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An Appeal to WRG and a Proposal to the Community



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    [GoT] Gabe [GoT] Gabe ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2021
    Wide Brim wrote: »
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »

    What I'm suggesting is that members from this community, from all the Fleets, join together temporarily under one banner, the United Federation of Players, to work together to achieve the goal of finishing 1st in an Event or possibly multiple Events.

    So, for those fleets losing 1, 2, 3, or 4 people for almost a week, they could have a struggle for completion of dailies, Starbase construction (if needed), and their own squadron and fleet rankings in an event?

    What happens to a player who joins? Are they temporarily joining a fleet with a Level 134 Starbase - or less? Won't their skill %'s lower if less? If an established fleet - whose fleet is it and what happens to the current members?

    I'm afraid there's nothing that can be done to help Fleets in those situations. This is a voluntary thing and those interested should discuss it with their Admrals first. If those Admirals want to talk to me, I'm more than willing to do so. I'm easy to track down.

    The suggestion of "loaning" these particular Fleets players to compensate for the losses is simply not feasible. Where would we get these extra players to loan to these Fleets?

    Regarding the coalition Fleet, it hasn't been determined yet but it most likely won't be a level 134 one. Someone has volunteered their one man Fleet for the cause but it's not maxed out. If anyone else in a one man Fleet would like to to volunteer theirs, that would be greatly appreciated.

    However, and I am adamant about this, there will be no poaching of any Fleet for this endeavour. Whether it's a small, unknown Fleet or an established one, no one has the right to take it away from those who call it home.
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
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    [GoT] Gabe [GoT] Gabe ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2021
    This is just a proposal. Nothing I suggested is set in stone. More ideas and sugestions are welcome. Post them in this thread or if you prefer contact me directly here on the forum or on Discord.

    The original post is meant to kill 3 birds with one stone.
    1) call attention to WRG about the growing sentiment of their playerbase regarding the years of no new gameplay content;
    2) physically show WRG in game that there is a growing concern about the issue;
    3) do something different, and hopefully fun, to break the monotonousness routine of this game

    Events are the only area in this area where the entire community can fully participate, and where each person has full control over what they do. If you want to make a public statement, it's the only place to do it.

    As for the financial boycott suggestion, what authority do I, or anyone else here, have to tell someone how to spend their money?

    Besides, my proposal is giving players a choice. I'm not forcing anyone to do this. I'm simply presenting an option. Telling people to not spend on this game as a way of protesting is basically trying to take away their choice (yeah I know, they can still do whatever they want but you get the gist).

    I get people not wanting to leave their own Fleets and, at this time, there's no guarantee the coalition Fleet will actually be implemented. So people are more than welcome to show their support for this initiative, movement, protest, whatever you want to call it by simply using the tag UNITED and remaining in their own Fleet. Any and all support is greatly appreciated.
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
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    Selene 7Selene 7 ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2021
    I would be perfectly fine with "bored" players not logging into the game at all for X amount of time as a way of bringing attention to the issue. If things don't change I will not be logging in anymore soon anyway...
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    Super fleet sounds like a lot of fun. Count me in!
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    Navarch Navarch ✭✭✭✭✭
    Selene 7 wrote: »
    I would be perfectly fine with "bored" players not logging into the game at all for X amount of time as a way of bringing attention to the issue. If things don't change I will not be logging in anymore soon anyway...

    The downside of that approach being that you leave your fleet in the lurch, sadly.
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    PeetsPeets ✭✭✭✭
    Navarch wrote: »
    The problem with that approach in this case is that there are thousands of players. The actions of a few could easily be interpreted as noise and cause no change.

    We know from experience that turning off spending makes TP change.

    Without knowing for sure you can never link the turning off spending is making TP to change stuff.
    First, you never know if there is really a turning off. People saying and people doing is a huge difference. Also, if you are 100% sure, how many people are we actually talking and how much of difference would it be in total?
    For example, my spending is actually going up. Who knows, how many people that recently started is doing that without actually being on the forum or in a fleet you know?

