This was YOUR mistake, Tilting Point, not ours

Since it's been a few hours & everyone is apparently afraid to say anything, I'll bite the bullet.
Tilting Point: the 65 dil 10x pack today was YOUR error - it was your mistake. You screwed up. You posted the offer - whether it was a mistake or not, that's 100% on YOU.
You, Tilting Point - have 2 options: Option 1 is the good / moral choice. Option 2 is the evil, greedy, and immoral choice.
Your choices, Tilting Point:
1) say "our bad! we made a mistake. it's on us." no punishments or penalties will ensue to the players.
2) punish anyone (or a select few) who took part in it - either monetarily (Di lithium) or by banning them, or some other form of penalty.
I've been playing since 2016. Never in this game's history have you chosen Option 1. You've always chosen Option 2.
So what's it gonna be, Tilting Point? Show everyone who you are.
Tilting Point: the 65 dil 10x pack today was YOUR error - it was your mistake. You screwed up. You posted the offer - whether it was a mistake or not, that's 100% on YOU.
You, Tilting Point - have 2 options: Option 1 is the good / moral choice. Option 2 is the evil, greedy, and immoral choice.
Your choices, Tilting Point:
1) say "our bad! we made a mistake. it's on us." no punishments or penalties will ensue to the players.
2) punish anyone (or a select few) who took part in it - either monetarily (Di lithium) or by banning them, or some other form of penalty.
I've been playing since 2016. Never in this game's history have you chosen Option 1. You've always chosen Option 2.
So what's it gonna be, Tilting Point? Show everyone who you are.
Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
And I don't feel sorry for it, not for one second. And yes, it was necessary to get ahead of them, before they act, so it can be public.
TBH, your comment was confrontational towards me - for some reason - although I don't know you - how ironic.
lol. okay. I don't care what you think of me, at all. None. Judge & hate away. I'm unphased.
You, Wildstar - have 2 options: Option 1 is the good / moral choice. Option 2 is the evil, greedy, and immoral choice.
Your choices, Wildstar:
1) say "my bad! i tried to capitalize on a mistake. it's on me." accept whatever punishments or penalties will ensue to those who knowing exploited over X number of packs.
2) make asinine threads pretending that you have have no personal agency or responsibility for acting like a fool.
I've been playing since 2018. Never in this game's history have the kind of people who make these threads chosen Option 1. You've always chosen Option 2.
So what's it gonna be, Wildstar? Show everyone who you are.
lol. Yeah, no, it doesn't work like that. Nice try. If there's a public offer, it's the responsibility of the one putting out the offer to make sure it's correct, not the ones who are purchasing it. If you walked into a store and they had a sign that said 50% OFF! and you went to the checkout and got 50% off - that's on the business, not the consumer. The consumer did nothing immoral.
It's amusing to see this turn into a personal attack. It's like the whistleblower getting hated on for exposing the abuses of the company they worked for, by other workers.
Did I prick your conscience?
Airlines don't need to honor quoted fares and will cancel tickets purchased at the wrong price.
The TOC for this game lets TP do a ton of things after the fact. The entire trait audit and changing(especially removing) traits is a change to something purchased. But TP is allowed to make the change.
Even the NYSE will reverse trades that were done when a bug causes a stock price to be wrong.
This would really make it feel like a player’s choice.
What a total smooch youve planted on wrg bens glutes. Hard to tell where you end and he begins, if you catch my drift.
If WRG bans people because the people gave them the dilithium that was advertised as the price, then, thats pretty darn petty. Cant be more than 10,000 people who play this game, they didnt lose anything especially considering the mega dilithium that can be earned through the offer wall (olay anyone?)
But seriously automaton200 (see what i did there?) you need to stay in your lane and stop defending a company thats making ridiculously bad business decisions.
I’m just upset I missed out on 65 dil packs! We already have packs reduced to 450 dil, so who is to say this wasn’t a fun hump-day deal?
They acted honourably then. No reason to think that they will fall back into their old, less honourable way of handling their mistakes.
And, Kim is absolutely right. Just leave the price as it was released. Good will is priceless.
Dang. If only Gotham city's stock exchange worked that way, Christian Bale Batman would still be a billionaire...
Let's not be aggressive about something that hasn't actually happened.
So you are basically saying that ALL the player who bought packs at 65, no matter how many, are greedy?! That is a LOT of players! Pretty bold statement 🤨
Glanced through the moral arguments made, and it seems like it's a moot point. Many states have laws on the books that state a retailer must honor a pricing error in favor of the customer after the transaction is complete, and cannot attempt to reclaim the actual cost or the goods sold. It apllies to online purchases and digital purchases too, since Amazon and digital media storefronts have to comply as well.
The absolute most a retailer can normally do it catch the mistake before order fulfillment Nd cancel the order and state it was canceled due to an error, and even that has legal ambiguity, as most retailers likely aren't allowed to do it, but to it anyways because there are just too many transactions for the law to properly enforce the illegality of canceling orders due to pricing errors.
How far this extends into fake currency in a video game is unclear, but I'm guessing that enough people bought the dilithium they used to buy these packs today, and rolling back all of it could lead to needless legal arguments for the company about how how legal "dilithium" is, in the same vain as when Disneyland got smacked hard back in the day over "Disney Dollars" and how they were restricted use, unrefundable, and a bunch of other funny legally ambiguous things.
Probably won't not work reversing today's mistake is all I'm saying.
Don't both quoting me, as I probably won't log in again for another two years.
Hiding behind a guest account?
And yet some customers are being punished anyway; some players exploited an offer which others did not have access to due to the relatively short time window. Either way, there is a level of unfairness.
It’s actually a galaxy event. Not sure if it’ll have a huge impact.
FWIW I will say that at least on my account the price for the "Buy 10" was listed as "65 dilithium" not just the buy again tab. I think this is a distinction worth noting because when I first clicked on the purchase it "65" not "650" and didn't say "650" until later in the day.
Probably the best quote to come out of this thread. :-)
This was true for me as well.
It could have been a faction event & the card in question could have been Torres