Sound Clip Request for Dukat Personae
Travis S McClain
in Make It So!
I don't have much of a strong interest in sound clips, but the more I think about a line of dialogue from "The Maquis, Part II", the more I feel that Dukat should have it:
"I'm not just any Cardassian. I'm Gul Dukat, Commander of the Second Order."
Should probably be easy to cut it off after his name, as there's a slight pause before he adds, "Commander of the Second Order". That would 1) make it more applicable to the three Dukats we have, since in none of those personae was he involved with the Second Order, and 2) shave a little off the duration.
"I'm not just any Cardassian. I'm Gul Dukat, Commander of the Second Order."
Should probably be easy to cut it off after his name, as there's a slight pause before he adds, "Commander of the Second Order". That would 1) make it more applicable to the three Dukats we have, since in none of those personae was he involved with the Second Order, and 2) shave a little off the duration.
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But if we do Dukat, then please also Weyoun ... "How deeelightful!!"