Had the same. Reloaded. Now the beholds are gone. I still have the opportunity to spend money on honor but the real goodies don't show up anymore, hopefully they'll be back with the server release later today.
Admiral of the Québec Alliance Fleet. Joignez-vous à nous.
Had the same. Reloaded. Now the beholds are gone. I still have the opportunity to spend money on honor but the real goodies don't show up anymore, hopefully they'll be back with the server release later today.
The spend money offers always work....
Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
Had the same. Reloaded. Now the beholds are gone. I still have the opportunity to spend money on honor but the real goodies don't show up anymore, hopefully they'll be back with the server release later today.
The spend money offers always work....
Well…. Funny thing how that works or doesn't, i already spent real $$$ to obtain many packs that weren't needed just to airlock and create honor. So my $$ is useless. I love how that plays out.
I will update when I know more!
The spend money offers always work....
Well…. Funny thing how that works or doesn't, i already spent real $$$ to obtain many packs that weren't needed just to airlock and create honor. So my $$ is useless. I love how that plays out.
That is not what was written on the ingame announcement yesterday.
Answer: maybe, when we get around to it....
The honor packs that were taken down will reappear soon, thank you for your patience!