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Fleet Boss Battle



  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Wizzdome Hey Wizzie, that change will be in Patch 9.2.0 which will come even later. The patch that's coming in 10 days is Patch 9.1.0 and fixes other things furst. :)
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • WizzdomeWizzdome ✭✭✭
    thanks for clearing that up. much apreciated.
  • Okay, a couple of quick things that would make things a whole lot easier...

    1. When someone tries a crew for combo, remove that from the list of crew or lock that crew from anyone else trying that crew so the attempt does not go wasted. (maybe add a red dot or something to signify that it has been attempted.
    2. There are a few traits with an enormous amount of possibilities... Federation, Starfleet, and Human being the most troublesome. I would like to suggest to remove these traits from being the main trait selected for a node on the chain. (this way a fleet wont spend all of their valor trying to unlock a single node) [{this really hurts a fleet's ability to finish a battle 100%)}]
    3. Today I found a node that used the the same crew on more than one node... (this should not be possible) It should be made that the same crew cant be used twice in the same chain. (that will end a lot of confusion and make things easier)
    4. I was under the impression that when a trait is no longer required it would then be greyed out. It is hard to pick the right crew if you don't know that a trait that has been used is required. ( I suggest to leave all traits lit up until they are no longer needed in the chain instead of if they have been used.)
    5. I have also noticed that sometimes there are are two of the same trait available and if one has been used both will become greyed out. (I suggest removing the ability for a chain to have any duplicate traits displayed)

    That is about all I have been thinking lately. You guys are doing a great job and I am having a lot more fun working with my fleet now thank I have in a long time. I hope you take my suggestions into consideration, as I only wish to help make the game better for everyone. I am sure that is also your goal as well...

    Thank you,
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wizzdome wrote: »
    Okay, a couple of quick things that would make things a whole lot easier...

    1. When someone tries a crew for combo, remove that from the list of crew or lock that crew from anyone else trying that crew so the attempt does not go wasted. (maybe add a red dot or something to signify that it has been attempted.

    All good, but this one is best.
  • Sven LundgrenSven Lundgren ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wizzdome wrote: »
    Okay, a couple of quick things that would make things a whole lot easier...

    3. Today I found a node that used the the same crew on more than one node... (this should not be possible) It should be made that the same crew cant be used twice in the same chain. (that will end a lot of confusion and make things easier)

    My fleet had this happen last week also. The crew was Fifth Dimension Invader.
  • Good day! Just an idea that might help fleets with 'low activity Captains" enjoy Boss battles (or at least, control them a little better): In my fleet (yes, thinking about jumping ship - so to speak) we have 4 separate level boss battles going on at once. Does anyone think it would be reasonable to have only the Fleet Admiral start a boss battle? It might forge a little control over when/where/if a Boss battle will be initiated. Maybe think about the programming that only allows a Fleet Admiral to allow/start an upgrade for a bonus for the Starbase Bonuses. Appreciate input or advice for the 'powers that be'.
  • JoeSage 2JoeSage 2 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    They are updating to ONLY Officers/Admirals starting FBBs in v9.2.0 ... can't wait ;-)
  • Is DB wanting members of small fleets to abandon them for larger fleets if we want to advance our bridge? Why can't we create a way to farm materials to replicate items for our Bridge? We do it in virtually every other area of the game. And if you want this aspect to remain a collective fleet event, then let the items come from Fleet Boss Battles. "X" amount of Magnesite (+ chrons and credits) will get you Kemocite. And "X" amount of Kemocite (+chrons and credits) will give you Bilitrium. Etc. DB, why would you not want to do something like this for all players of STT? I do not understand.
    A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.
  • B
    A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.
  • First off, a huge thank you to everyone who conceived of and implemented FBBs! This is the most fun I've had with the game since I first joined and all the away missions/voyage dilemmas were brand new. I love the collaborative aspect. I interact far more with my fleetmates than I did before, and we've done a good job of pulling together and figuring out nodes and strategies for maximizing damage.

    Thoughts on some of the suggestions here, plus a few of my own:
    Wizzdome wrote: »
    1. When someone tries a crew for combo, remove that from the list of crew or lock that crew from anyone else trying that crew so the attempt does not go wasted. (maybe add a red dot or something to signify that it has been attempted.

    This would certainly make things easier. On the other hand, I understand if this was intentional design to necessitate communication/collaboration within the fleet.

    The tricky thing is, in-game chat isn't well-suited for this level of communication. I'm not sure I have a good alternative here; while many fleets use Discord or outside communication tools, ideally I'd like a way for players to be able to handle everything in-game if they wish. One option would be to allow players to manually mark crew they've already tried in a way that removes them from other players' sidebar options. (This would only work if players could *only* tag crew they had in fact tried; otherwise fat thumbs and mis-clicks would make an utter mess of things.) Another would be better in-game chat, but I don't have any ideas for implementation on that.

