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Best use of SR Citations?

ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
I have 43 super-rare citations. (44 This morning).

I'm going to immortalise all super-rare rank event crew the week I get them, rather than leaving them at 3/4 for a year.

I have been thinking about this a fair amount as I did this during the last mega if there was only 3 of 4 available in the event. I also cited Doctor Kovich and then I didn't open the mega packs at all. I think that worked out better for me even with the discounted 390 dil packs. I have found the 950dil discovery packs a much better use of dil as they give me a legendary I need about 85% of the time.

My crew is advanced enough that any legendary that isn't 5/5 is basically worthless, so it's about getting as many to 5/5 as cheaply as possible. Obviously, targeting the mechanically best or my favourites where I can, but in general sheer bulk wins out because it's about filling those collections.



  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    Best use is

    Any exclusive crew, which is just the voyage crew, particularly Colonel Worf, Dr. Leonard McCoy, Ensign Picard, Fierce Guinan. These are particularly hard to get, and it may be worth just finishing them off. They can be frozen, and never used again.


    Exclusive crew will never be in the portal, so will not (currently) be Needed for FBB battle node clearing.

    Crew that are used to create fused crew, mainly Evolved Janeway and the Bynars.


    It will probably be cheaper to use 5* cites to finish Indulgent Seven, and Reunion Spock and Kirk, which is what I did.

    The only one of these I have not finished is the Bynars.

    Crew not in the portal, and unlikely to be added on the next update.
    These will just take up space in your crew manifest, which could be better used for 4* crew that are in the portal, and used for node clearing, or space for 5* crew. If they are part of a collection, then so much the better. There are now 67 or less crew that are not in collections.

    I will not be wasting cites on 4* crew in the portal, especially ones at 1/4.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Personally, I've reached the space where there are very few 1/4 that I don't have finished. So when the portal updates, being able to immortalize the few missing purples when I actually get one is going to be my focus. The odds of getting a specific purple is tiny and getting even smaller as we go, the odds of getting 4 of them is nearing absurd.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    I initially used them to cite the 3-dilemma voyage-exclusive crew, since waiting to get 4 of each naturally was nuts. I didn't have crew slot concerns back when the 2-dilemma voyage-exclusive crew were introduced and didn't have to wait too long to get those copies naturally, but I suppose they could also be good candidates.

    I will often use the cites during faction/skirmish events to immortalize and freeze the new SR crew, rather than using dil to buy event packs, especially if I didn't get the new 5* crew the week prior.

    Beyond that, I have hoarded them and been able to use them to immortalize and freeze other new SR crew that I started building via packs/voyages, whenever I'm facing a crew slot crunch. I hate to do that though, since it does seem like a waste to burn cites on crew who are already in the portal (but I personally hate the idea of using dil to buy crew slots in a card collecting game even more).

    1. voyage-exclusive 4*
    2. new event 4*
    3. non-portal 4*
    4. portal 4* only if absolutely necessary for crew slot space
  • I wait until a collection tier is within stone's throw, and then if purples are an option to get me there, I have a stockpile to get me over the line. Being able to use an extra 1% on a skill weeks or months earlier than I naturally would is fantastic.
  • Kim_Novak.IIKim_Novak.II ✭✭✭✭✭
    Non portal
    Upcoming event crew that need a last star that will be of vital use
    The last one or two that will finish off a collection

    I wouldn't bother with citing up voyage crew as they will come eventually unless they are vital for finishing off a collection goal
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    Where my cites have gone:

    1. Voyage exclusive 4* crew - all now done.

    2. Fuse crew for Evolved Janeway (done), The Bynars (at 3/5), Indulgent 7 (only for * #1 - the rest with 5* citations - done); Spock and Kirk (still to start).

    3. New, non-portal 4* crew that are part of more than 1 collection. e.g, yes to Pollard and Ndoye, no to Croden.

    4. Save 'em up, i.e., I don't use them for any 4* that is available in the portal.

    I was a bit loose with #3 for a while, just citing all the new Faction or Skirmish crew but stopped that as I have enough crew space as is (276/305). Ideally, I want to hold on to 9 4* citations so that I can finish The Bynars and start Spock & Kirk when the crew drop for me.
  • Kim_Novak.IIKim_Novak.II ✭✭✭✭✭
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    Where my cites have gone:

    1. Voyage exclusive 4* crew - all now done.

    2. Fuse crew for Evolved Janeway (done), The Bynars (at 3/5), Indulgent 7 (only for * #1 - the rest with 5* citations - done); Spock and Kirk (still to start).

