Cheating… what’s TP doing about it?

in The Bridge
Over at Big Book, my fleet mate Namer has posted this….. “[SSR] Callimachus has been observed crafting items in under 0.5 seconds on average over extended periods, with even faster rates during uninterrupted bursts. Irrefutable evidence of this has been submitted to TPG. This is an unprecedented and unmistakable case, leaving no room for interpretation or doubt.
TPG now has the opportunity to take decisive action, perhaps for the first time, and demonstrate their ability to control the integrity of this game by addressing at least the most blatant instances of cheating. Failure to act on this case would mark the most severe mismanagement of this game to date.”
Can TP please comment? Cheating is unfair on the rest of us that spend our time and cash on this game…. Fir someone as talented as Namer to quit, and fir the community to loose such a talented web developer of tools like Big Book isn’t good news.
TPG now has the opportunity to take decisive action, perhaps for the first time, and demonstrate their ability to control the integrity of this game by addressing at least the most blatant instances of cheating. Failure to act on this case would mark the most severe mismanagement of this game to date.”
Can TP please comment? Cheating is unfair on the rest of us that spend our time and cash on this game…. Fir someone as talented as Namer to quit, and fir the community to loose such a talented web developer of tools like Big Book isn’t good news.
It's a game for crying out loud. Grow up! I look forward to see what happens on Jan 6th!
There is no need to invalidate the concerns of others, nor is someone’s concern of lesser value because it’s a game.
Whether the outcome of the accusation is supported or unfounded, TP needs clear and honest communication with a player base that IMHO does not trust that consistent action is taken to prevent dishonest game play.
I’m not saying anyone cheated, and we don’t have access to what was sent to TP. I just want clear information on what TP does to prevent dishonest gameplay, (outside of choose xx character), possibly what metrics they use when making the determination of dishonest game play, and what they do if that determination is made in the affirmative (during or after an event).
If they were that confident that the player cheated, they would share their evidence. As @Puknuti said, calling someone a cheater is a big thing - even more so when you have seemingly done so in the past!
There were fools like you on Discord too, then evidence was shared there and they all shut up. In the shared instance, the accused crafted items worth 400k VP in 15 minutes without turning in rare items. This went on all throughout the event and TPG has all the data.
And I have never once said that the accused is innocent or guilty.
Just that namer not stepping up after making such allegations is very questionable
And thank you for being so polite! 😇
with taking the website down that so many rely on, he is prety much blackmailing TPG to take action
Yes, he’s such an a^*%ole 🙄 Dude single-handedly built the entire thing and provided that service to everyone free of charge. How entitled can you be? Go back to clowning school.
Tilting point wont do anything about it, though. In a week or two the litte chatbot will pop in and say “hey, it wasnt our intention to hurt your feelings, and these notes have been shared with the team.”
For everyone else, i highly recommend not spending any money in the short term. If big book is down, you can bet that it is a kiss of death to the game.
Is TP going to officially say anything?
You know it is possible to reply without making insults?
Just because he created the website that gives him a free pass for life?
2 is abit of an over-estimation. Neither of those jokers are spending more than 20% of their workload on this game.
I disagree. He’s publicly called out a player as cheating, and preemptively tried to dismiss any lack of action on it as illegitimate by claiming to have proof.
That’s a direct attack on an individual, and a blatant attempt to get the community to put pressure on TP to act.
Proof should be shared. Failing that, it’s just bullying, manipulation and grandstanding.
So you average 7400 points every 60 seconds, So if someone was scoring 50k points in under 60 second would you think this is a human tap, tap, tap, tap, or click, click, click, clicking, or more likely a bot/macro helping boost someone's score for a period of time, before switching back to normal game play.
38k points in 54s, from top left and top right in the 6 screenshots that's x6 more than Puknuti scores when they get 1m points in 135 minutes. Would 6m points in 135min at the same pace be acceptable?
I would genuinely appreciate it if someone can
explain how there can be any certainty on this point about it not being the super rare items that explain what's happening here.
The rate of VP accrual that's in dispute doesn't seem to be incompatible with the sort of spamming SR turn in that usually happens at event end, and the amount of VP involved also feels plausible if the previous VP had come from normal crafting. It wouldn't even need to have had particularly high success % for crafting the super rare.
There's actually a quite simple way to tell if someone is earning their VP from turning in rare rewards or from crafting recipes. It's a method I employed myself when I earned the #1 finish in a Galaxy event this past year.
All you need to do is note someone's VP on the leaderboard, then check back a little later; subtract their lower VP score from their higher one, and see if the total is exactly divisible by 1025 (the amount of a crafted recipe) or by 4850 (the amount from rares once you reach the highest level).
You've made several accusations of others cheating in an attempt to discredit Namer on another thread for the original event. Yet, have provided no proof yourself.
Hypocrisy be thy name 🙄
When I go through those scores in the left column, it comes out to exactly 277 sets when divided by 1025.
277 sets / 11.65 minutes =23.777 sets/minute.
60seconds/23.777 sets =2.523 seconds for a single set.
The column on the right comes out to exactly 345 sets when divided by 1025.
345 sets/14.25 minutes=24.211 sets per minute.
60seconds/24.211=2.478 seconds for a single set.
Is my math correct? That can’t be correct… It isn’t my strongest subject. 😂
Again, I’m not accusing anyone. Just looking at the data posted on here.
not questioning your solution at all, but what if they are cashing in both recipes & rares?