    What bothers me more, though, is that the crew in the sidebar contains all traits in the original list (including traits that have been greyed out)...and while I wouldn't mind quickly checking the lists against remaining traits, this is impossible to do since the crew selection panel covers up several traits. I use Datacore to avoid this issue, but again, it would be nice if players had an in-game solution that worked. Simply not displaying crew with trait combos that are no longer possible strikes me as the easiest fix.
    Wizzdome wrote: »
    3. Today I found a node that used the the same crew on more than one node... (this should not be possible) It should be made that the same crew cant be used twice in the same chain. (that will end a lot of confusion and make things easier)

    I haven't run into this, but agree 100%.
    It would be great if we had more Expedition Events, if the galaxy map were expanded and undiscovered systems were opened up, if there were more puzzles and more away team missions! Give us new stories for voyage dilemmas (I know what’s what without even reading now) and make the choices have consequences—right now, it doesn’t matter what you choose, you get stuff. Thanks

    As a future development idea, this sounds fabulous to me. Or maybe even something similar to the FBB mechanic, but with different flavor...so the fleet needs to cooperate to, say, evacuate refugees from a planet, or to explore a new solar system, etc. Obviously this would need a different resource than ship attacks, but collaborative puzzle-solving like nodes could fit in quite nicely. That's a long-term thought; for now I'm sure you have your hands more than full with refining the existing new feature...but figured I'd toss the idea out there.

    Thanks again to all who worked on this feature - myself and my fleet have really been enjoying it.
  • Maybe something to consider for the future of this section of the game... What happens when you are maxed level and still doing fleet boss battles??? Does your inventory just build up with useless materials or are they usable in the replicator?

    I have a couple of other concerns I have seen through my fleet...

    1) Not being able to attempt other nodes on chains after activating a node.
    This should be taken off of the game. Allowing people to make multiple attempts is going to help the game progress. For example, I have the only Kabali in the game with the Kabali trait and apparently no one in my fleet had it... I pulled it from crew retrieval just to clear a node for the kabali trait or else our battle would have been bottlenecked.

    2) Valor... Honestly people would be more active and contribute to battles more if you gave them more attempts... Would it be too much to ask for 8 valor instead of 4 there are lots of people who play the game daily and if you want to be fair after 12 hours you have 4 valor... 24 hours you have 4 valor but missed out on 4 more... I think 8 is the perfect number to keep fleet members working together.

    3) This is a personal question about the way these bonus chains are set up. I am curious if it is just a combination of the traits of if a specific crew is picked for each one of the nodes... For instance If a node requires Robin Lefler, could it also be filled with Commander Scott, as they have the exact same traits?

    4)How bout fleet rewards for Boss Battle Participation. Maybe even an Achievement, or, and a Campaign (daily reward)....
    Fleet mission = Attack Fleet Boss 50 times / 100 times / 150 times (reward 50 gives kimosite, 100 gives bilitrium 1, 15 gives bilitrium 2)
    Fleet mission 2 = Defeat Fleet Boss 1 time = 2 valor / Defeat Fleet Boss 2 times = 4 valor
    Daily Mission (campaign) = Attack Fleet Boss 1 time, attack 3 times and attack 4 times... (if you up to 8 valor as I said earlier you could increase those numbers) give same as the fleet mission rewards for this one...
    Achievement = Attack Fleet boss (Incremental rewards) 10 times = 50 merits, 50 times kimosite, various resources for rewards for achievements to help advance the player and give a bit of a reward for playing.

    Just my thoughts and ideas at the moment. Thanks again for listening and making this work. You have been doing a great job and I look forward to seeing this progress further.

  • One more thing, as this is starting to really bug me... can I get an ETA on the next client update? I have tried everything to get all my fleet to do only 1 battle at a time, but for some reason maybe even out of spite people are opening and starting every single battle on the list and nobody is getting the rewards that they need. They get plenty of the other resources that they don't need but as a whole this is really putting a strain on my fleet status. I finally have a full fleet with the capability to do these battles and they have shown me that it is possible, but I cant get them all on the same page... Lots of them do not wish to use Discord, but The in-game chat only proves effective while it is live. (example... if no one is on and someone logs in the chat is blank. If no one talks while a crew member is online there are no notifications for chat. There is no way to send a message to someone who is not online. I don't think half of them even read the message of the day telling them which boss to focus on so really nothing is working for me and I am excited to some control of my fleet in order to actually help them advance in the game.

    Sorry this is winded, but I am really frustrated to the point I am ready to give up trying. I hope that this new update comes quick any info about it's release would lift my spirits...