    The supposedly turning off is when the forum is 'burning'.
    So it might not be the turning off but the noise that was made.

    Everyone adding something to their name will create more effect then asking everyone to stop spending. You can be sure if someone is adding it, cause you can see it with your eyes.
    But asking to turning off spending is speculating and is a negative downwards signal.
    Webberoni wrote: »
    How are players going to effectively express their displeasure at the game's developmental trajectory through an apparent renewed sense of enthusiasm across the entire player-base?

    The only way to send a message is to stop spending. Sadly, I think there are too many players that will keep spending per usual regardless of what direction the game goes, which is why so many complaints and suggestions have continually fallen on seemingly deaf ears for years.

    They know that there are complaints but it's not productive in explaining them. I have seen it many times at other games and forums, developers or game community responsible that actually tried to explain received even more hate then positive feedback. It's better to leave it and try to solve or bring what you can and communicate that at a positive way and that's what they are doing.
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    edited November 2021
    As devils advocate, since some folks are saying that they don't get the connection for creating a super fleet to get first in an event, how about the following:

    Thanksgiving is coming up. its been mentioned above to organize a boycott on spending. How about everyone works together to encourage people in their fleets to take the Thanksgiving event off, and not log into the game or spend for the holiday? (Thurs-Mon) You know, encourage people to spend the time with other real life friends and family, things of that nature. Send a statement to WRG that the players know the power they wield.

    If that dosn't get WRG's attention, I don't think anything the players do, will.
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    Thanksgiving is coming up. its been mentioned above to organize a boycott on spending. How about everyone works together to encourage people in their fleets to take the Thanksgiving event off, and not log into the game or spend for the holiday?

    Not all players are in the United States... though I understand the sentiment around less time playing and more time familying.

    Going boldly since April 2020 | My Datacore profile
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    PeetsPeets ✭✭✭✭
    As devils advocate, since some folks are saying that they don't get the connection for creating a super fleet to get first in an event, how about the following:

    Thanksgiving is coming up. its been mentioned above to organize a boycott on spending. How about everyone works together to encourage people in their fleets to take the Thanksgiving event off, and not log into the game or spend for the holiday? (Thurs-Mon) You know, encourage people to spend the time with other real life friends and family, things of that nature. Send a statement to WRG that the players know the power they wield.

    If that dosn't get WRG's attention, I don't think anything the players do, will.

    Would only be a few people.
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    ChaosChild wrote: »

    Anyway, there's no way I'll be stabbing my fleet in the back to support this.

    Me neither! Even if I was currently in a fleet!
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    *raises hand*

    "It's not a Card Collecting game. It's a Role Playing Game!"
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    So if I'm reading this right, you're suggesting the whaliest of the whales band together to whale harder and... what? Push everyone else out? Is that it? Because that's what it sounds like.

    That's basically what BRO fleet was. It was neat as a one time thing. But as "the norm" or even as a recurring thing, it goes from cool achievement to toxic real fast.

    You're not reading it right. It's not a whale Fleet. Top 1500 is what I said. That hardly qualifies as a whale. Others have used the term "Super Fleet" but I haven't. That's been intentional. It's not what this is supposed to be. It's a coalition Fleet. Different Fleets coming together to work towards one goal. And yeah there's a goal. It's natural to have something to work towards. To focus people on an objective. Otherwise what's the point?

    The goal of 1st is simply that. A goal. In any endeavour people tend to set their sights on the highest achievement. It doesn't mean they will reach it but if I had proposed coming together to finish 2nd or 3rd, would that have been at all appealing or convincing?

    The game is boring and repetitive because of no new gameplay content in years. I simply suggested that instead of just complaining while we wait who knows how long for WRG to introduce something, we, the player base, do something different to spice things up a bit.

    How long it lasts is up to the community.

