Mixed Ship Behold {New Thing in the Portal} 20220919

A Behold containing Ship Schemes from 2021 costing 350 Dilithium per Pull. Not something I would gamble on with my luck, even if I had the Dilithium right now. But, they are trying new things. Even if not all of the new things are everyone's cup of Earl Grey, at least they are doing new stuff.

EDIT: Added info from the paragraph above the list of Schemes. Includes the info that the Behold will contain ONE "new" Scheme, and others for ANY Ships in the game.

EDIT: Added info from the paragraph above the list of Schemes. Includes the info that the Behold will contain ONE "new" Scheme, and others for ANY Ships in the game.
"The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
Buyer beware.
I went back and looked. It does say that in the paragraph above the list of Schemes. I did not notice, Or I would have included that, too. Here it is:
Even from 9 to 10 is what, 1800 Schemes?
As always it's a balancing act between a good deal that will make money on quantity of players purchasing a few packs vs a bad deal that will make money on a small number of players throwing a lot of money at it. And as always, WRG opts for the latter.