  • WizzdomeWizzdome ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Another suggestion to fix the bottleneck in bonus chains...

    1) Reroll chain. Possibly make it so that if a node contains something nobody in fleet has that the Admiral or an Officer can re-roll the chain for Dilithium just as you would reroll bonus after chain was completed. This would restart the chain completely clearing out all previous attempts. And allow another try to get through the chain. This would help with bottlenecks...

    2)Allow unlimited tries to unlock nodes. This in conjunction for giving out rewards for completed nodes to those who completed them after boss battle is over, would make it more competitive within the fleet. But would also allow for bottlenecks... to have some release. However it does not solve the problem of what to do when no one in the fleet has the appropriate crew for a node.

    3)Make extra nodes after opening one available to try by spending a resource for extra attempts.
    This could allow people to contribute again if no one else can. However as well as the second idea it does not solve the problem as well as the first.

    > I do however want to encourage the idea of adding node rewards to FBB rewards. This I think will encourage people to keep trying.

    > At first I thought it was a good idea to limit all fleet members to one success per battle. Giving everyone a chance to both participate and contribute. However with the fact that people can reroll their bonuses maybe think about removing attempt restrictions. And maybe this would go well with my first suggestion of rerolling chains.

    [Rerolling Chains]

    Rerolling chains could also help fleets change the main bonus that everyone starts off with. This could be helpful instead of just one person (like rerolling bonuses) but the whole fleet. I would suggest to make this a feature for officers and admirals though so that there is some control on who can perform that action. The idea of giving out rewards for solving nodes should also help motivate people to try and solve the chains. If a chain is rerolled, anyone who solved a node before that chain was rolled will still get credit for the solve. At end of battle a reward can be given by the amount of nodes solved in that battle. For anyone that did not solve a node no reward will be given, try your luck next time.

    Another feature that might help bottlenecks...

    Fleet having problems solving a node? Too much time passed trying to solve it? Now there is no chance of even beating the boss??? Add a Retreat! button for Admiral or Officers allowing the clock to be advanced to the end, rewards claimed and start the battle over in order to try and do better. Being that we have players in this game from all over the world. Chances are that not everyone in fleet is always on and sometimes things just get out of sync. This would be a nice way of pulling together when a bunch of people are on and would like to try for a better start in the boss battle...

    That is about all I have for now... hope these ideas can help fix some of the issues I am seeing in my own fleet.

  • Please, we have a mid sized fleet and battles are nearly impossible especially when I have people starting the lower level battles and splitting the few resources we have so nobody wins. We need a way to stop people from starting battles. or restricted to officers and we need it NOW!
    I also agree that 4 valor max is horrible. 8 does indeed sound like a more manageable number at least for those of us that sleep at night and wake up and max we get is 4.

    I have had to demote people and threaten to remove otherwise active people from the fleet just because they keep starting the easy battles and therefore take valuable resources from higher battles. Please give us control over this. It is hard enough unless you have a "Super Fleet". I feel like we are being punished for not having a large fleet.
  • Admirals should have more control over message boards, for me it is a faster and easier way to get quick messages out to the fleet in general, it lets me highlight the outstanding crew of the day, display motivating words of encouragement. There is just not enough space or characters allotted to the message board, any help here would be great, so far it has helped with getting fleet on same page. I think now there is only 32 characters, maybe boost to 50-100?
    maybe expand the ranking to allow admirals to reward those making improvements like earning a ribbon for display, so other fleet members can attempt to achieve. Ranks should be expanded to include, lieutenant, commander, (captain), major commodore, and vice admiral (two pip admiral).
    This in my opinion would help boost morale of the fleet. Allow admirals to give ribbons or something to that affect when a fleet member achieves a twenty-hour voyage for example.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Please, we have a mid sized fleet and battles are nearly impossible especially when I have people starting the lower level battles and splitting the few resources we have so nobody wins. We need a way to stop people from starting battles. or restricted to officers and we need it NOW!
    I also agree that 4 valor max is horrible. 8 does indeed sound like a more manageable number at least for those of us that sleep at night and wake up and max we get is 4.

    I have had to demote people and threaten to remove otherwise active people from the fleet just because they keep starting the easy battles and therefore take valuable resources from higher battles. Please give us control over this. It is hard enough unless you have a "Super Fleet". I feel like we are being punished for not having a large fleet.

    Long overdue, and the "we don't know when" is getting very old now. Had a guy join us today apparently for the sole purpose of starting all the boss fights then he left. This really needs to stop.
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • I do wish something would be done about the time limit, especially for smaller fleets or less developed fleets. That, or alter the reward structure slightly (as was done on Brutal). Otherwise, some fleets are just going to be stuck in spots as they cannot destroy the boss at higher levels.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
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