    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from Itself
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    ChaosChild wrote: »
    I've read through all this and I still don't understand what you're trying to achieve. Encouraging players to desert their existing fleets, sabotaging a bunch of existing communities in support of what's basically a vanity project? Show WRG how much the game is suffering by creating the illusion that it's thriving? Just makes no sense to me.

    Anyway, there's no way I'll be stabbing my fleet in the back to support this.

    You do understand this coalition Fleet is a temporary thing, right? It's not meant to be a permanent home for anyone. Those players joining are doing so for a specific amount of time. 1 or 2 Events. Not necessarily one after the other.

    Furthermore, I would naturally assume players joining this coalition would have spoken to their Admiral and Fleet before leaving. Especially knowing that this coalition Fleet isn't a full time thing.

    So knowing that, how is leaving your current Fleet for one Event considered deserting them or stabbing them in the back?
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from Itself
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    DAEDAE ✭✭✭
    Imo it was/is an idea to break up boredom, there was a compromise to swap members to temporarily fill slots of players leaving to participate in a temporary event based “super fleet”. …….. however this is already being done. The large multi fleet groups DDM, PTC, SOS, SE and SJ for example swap members across their fleets prior to events often for this purpose. Some even have a fleet called “elites” within the overall multi fleet group. They chose the top level players of each type of event to transfer to the “elite” fleet before event.
    Imo this is frustrating for more than a few reasons.
    First, they clutter/clog the recruit board while moving about for 2 days prior and after event.
    Second, when they do it, it is not best intentioned for all to come together. It is self serving to get their tag, fleets and squads in top ranking positions and creates a very unbalanced system for other fleets to compete fairly. Unfortunately for this reason its already a negative issue for many.
    I could get on board and support some sort of secondary temporary alliance like a subset of mini fleets or squads that any member could have access to join an additional group without leaving their home base. Possibly, (i know its too late now) such as…the new objective events, agreed it will be likely more of the same grinding and tapping just different day, alternative tiers and rewards. I know the objective events are already set as what they are/will be. But that would have been a nice way to accomplish what you suggest, alleviate those with boredom, introduce a game wide alternative for social aspects and those wanting more challenging options, without causing any existing fleet disruptions.
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     Bri Bri ✭✭✭✭
    The last event SSR welcomed some temporary new recruits from external fleets and it was really fun. Everyone involved had a positive experience with it. So I would be willing to join this if it meant shaking things up a bit from time to time.
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    John Luck? wrote: »

    If you want to be competitive, awesome.
    If you want to recruit players, fine.
    But if you want to fix the game’s issues let’s not write an essay full of fluff, invoking Gene Roddenberry’s vision for humanity along with his pretend praise for this genius idea.

    This is all smoke and mirrors. This solution doesn’t fix any of the issues you mentioned. Nor does it improve gameplay.

    The entire proposal is preposterous. “Let’s set egos aside to join my new mega-fleet so “we” can finally be number one.” It sounds more like, your current fleet can’t take the top spot so you’re recruiting under the guise of some saccharine ideas. If we’re putting egos aside, then there’s no need to play for the top spot. More over if multiple fleets were to use your banner, then how are they working together for the top spot, when there’s only place for one? Are they now working for the top spots then… if so how is this any different from normal play?

    Sorry for being blunt but it really seems like you’re trying to convince me there’s five lights when I can only see four.

    I appreciate bluntness so there's nothing to forgive. What you're not grasping however is that this coalition Fleet is not MY Fleet. Nor is it MY banner.I simply presented an idea. And yeah I'm currently the one running and organizing it. However, I will not be leaving GoT to run this coalition Fleet full time because, and I've said this multiple times, it's a temporary Fleet. As such there is no recruiting of players. People volunteer to join for the Events of their choosing. When said Event is done, these players go back to their original Fleets.

    Assuming this coalition were to last over several Events, I, like any other player joining, will not be participating in every Event. 1 or 2 Events. That's it. When I'm not participating I will make room for another.

