. I don't need promises like "yes, we will try to do better"; what I want is clear answers to specific questions......we should prepare a list of serious questions and ask Erin to answer them.
I don't object to this approach. But given that Erin told us that there would be a "slight" reduction in chrons in voyages in future and an increased chance of getting crew, who is going to trust any answers she gives? It will take more than words to get me spending on this game again.
For me, it's F2P from here on out. I am VIP14 x4, but the attitude that DB exhibits towards the player base has turned me off from ever spending anything else here. I participated in the first DB:DB campaign, but am past the point of no return for a second. I simply don't care anymore.
So, I think that we're getting two sets of complaints here that can be categorized as things you don't like about the game vs. things you don't like about the company. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and everyone in this thread has valid points.
I don't think that we'll ever all get on the same page about why we are protesting. Ask two people holding signs at an animal rights rally why they're there and you'd get two different answers. I think that all we need to focus on is DB Doing Better.
How is that quantified? I frankly have no idea. I'd like to see error-free events. I'd like to stop sending new support tickets like almost every week. I'd like to see the company shout from the hilltops when there's an error and give fair, equal compensation to those impacted.
But that's just me.
If you're going to join the picket line, do it for the following reasons:
You are angry. DB needs to know that. The why is important, but that fact alone should make them sit up and take notice.
You feel like the value proposition has changed. When people buy things, they do so because they perceive value in whatever it is that they're buying. If the company inherently changes that value to be less somehow, be it through making premium content free or through diminishing the ability to enjoy that purchase, customers become upset. The last thing you want a customer to feel is that they don't want to give you money or that you don't appreciate the money they've already given you. If you feel that way, DB needs to know that.
You understand that DB is metrics-driven. DB studies data in order to ascertain what products or events to offer. If Discovery makes a lot of money, we start getting Discovery characters. If galaxy events are profitable, everything becomes a galaxy event. If galaxy events stop becoming profitable due to an influx of voyage chrons, voyage chrons get nerfed. If nothing else, if you are not spending this week in protest, please put on the DB:DB tags so that DB doesn't think reruns are unprofitable. The absolute worst case scenario that can come from this is that people don't spend, DB doesn't see a lot of tags, and their takeaway is that "oh, they must not like reruns" instead of "oh, they're really cheesed off." See the first bullet.
There have been a lot of really excellent posts about how DB has messed up and why and what people want to see instead. I think that everyone has a different moment where the straw broke the camel's back. But I also think that the overall fact that there are a lot of straws out there is something that is very important to communicate.
How is that quantified? I frankly have no idea. I'd like to see error-free events. I'd like to stop sending new support tickets like almost every week. I'd like to see the company shout from the hilltops when there's an error and give fair, equal compensation to this effected.
Maybe this video by TotalBiscuit about the lootboxes will help people decide which cathegory, from the ones SilverRose listed, they fit in. Even if not... just do yourself a HUGE favor, listen to the final 14 minutes of the video and see just how many similarities will you find with STT. This is not meant as a clickbait, nor is it meant to promote TB. It is something I really like listening to whenever DB/STT becomes too unfair for me, and I start feeling cheated out of my money - like the current PIcardgate, which I am positive will result in no return for the 25 Euros I have spend on a star for our favorite (albeit mirror) Captain.
For me, it's F2P from here on out. I am VIP14 x4, but the attitude that DB exhibits towards the player base has turned me off from ever spending anything else here. I participated in the first DB:DB campaign, but am past the point of no return for a second. I simply don't care anymore.
I don't think that we'll ever all get on the same page about why we are protesting. Ask two people holding signs at an animal rights rally why they're there and you'd get two different answers. I think that all we need to focus on is DB Doing Better.
How is that quantified? I frankly have no idea. I'd like to see error-free events. I'd like to stop sending new support tickets like almost every week. I'd like to see the company shout from the hilltops when there's an error and give fair, equal compensation to those impacted.
But that's just me.
If you're going to join the picket line, do it for the following reasons:
You are angry. DB needs to know that. The why is important, but that fact alone should make them sit up and take notice.
You feel like the value proposition has changed. When people buy things, they do so because they perceive value in whatever it is that they're buying. If the company inherently changes that value to be less somehow, be it through making premium content free or through diminishing the ability to enjoy that purchase, customers become upset. The last thing you want a customer to feel is that they don't want to give you money or that you don't appreciate the money they've already given you. If you feel that way, DB needs to know that.
You understand that DB is metrics-driven. DB studies data in order to ascertain what products or events to offer. If Discovery makes a lot of money, we start getting Discovery characters. If galaxy events are profitable, everything becomes a galaxy event. If galaxy events stop becoming profitable due to an influx of voyage chrons, voyage chrons get nerfed. If nothing else, if you are not spending this week in protest, please put on the DB:DB tags so that DB doesn't think reruns are unprofitable. The absolute worst case scenario that can come from this is that people don't spend, DB doesn't see a lot of tags, and their takeaway is that "oh, they must not like reruns" instead of "oh, they're really cheesed off." See the first bullet.
There have been a lot of really excellent posts about how DB has messed up and why and what people want to see instead. I think that everyone has a different moment where the straw broke the camel's back. But I also think that the overall fact that there are a lot of straws out there is something that is very important to communicate.
Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire
Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
Yes, yes and yes.
Edit; I have timestamped it correctly, at 28m24s, but it doesn't start from there... sorry. Or if you want to shorten it, 30m00s is a good start.