Fleet Boss Battles Difficulty Tier Rewards
in The Bridge
Hi, i am a super casual player who admirals a small fleet that only has 2 active players in it. I don't have time or ability to recruit, and i have no interest in switching to a fleet where i'm not the boss. I've been looking around for screenshots of the the rewards offered to the fleet at each level of difficulty to see if ti's worth spending dilithium to kill the boss on my own. So right now I am obviously just getting the "easy" rewards for doing 800K+ damage after the timer runs out.
It would cost about 3500 dilithium for me to kill the boss on my own and move up to the next difficulty. What are the rewards for the next tier? Are they worth spending that kind of dilithium to get on a regular basis rather than the ones i am getting now?
Thanks in advance.
It would cost about 3500 dilithium for me to kill the boss on my own and move up to the next difficulty. What are the rewards for the next tier? Are they worth spending that kind of dilithium to get on a regular basis rather than the ones i am getting now?
Thanks in advance.
I'm headed out, but, if no one posts the Normal rewards before I get back, I will then.
Level 1:
- Resources needed: 42 Magnesite (estimated)
- Buffs (3): Shields (0.8%), Attack (0.8%), Damage to boss (4.8%)
Level 2:
- Resources needed: 112 Magnesite
- Buffs (4): Accuracy (0.8%), Hull (0.8%), Evasion (0.8%), Reduce damage from boss (4.8%)
Level 3:
- Resources needed: 280 Magnesite, 20 Kemocite
- Buffs (5): Attack, Shields, Antimatter, Reduce damage from boss, Damage to boss
Level 4:
- Resources needed: 350 Magnesite, 20 Kemocite
- Buffs (5): Attack, Shields, Accuracy, Hull, Reduce damage from boss
Level 5:
- Resources needed: (20+30+40+50)x5 = 700 Magnesite, 20 Kemocite
- Buffs (5): Accuracy, Hull, Evasion, Antimatter, Damage to boss
Level 6:
- Resources needed: (30+45+60+75)x5 = 1050 Magnesite, 20 Kemocite
- Buffs (5): Evasion, Antimatter, Attack, Shields, Reduce damage from boss
Level 7:
- Resources needed: (50+75+100+?125?)x5 = 1750 Magnesite (estimated), 20 Kemocite, 20 Bilitrium***
- Buffs (5): Attack, Shields, Accuracy, Hull, Damage to boss
...You get two Bilitrium if you beat Brutal 100% (and no Bilitrium for anything less than that), so you'd need to spend however much dilithium it would cost to get to level 7, then beat Brutal 10 times to completely upgrade level 7, and I think it's 20 more Bilitrium for level 8. After that, you get into Bilitrium II (****), which you can only get on Nightmare. And I expect at some point there will be a resource you can only get on Ultra-Nightmare.
Bottom line, this game mode just doesn't care about people like you. I'm in a fleet with 50 people (usually at least 35 participate in a coordinated attack), and even we have to spend a little dilithium to beat Brutal. It would take you a whole lot of real money to make any meaningful progress on your bridge. If you're doing it because you want Demo Man Scotty, that's your choice. But if you're just doing it for the buffs, they're incredibly minor and probably not worth it.
That's what i'm looking at: Is it worth spending the money here, or is it more efficiently and wisely spent on other parts of the game that garner better rewards and that actually effect the game as the whole rather than this whole self contained mini-game?
My opinion would be yes. Although I should clarify that bridge rewards do affect other parts of the game, but only to extremely minor degrees. Like, you'll get bonuses to your antimatter that might make your voyage go like one minute or two longer. So for that kind of reward, I don't think it's worth this much dilithium. And plus, if enough people like you don't bother playing fleet battles at all, they may eventually decide to change it in a way that will make it more achievable by people who aren't in full, prosperous fleets.
It's funny how high the requirements are. I seem to recall from the demo video a comment from Ben about the Ultra Nightmare being nigh impossible, yet, it will become mandatory at some point.
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I've lost interest in this new feature. Our fleet is stuck at Hard and can't get the Brutal. We are getting numerous players stuck at Bridge 7 and can't progress any further.
I'm at Level 6 and I have one Scotty so far and will likely never get past this point to get at least a secoond star on him.
Our fleet is also reporting that the point earned in battle are reduced when posted. This is easiest to check on your first attack on a new Boss. The amounts are small but reduced.