    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from Itself
    Fleet Admiral

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    [GoT] Gabe [GoT] Gabe ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2021
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    John Luck? wrote: »

    If you want to be competitive, awesome.
    If you want to recruit players, fine.
    But if you want to fix the game’s issues let’s not write an essay full of fluff, invoking Gene Roddenberry’s vision for humanity along with his pretend praise for this genius idea.

    This is all smoke and mirrors. This solution doesn’t fix any of the issues you mentioned. Nor does it improve gameplay.

    The entire proposal is preposterous. “Let’s set egos aside to join my new mega-fleet so “we” can finally be number one.” It sounds more like, your current fleet can’t take the top spot so you’re recruiting under the guise of some saccharine ideas. If we’re putting egos aside, then there’s no need to play for the top spot. More over if multiple fleets were to use your banner, then how are they working together for the top spot, when there’s only place for one? Are they now working for the top spots then… if so how is this any different from normal play?

    Sorry for being blunt but it really seems like you’re trying to convince me there’s five lights when I can only see four.

    I appreciate bluntness so there's nothing to forgive. What you're not grasping however is that this coalition Fleet is not MY Fleet. Nor is it MY banner.I simply presented an idea. And yeah I'm currently the one running and organizing it. However, I will not be leaving GoT to run this coalition Fleet full time because, and I've said this multiple times, it's a temporary Fleet. As such there is no recruiting of players. People volunteer to join for the Events of their choosing. When said Event is done, these players go back to their original Fleets.

    Assuming this coalition were to last over several Events, I, like any other player joining, will not be participating in every Event. 1 or 2 Events. That's it. When I'm not participating I will make room for another.

    So how does this show WRG that they need to improve the game? Some people have floated the idea of a public boycott which would do more to inform WRG of your intentions than a temporary not-fleet fleet.
    WRG don't care about the leaderboard and who's on it, they care that people play and pull packs to achieve winning spots, but as for the actual members, it won't make a blind bit of difference.
    Where WRG have spoken out before is when the community is in an actual uproar. I'm talking about things like the Offer Wall, Adira-Gate. Thats when things started to hit their profits and also their relationship with the community and they spoke out and addressed things.
    There being a stagnation in development for the game is 100% not going to be addressed by getting people to fleet hop for the sake of "sending a message".
    The other point here, people who post on the Forums/Discords/Facebook...a very vocal minority. When we look at the 40,000 people playing, potentially 20k+ actually eventing. A group of, at most, 50 people stating their objectives is a very inconsequential metric when compared to the mobile gaming market, who for the most part are quiet unknowns who keep buying the daily dilithium and splurge on 20 pack deals and LTOs.
    Let's say you make this fleet, you have your UNITED flag on it, you make a full range of the top 1-50 in the leaderboards. WRG will look at it and say "oh neat" then move back on to whatever they are doing. Meanwhile the community will be fractured, lines will have been drawn, and opinions will have been made. There is a great XKCD webcomic about this very idea.


    You want change in the game? You want more action and disclosure with the development and with WRG. Don't do it against the community, do it with the community.

    You don't think that the players having to come together publicly to create their own fun in the game because WRG has failed to do it for 2 - 3 years isn't a big a slap in the face to them?

    You don't think people voicing their displeasure here isn't a call of attention to them?

    The coalition Fleet isn't just about calling attention to the issue. It's also about having fun. Doing something a little different. I don't know how many times I have to say this.

    People have mentioned a public boycott. Great. So what are you guys waiting for? Somebody take charge and organize it and put it into practice.

    Idol, why don't you use Timelines Talks to promote such an action? I only have written platforms to make statements on but you have something better. Why not use it if you're looking for WRG to change things?

    It's really easy to make suggestions. It's a lot harder to follow through on them. This proposal I put forth may very well fail and I may end up looking like an idiot. But guess what? I tried to do something. I tried to make a positive impact. I didn't just sit around moaning and groaning about the game I care about it, hoping that things get better.

