Updates about the Next client 11.0.0
STT Community
in The Bridge
Find all the Notes here: https://forum.wickedrealmgames.com/stt/discussion/21418/updates-about-the-next-client-11-0-0#latest
1. Not seing how many merits are won each gauntlet round
2. Not able to see rarity on not owned retrival options so you have to look elsewhere to make sure you do not retrieve super rares
More will most likely come
If you have any more thoughts or suggestions, please don't hesitate to let us know. Your input is invaluable in helping us improve the game.
And why is the text SO damn big
I can only select crew in the green area for boss battles. Scrolling is the only way to select crew in the red area. I am on Android.
This issue has been reported by other Captains as well, and our team is aware of it. Please let us know if you encounter any further issues.
Thank you for your understanding and patience!
Thought I posted this?
IS not the easy solution to point 2 just to put (if you have them) a legendary node into one of the slots?
Agreed — this was an absolutely terrible idea! I don't want it to sort by the default skill first (which is what appears to be happening) because often the best crew for that slot is someone who'd be much closer to the top if I just clicked a different skill. For example, perhaps for Chief Engineer I want to pick the person at the top of the SCI skill who happens to only have very low ENG numbers. But because of the fact that it's forcing the ENG skill for this, however, I then have to scroll down further to find the crew I want.
Don't try to fix something that wasn't broken!
I can see the stars in crew retrieval on crew I don't already have, the same as before.
I like the crew search on for voyage selection, sometimes I know which crew I need, but can't find them. I also like the trait search.
As said above, the skill choice is bugged, I cannot unselect the skill of the slot the crew is in. If I have a dip/com gold/silver trait voyage, my med seats still want to put med in.
You can't put a crew without MED skill on a MED seat, never could. That's why. It makes absolutely sense.
Yet with all the updates, they still haven’t fixed the random floating boxes that cover up the screen during ship battles…
The only missions that are showing correctly are for Section 31. The rest still have the VP showing, don't know if they'll actually award the points or not.
The bonus crew are also all messed up. The Section 31 missions are showing the event bonus from next week's event (Scoundrels and Lower Decks). The other events are not showing any bonus crew at all.
It seems like everything's been set up for next week's event, rather than continuing this week's. Section 31 missions are valid for next week as well as this week, the other factions are not.
I can only assume that this is another bug introduced with v11.
EDIT: Strangely, this only seems to be an issue with one of my accounts. My main has the problem, my alt does not. Don't know if it's relevant, but my main is a squad lead, my alt is not.
It's not just the display. The bonus crew are definitely borked.
Breaking things that went smooth for years and now even making them harder…like seating voyages and stuff, is just……🙄
New one is either designed by a non-player (highly likely) or very glitchy as it won’t alllow me to deselect the gold trait across all 12 seats drastically reducing my available crew.
Also it no longer defaults to highest available AM ship which while fixable requires input today that wasn’t required yesterday and just leaves an opportunity to send out a 4* ship instead of always picking your best
I second this.
@STT Community please please please please……..
put the voyage skill selection back how it was ASAP. No default skill selection.
A search bar is nice but not at the expense of the ability to freely chose my own optional crew.
If this is a skill preset issue relating to the voyage event it needs to be separate. Regular voyages were not supposed to change. This drastically alters the players ability to select the crew they want or set a voyage how we want.
We do not like this.
The issue is the sort order. Before, when you clicked on (let's say) MED, the crew would be shown in order of MED totals. That's useful. Now, you click on MED, you get all the crew that have MED in an apparently random order. Possibly they're in order of total skill scores, I can't be sure on that one way or the other.
We need crew to be sorted based on the skill that we select. That should be easy enough to implement, surely? If we select two skills (for a total of three highlighted) then sort by the first one we select, then by the second. THAT would actually be an improvement over what we had before. But what you've given us so far is definitely worse than before.
The skills we select will almost always be the primary and/or secondary for the voyage, so of course we need to see the best possible scores for those skills. This should have been obvious, if any of the developers actually played the game, which they obviously don't.
Agreed. Your written description is somewhat more clear. We are all talking about the same issue. It is a matter of how we describe it in written form.
Of course only medical skilled cards are in the medical selection so in a way it is the “primary skill” of the voyage seats. There is also the “primary” gold and “secondary” silver skillset for each voyage designated by each voyage.
Example: cmd/diplomacy skill voyage.
When you (were) filling the med seats previously you could easily change the medical skilled cards to dip or cmd stats strength, being calculated first. Therefore the medical stat became secondary in the sorted list.
But on the other hand the voyage is asking for cmd/dip primary and secondary skills to be the gold and silver for that particular voyage.
Now, the “primary” skill designated by the voyage seating arrangement of med is not able to be optionally sorted by designated voyage skill. Therefore when you also click cmd you still obtain med stat numbers as first sort, cmd second.