Gauntlet Beholds Are Live!

in The Bridge
I just had this appear on a three streak. I don't know if it's always current crew +2, or that's just what I got from RNG.

Mariner is not the current exclusive.
If I understood it correctly:
The new behold may, or may not, contain the new exclusive, but the chance it does is greater than 50%.
New Gauntlet guy, I want but will not be too disappointed.
Edit: should have been not the current exclusive.
I've been working on a dupe of locutus. It doesn't show on the display, but I have a second copy at 3/5. So I took him.
Ransom from the episode where he became a god is the new Gauntlet Crew.
I got my last Balok needed the other day before this was implemented so happy
I'm curious as well. Might be the hardest Crew so far to "avatar".
Hopefully will look awesome.
It's in the game, now. Or at least the little snapshot, since don't have him yet. Be nice if we could get a good look at the avatars we don't have yet.
I can imagine it will be popular.
When I got my Balok, I placed 122.
It's pure luck
You must have the greatest RNG seed in the world. I have never heard of anybody getting even half as lucky on a consistent basis as you do.
First thing I’ve gotten from the Gauntlet or Voyages since my birthday in January.
Took Guinan, right?
Now up to a 60 streak. No Crew drops.
After almost 2 years, I got the 5th Caretaker…
About to buy RNGesus a Starship.
As I said, pure luck. I hardly played, ended up in 122nd played & got Balok out of 2 rewards
Yeah. Bylo has had 200+ streaks with nothing. Maybe I'll have some luck with Chests after. Bouncing around top five today.
Finished eighth place. No BeGolds to post. All three Chests were 3 🌟 Items.
See my picture in the first post. I had both a 5/5 and a 3/5 unfrozen. It showed the 5/5.
I once got a streak to 51 and got 3-star trainers. That's when I stopped going for streaks.
Someone once suggested gauntlet should have a probability bar for crew drops that increases with wins, just like scanning does for constellation finds. I thought that would be a great idea.
Crew eventually drop, but you can't count on them to drop in any single gauntlet. Regardless of how long your streak is or how high you finish.
I do streaks for as long as reasonably can but I've reset plenty of streaks by throwing an exhausted crew to the wolves. Extended streaks are good for triggering your snake brain but not much else.
If WRG posted actual odds then I may change my ways. Technically, they should do that since there are loot boxes which are obtainable with dilithium.
Let's assume you finish 2 or 3rd in every gauntlet for a month. And let's assume on average that yields 1 crew. That means 45 vaults yield one drop, so an implied rate of 2.22%. The true odds could be better or worse, but this feels like a reasonable guesstimate as a starting point.
Assume finishing 10th has the same odds of a crew as finishing 11th. In reality 10th should be better, odds so the numbers below will be even worse.
That means 1 crate has a .95% chance of dropping a crew.
Crates are the best you can get from a streak. So lets ask, how many crates do you need for a 90% chance of getting a crew.
You need 240 crates for that 90% chance. But crates only drop every three wins, so you need 720 straight wins, plus the 20 just to get to crates. So a 740 win streak for a 90% chance.
What are the odds of a 50% chance. Well that's 72 crates, so 216 streak + 20 = 288 wins.
The numbers are super high. You're not going to be pulling these kind of long streaks to guarantee a crew drop.
If you want crew, you're going to need to be accumulating these crates and vaults over the course of a lot of gauntlet rounds.
The only statement is on the chests, and as I stated that does not mean 3 of the better will give a better chance of 7 of the next, for the 5* crew.
As I’m sure you already know, it’s all random. I’ve found that streaks are better than loot boxes (at least for me). I’ve hit on streaks of 3, 21, 39, etc., but missed on streaks of 60 and 138. It will hopefully come our way. 😂
...if the boxes awarded to winners actually have the best chances to win cards. So their plan seems to be to try and entice people to spend dilithium to buy their way up the leaderboard which is something more and more people will have to do to get passed the growing walls of 65% Ransoms guarding the top...
...except we have plenty of "data" to know that victory boxes are not the way to go. Take it from somebody who spent a small fortune of dilithium "buying" over 36 1st place finishes chasing Archer only to not get a single copy, victory boxes are not good. And we have further "data" from many successful Gauntlet hunters that streak boxes are the way to go if you want to win the cards, and chasing streaks requires dilithium to keep those streaks going when you lose...
...except if you are already willing to pay dilithium to keep streaks going to chase cards, as long as your selected cards are strong enough to conceivably win a matchup it doesn't really matter if you have the shiny new card because you're going to have pay either way to beat them...
...except you don't really have to beat them because winning the card is not important due to the victory boxes they would theoretically help you acquire are bad.
So seriously, what is the plan WRG? You've designed a frustration machine that demands payment and generates unsatisfying results for the both the winners AND the losers. The winners get cards they don't really need for anything, and the losers miss out on getting the cards they apparently want and cannot get. The plan seems to be no plan.
I was unable to catch First Flight Archer when he was in theaters, when is he coming out on Bu-ray?