    3. New, non-portal 4* crew that are part of more than 1 collection. e.g, yes to Pollard and Ndoye, no to Croden.

    4. Save 'em up, i.e., I don't use them for any 4* that is available in the portal.

    I was a bit loose with #3 for a while, just citing all the new Faction or Skirmish crew but stopped that as I have enough crew space as is (276/305). Ideally, I want to hold on to 9 4* citations so that I can finish The Bynars and start Spock & Kirk when the crew drop for me.

    JMO but the bynar are DEFINITELY not worth wasting cites on. They are amongst the worst crew out there. Just let the copies come in packs

    This also applies to lizard Janeway as Janeway is quite common, Paris not so though so he should always be the 1 copy used

  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    All good advice.

    I have been using them on 3/4 event crew that I know won't be in the portal for a while. I haven't broken down and cited a bunch of crew yet since none of them will help me. So unless a collection will advance by citing or they have a slim use for an event, I just don't bother. I am afraid that the easily obtainable 4* citations will stop at some point.

    As for the Binars: I know they are the most useless of 5* crew, but I have a 3/5 Binars without ever using a cite. It is an absurd and needless pride of mine to do so. I need one more of either 4* Binar to get another star on the 5* one.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    All good advice.

    I have been using them on 3/4 event crew that I know won't be in the portal for a while. I haven't broken down and cited a bunch of crew yet since none of them will help me. So unless a collection will advance by citing or they have a slim use for an event, I just don't bother. I am afraid that the easily obtainable 4* citations will stop at some point.

    As for the Binars: I know they are the most useless of 5* crew, but I have a 3/5 Binars without ever using a cite. It is an absurd and needless pride of mine to do so. I need one more of either 4* Binar to get another star on the 5* one.

    I’m with you. I froze the Binars without using a single cite, and also managed to immortalize lizard Janeway without using any cites.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Interesting. I have anyone exclusive except Fierce Guinan already finished. I am completing the recent mid-week events that get you one and picking up the monthly one in campaigns and I already have about 10 or them sitting there so clearly they are less rare to me than they seem to be to most.

    I have been away for a long while so I am getting tons of new SR crew (but it's not an issue, I also have 500 crew slots, which is what happens when leap dil and a slot sale happen at the same time), so I think I will just continue to use them en lieu of buying event packs when I don't have the Legendary already.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    The game will give you the Voyage crew eventually. I never used a single citation on them and I have immortalized all of them. If you really want them, pool your tokens and do super long voyages. After getting the easier ones you can start choosing options that eliminate the later part dilemmas. Your target is the 3 part dilemmas. Getting the last couple I was typically doing 1 day voyages.

    My SR citations choices are:
    1 - Faction Event crew that I want to immortalize during the event.
    2 - Faction/Skirmish Event crew that have some collection value.
    3 - Helps finish a collection tier.
    4 - Non-portal crew. I very rarely buy packs but sometimes its better to just get the crew in the freezer faster.
    5 - Multi-part 5* crew. I've done it the hard way (Lizardway) but it can be demanding on space so sometimes I spend citations (JohnBynars, Indulgent 7, Spork).

    My last few citation burns were:
    Ndoye, Pollard. Collection value and needed space. Pollard finished a tier as well.
    Heist Bashir, Nurse Janeway. Topping off Resourceful tier. Also helped me towards Costumer.
    Next choice will be Pirate Tendi. I need 3 cites but I'm pretty close to a Costumed tier and she's non-portal.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Kim_Novak.IIKim_Novak.II ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don't bother waiting for Anxious Kirk. He can be a tough card to get, although can pop up on voyages now & then.
    When you have enough copies of him or can cite him, just do so, the cite the fused crew

    Once you do cite fuse crew & voyage crew, then you will start getting them all the time! Sod's law

    I have all portal crew done. Just finished off Geordi La Creed. 1* huntress will be next up unless the next pack contains a better collection crew. Until then, just wait for a portal update & let my packs grow
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think it really depends on where a given player is with their crew development. Something I haven't seen mentioned yet worth considering is prioritizing freezing non-optimal 4* crew (i.e., ones you don't need for Fleet Boss Battles because other crew cover their skill sets). For instance, Doctor Chapel only helps with one collection (Do No Harm) and only has one skill (MED). But her skills are Fed, SF, Human, and Physician--easily covered by dozens of other crew. If I was managing citations today, I'd at least consider citing her just to get her out of the way.

    I fused the Bynars the old-fashioned way, but I'm mindful that I did that before Fleet Boss Battles. There were weeks on end when I had half a dozen crew slots taken up by Zero One and One Zero, waiting for enough copies of one of the two to drop to fuse for the next star. I couldn't imagine carving out space for all of them today, especially given that the fuse card is, as acknowledged, utterly useless. I'm doing Indulgent Seven now and often irked having three slots occupied by a 2/4 Indignant Seven and two 1/5 Mobile Doctors.
  • Kim_Novak.IIKim_Novak.II ✭✭✭✭✭
    Merge crew that include a 5* crew are where I just cite them up
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭

    JMO but the bynar are DEFINITELY not worth wasting cites on. They are amongst the worst crew out there. Just let the copies come in packs

    This also applies to lizard Janeway as Janeway is quite common, Paris not so though so he should always be the 1 copy used

    As someone who's been playing since 2016 ... pretty much all 4* crew have little value outside of their collection additions ... hence #3.
    This means that my citations build up quite fast considering I don't spend Dil on Tuesday packs (see below) ...

