a level 99 player who has seen it all and knows how to compete. I don't need anyone to tell me how to su€k eggs. In the years playing this game I have never experienced a four hour shuttle - I do plan but I cannot plan for that. 😀
For Galaxy and Skirmish events I can churn through to maintain my rank if needed, but that's not so easy for Factions.
No problem mate. I got confused. 🙂
On a side note, I flagged/reported @Tribble on Lorca's desk [10FH] for the flagrant poaching attempt. I think that it goes without saying that poaching attempts such as this are a low blow, and for me at least, a pretty good indication that the fleet "10FH" does not have a very honorable approach to player acquisition. Lets keep it a bit more above board, please.
Good point. It doesn't even have to be my fleet. There are other good ones out there. Starport, Colonial Fleet Ohio, CAB, IPA (sorry, I forget what those last two stand for), and others have some pretty knowledgeable players.
Just don't stay in a fleet that isn't helping you reach your goals. It's not about me. Or some "guest" who won't change their name and own their words. It's about helping a captain who is frustrated and getting discouraged. I remember taking a swing at a top spot and missing. I had a fleet behind me who helped. Now I can make the top 100 just about any time I want. (Though admittedly I'm a small time spender.)
TL;DR: Don't stay miserable. There are fleets out there who can help.
I recently went through the process of setting up my alt account with a forum account just so I would have the experience of changing my name on here. I will admit it was not the easiest process, but I managed it so it can be done, and I would be more than willing to help any "Guest" through the process. I could start a thread somewhere to guide folks, I can do it via PMs, whatever would help. But the fact is, a lot of people see "Guest" and just scroll passed to the next comment, because "Guests" have no skin in the game.
I am sure it will come as no surprise that I've cleaned this thread and removed a bunch of comments.
Let's take a step back and avoid immediately assuming the worst and making it personal.
We'll all have much more pleasant discussions.
What exactly are you flagging? The post Lorca made to ArchieS about 10FH Fleet? If that offends you and is the item flagged, I must be missing something…
Basically, if I really want a crew it's worth the extra effort to get a second star . . . and if I fall a little short at least I still have one copy. And since I'm not trying to hit 1500 every weekend, I'm not wearing myself down, or my stores.
It's funny, that change to the rewards table had a substantial impact on how I play the game, and I've enjoyed it more since.
It's almost like that was the point.
1. 750 is the new 1500 if you are going for one copy, you might as well go for 2.
2. If you aim for 750 and miss, you aren't likely to fall below 1500 even if you miss 750.
3. If you really want 750 and can't play the last 2-3 hours (like me) try to be in the top 350-400 so you can absorb the ranking collapse at the end.
4. Make a plan and if you are a low/no spender recognize that you will have to plan weeks/months in advance to hit the upper ranks.
If all of this is unappealing may I suggest the Leonard Snart method.