Take My Chrons, Please! Now working with STTEVE!
in Ready Room
You're probably thinking, "Wow, how could Take My Chrons, Please! be better?"
Here's how:
The maker of STTEVE has created a file format that is designed to work with TMCP - this simplifies the update process so much you'll have even more time to tap your way to Timelines success!
What is Take My Chrons, Please!?
This spreadsheet will help you to know exactly what items you need to farm to get ready for Galaxy Events, speed up your Intel farming for Skirmish Events, or even just know where you need to spend your Chrons to level up your crew. All you need to do is import your datacore info, and fun is just a click away!
Just follow the instructions in Google Sheets (after making a copy of course), and you'll be ready to go in no time.
Here's how:
The maker of STTEVE has created a file format that is designed to work with TMCP - this simplifies the update process so much you'll have even more time to tap your way to Timelines success!
What is Take My Chrons, Please!?
This spreadsheet will help you to know exactly what items you need to farm to get ready for Galaxy Events, speed up your Intel farming for Skirmish Events, or even just know where you need to spend your Chrons to level up your crew. All you need to do is import your datacore info, and fun is just a click away!
Just follow the instructions in Google Sheets (after making a copy of course), and you'll be ready to go in no time.
Any ideas?
I see both items in my copy of the TMCP tool in the sheet Summary.
I also see the line "Medical Scanner 0" and I believe that it is some... "residue?" from previous version of the tool. I think that you can ignore it and @Brosnhos could delete this line from the tool.
The issue with Starfleet Uniform 0 is similar, but I missed assigning that one to an era (it should be TOS). It's been corrected as well.
@Mirror Sanoa , you can grab a new copy from the same location, thanks for being the eagle eye and catching those issues! There is still some manual labor to get the items with duplicate names cleaned up.