    Furthermore, as someone who hasn't put money into the game in years ... my last campaign purchase was Tourist Tucker ... I've had really bad luck in getting the Bynars through the few packs and 1000s of voyages sent ... with only around 10 coming my way it has been a slog to 3/5 ... I open 1 purple pack a week (from event rewards) so it will take a long, long, long time.
    I had the opposite luck for Lizard Janeway and completed her really fast after she was released ... she's been long frozen.
    I'm still waiting for my first Anxious Kirk to drop too ... the "luck" of the loot tables ...

    Now if you talk about 5* citations I'm more frugal ... I won't cite Gauntlet crew even though I'm still only at the likes of a 3/5 Locutus (just drop for me already and stop giving me a millionth Armus or Caretaker! sorry, random loot frustrations) and a 2/5 Red Angel, etc. heck, I don't even have 1 copy of the tribbled Klingons!
    I probably won't cite voyage Chakotay either ... just use him in the odd Gauntlet etc.

    So yes ... in my case the Bynars (and other fuse crew) are and have been worth it ... outside of voyage exclusives ... all 4*s will make it into the loot pool, so if you have enough patience you don't need to use a single 4* citation ... but what in the world am I hoarding 4* citations for them?
  • Kim_Novak.IIKim_Novak.II ✭✭✭✭✭
    RaraRacing wrote: »

    JMO but the bynar are DEFINITELY not worth wasting cites on. They are amongst the worst crew out there. Just let the copies come in packs

    This also applies to lizard Janeway as Janeway is quite common, Paris not so though so he should always be the 1 copy used

    As someone who's been playing since 2016 ... pretty much all 4* crew have little value outside of their collection additions ... hence #3.
    This means that my citations build up quite fast considering I don't spend Dil on Tuesday packs (see below) ...

    Furthermore, as someone who hasn't put money into the game in years ... my last campaign purchase was Tourist Tucker ... I've had really bad luck in getting the Bynars through the few packs and 1000s of voyages sent ... with only around 10 coming my way it has been a slog to 3/5 ... I open 1 purple pack a week (from event rewards) so it will take a long, long, long time.
    I had the opposite luck for Lizard Janeway and completed her really fast after she was released ... she's been long frozen.
    I'm still waiting for my first Anxious Kirk to drop too ... the "luck" of the loot tables ...

    Now if you talk about 5* citations I'm more frugal ... I won't cite Gauntlet crew even though I'm still only at the likes of a 3/5 Locutus (just drop for me already and stop giving me a millionth Armus or Caretaker! sorry, random loot frustrations) and a 2/5 Red Angel, etc. heck, I don't even have 1 copy of the tribbled Klingons!
    I probably won't cite voyage Chakotay either ... just use him in the odd Gauntlet etc.

    So yes ... in my case the Bynars (and other fuse crew) are and have been worth it ... outside of voyage exclusives ... all 4*s will make it into the loot pool, so if you have enough patience you don't need to use a single 4* citation ... but what in the world am I hoarding 4* citations for them?

    Unless you bother with the captain arena, the only useful purp is Ardra & 1 or 2 others for Gauntlet.

    Yes Anxious Kirk is a total pain. I was lucky & got him in the 2nd or 3rd pack
    No point in citing(or picking if there is another option in begolds) any type of gauntlet crew - drop or portal as they are pretty much useless outside of gauntlet

    Everyone's case is different. I only buy Tuesday packs if there are a few 5* I need & a new 4*

    Waiting for the portal update
  • Cpt dxCpt dx ✭✭✭
    A: Tier 1A Fuses (K+S, Indulgent)
    B: Roster management (I track who can bump other cards below various thresholds for shuttle and voyage. THough, citing 4* to bump people is a rarity now with a mature roster. This took a long time, a couple years, so the rest of these are more or less funsies)
    C: Completing not-yet-in-portal collection-heavy 4*
    D: Evolved Janeway
    E: Byars
    F: Haven't gotten here yet but likely just anyone who needs to be cited to be completed and bumped off roster.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've been finishing non-Galaxy SuperRares with them mostly. Since they won't be in the Portal until at least the next Update.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Best use? On those not yet in portal. I use it on the sr from events where we only get 3 copies. But then again. It is more or less all i can use them on ;-)
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