I put a ticket in on this and haven't heard BOO!!!!
I’ve also seen discrepancies between my earned battle points and posted battle points.
I can't see any improvement in damage over 6 levels of play with the same crew.
It seems that ftp and weak fleets are limited to playing lesser crew.
Apparently the only prizes are Scotties on levels 5 7 and 9 and lots of unobtainium in the stratosphere!!!
My fleet beats Brutal all the time, though it takes longer than hard. We can beat Hard much quicker. And we beat Nightmare once. The issue is coordination. It took us a while to get everyone to realize that if we are all attacking the same thing at the same time, we will win. Now that we are on the same page (or at least on the same chapter), we are more successful. We made a coordinated attack on Nightmare with most of the extra ten tickets, and took it out in half the time while some were still working on Hard. I'll bet we can easily do it easily now in 24 hours.
Part of the idea was to have fleets working together. That concept works. At first, there was no need for fleets. Then Starbase bonuses made it very useful to be in a fleet. Now, with boss battles, it is important not just to be *in* a fleet, but to be *part of* a fleet. A fleet of 50 individual captains worked fine before. A united fleet gives you much more, now.
I have no answers to the small fleets. Some merge. Some recruit. How does one start a fleet today? No idea. But we were complaining that there was no reason to have a unified fleet. Now they gave us one.
That doesn't make any sense, it's just a mathematical thing that you lose a certain amount of antimatter every few minutes once you've extended beyond the ability for your skill values to beat the hazards.
I’ll give a recent example.
I failed a 12 hour voyage with 5 minutes left. 20 extra Antimatter won’t make up that shortfall. 20 antimatter will usually give me one extra Hazard. If I succeed at that Hazard, then I can continue my Voyage. 5 minutes is three Hazards. There’s a 60% chance you’ll get a hazard you’ll likely pass. Pass all three and then I get a chance of getting a Super Rare Dilemma.
Which then promptly gives me replicator rations. Which is far, far worse than any mistake they’ve made in Fleet Battles.
PS The boss would die quicker if you gave me a replicator ration bazooka.
In my opinion boss health, starting from BRUTAL is way too high. Make things challenging is 1 thing, but makeing it impossible to get without heavy dilithium use for 99,9% of all fleets, is just a mood killer and leads to frustration.
This is by far the worst pay to win yet, and even as a Day1 player and someone that has spent 30k+ on this game, i m not willing to pay the redicilious amount dilithium needed(plus u need other crazy fleet mates doing the very same) to finish the bridge.
If you offer reasonable priced packs with the needed bridge ingridients i might think about it, but otherwise NO WAY!
The first one is merits , the second one replicator ration.
Not worth the dil.
And, if you want to get past Normal, you will be spending a lot more dil.
You should also know, on Normal, you will need to do 50% damage to collect the new resource , one Kemocite.
Here is the combos to unlock at Normal
The rewards at Normal
In our fleet we have found Hard is easier & faster to kill than Normal, simply due to the fact that more of us have 4* crew in our active roster. Over the last week, we have killed a number of Hard bosses without bothering with the Chains or spending Dil.
Damage varies based on your Captains bridge level - but with the optimum setup outlined in the REady room thread - most folks should be able to hit 3-4M damage
Ya, a lot of captains have been saying Normal is tougher than Hard.
But, to OP it is not worth spending the dil. to get stuck at Normal with not much in rewards and then have to spend even more dil. to get to hard.
Is it possible to beat Brutal without spending and making all the Combos like we can with the Hard Boss?
However, 3M is a low figure for a Sphere. You can also hit a Boss 11 times in a 24 hour period. Spending DIL will make up for fleets with inefficient ships/crew and smaller participation.
My fleets making decent headway on our 3rd Brutal kill right now. I’ve had some weak attempts. I had a battle last 75s but only did 600k damage because I was using trash crew to unlock as many nodes as possible. Despite that I think I can still do 35M by tomorrow morning. I definitely have fleetmates who have spent DIL but we’re avoiding doing so in the early portions of the battle. We were also gonna start the fight later. Someone started it early but leaving it alone for 3 hours gives an extra valour.
The prizing doesn't match the effort. So far I have a 1* legendary and some bits and pieces.
I say MEH!!!