    So you all can continue to criticize my proposal. Cal it stupid, call it ridiculous, call it, or me for that matter, all the names you want. But until you actually put into action the words you speak, the ideas you present, they are just that. Words.
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from Itself
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    Jenos IdanianJenos Idanian ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »

    Idol, why don't you use Timelines Talks to promote such an action? I only have written platforms to make statements on but you have something better. Why not use it if you're looking for WRG to change things?

    I mean if you watched you would know that we do...all the time. Everytime there is something wrong with the game we call them out on it as much as we have them on for Q&A. We even had a public apology from WRG_Ben on stream about the Adira-gate stuff on stream. We do hold them accountable for this stuff.
    But also it's a stream where we have a few drinks and have fun with the game and our community. Like running Charity Streams and competitions for our community, the 12 hour voyage leaderboards and shouting out top event performers every week.
    We hold the mirror up with our spoof videos and ongoing commentary with Auto's rants about various things like Suspiria and Dreamwalker Chakotay. We praise where we should, we also criticize where we should but most of all we do what we can for people who want to have fun with this game and (hopefully) provide an entertaining show along the way.

    Yeah, if Timelines Talks was just a WRG slam-fest of negativity I don’t think it would be any fun to watch or appear on. Thanks again for having me, Idol!
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    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »

    Idol, why don't you use Timelines Talks to promote such an action? I only have written platforms to make statements on but you have something better. Why not use it if you're looking for WRG to change things?

    I mean if you watched you would know that we do...all the time. Everytime there is something wrong with the game we call them out on it as much as we have them on for Q&A. We even had a public apology from WRG_Ben on stream about the Adira-gate stuff on stream. We do hold them accountable for this stuff.
    But also it's a stream where we have a few drinks and have fun with the game and our community. Like running Charity Streams and competitions for our community, the 12 hour voyage leaderboards and shouting out top event performers every week.
    We hold the mirror up with our spoof videos and ongoing commentary with Auto's rants about various things like Suspiria and Dreamwalker Chakotay. We praise where we should, we also criticize where we should but most of all we do what we can for people who want to have fun with this game and (hopefully) provide an entertaining show along the way.

    I have in fact watched the show a few times. I wasn't criticizing you or it. Or suggesting you alter its content to something else.

    All I was saying is that your voice is a lot louder and powerful than mine. Your name is much more recognizable than mine among the community. Your voice carries a lot more weight. You are Idol from Timelines Talks. I'm just some guy that barely appears here that presented this idea.

    If you want WRG to change and you have ideas then take the lead and be a part of the change that you seek. People will listen. People will follow.
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from Itself
    Fleet Admiral

    For more info on us, check our wiki page:

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    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    ... Cal it stupid, call it ridiculous, call it, or me for that matter...

    Thought you were going for Deborah Harry there. Atomic!
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    Navarch Navarch ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »

    Idol, why don't you use Timelines Talks to promote such an action? I only have written platforms to make statements on but you have something better. Why not use it if you're looking for WRG to change things?

    I mean if you watched you would know that we do...all the time. Everytime there is something wrong with the game we call them out on it as much as we have them on for Q&A. We even had a public apology from WRG_Ben on stream about the Adira-gate stuff on stream. We do hold them accountable for this stuff.
    But also it's a stream where we have a few drinks and have fun with the game and our community. Like running Charity Streams and competitions for our community, the 12 hour voyage leaderboards and shouting out top event performers every week.
    We hold the mirror up with our spoof videos and ongoing commentary with Auto's rants about various things like Suspiria and Dreamwalker Chakotay. We praise where we should, we also criticize where we should but most of all we do what we can for people who want to have fun with this game and (hopefully) provide an entertaining show along the way.

    Yeah, if Timelines Talks was just a WRG slam-fest of negativity I don’t think it would be any fun to watch or appear on. Thanks again for having me, Idol!

    I would totally watch a Timeline Talks that went full Waldorf and Statler for an episode. For those who don’t know who they are: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statler_and_Waldorf
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