FE 1/5 Cards just gathering dust in my inventory

I know this is an old problem for many, but with the increasing power creep it's burying these people deeper and deeper in my pile.
All of these cards are 1/5 and fully-equipped.
These, I don't think I've ever used:
23rd Century Martok (Won in his event, don't judge!) ** Just saw a wall of this guy in gauntlet on my alt account.
the account that doesn't have him!**
The Professor (Really like him, but he's not a strong card.)
POSSIBLY Semi-Useful:
Frank Hollander (Because of Android trait and he's Data)
Captain Morgan Bateson (Voyages)
Bashir, Julian Bashir (Possibly Voyage useful but haven't yet)
Sadly just outclassed and left in the dust:
Enterprise-E Picard (I realize occasionally he might be Gauntlet worthy)
1701 Sisko
Granted, if I were to ever fully-fuse these cards, I would have contenders! But what are the chances of that, barring honor. Which, no. Got plenty of strong newer Legendaries that would come first in line.
I guess my real issue is that eventually I'll need crew slots, but I still operate under the "never scrap a Legendary" rule. Ugh.
All of these cards are 1/5 and fully-equipped.
These, I don't think I've ever used:
23rd Century Martok (Won in his event, don't judge!) ** Just saw a wall of this guy in gauntlet on my alt account.
the account that doesn't have him!**
The Professor (Really like him, but he's not a strong card.)
POSSIBLY Semi-Useful:
Frank Hollander (Because of Android trait and he's Data)
Captain Morgan Bateson (Voyages)
Bashir, Julian Bashir (Possibly Voyage useful but haven't yet)
Sadly just outclassed and left in the dust:
Enterprise-E Picard (I realize occasionally he might be Gauntlet worthy)
1701 Sisko
Granted, if I were to ever fully-fuse these cards, I would have contenders! But what are the chances of that, barring honor. Which, no. Got plenty of strong newer Legendaries that would come first in line.
I guess my real issue is that eventually I'll need crew slots, but I still operate under the "never scrap a Legendary" rule. Ugh.
I'm going for 5* Scotty for engineering. He'll be next to level.
Will Scarlett Worf is decent too.
Besides, I’ve found that my 1/5* legendaries still get some use in voyages even when I don’t use them in the gauntlet or on shuttle missions. Captain La Forge, Wrathful Khan, Captain Pike, Orion Vina, Rogue Kai Winn...rarely or never do I use them anywhere else but they do occasionally end up on a voyage so I don’t have to burn an FF’d crew member that would be better used on shuttle missions.
If at all possible, keep them until you can fuse them and stack ‘em in the fridge. Barring that, concerning the ones you’ve listed here I’d scrap Captain Bateson first and foremost. Once he’s fully fused and leveled he’s really handy and great for Voyages but stays mediocre to low for the gauntlet and compared to other similar crew you have, 1701 Sisko and E Picard, he has far fewer traits. Plus those two, Sisko and Picard, have a ton of traits that are often useful. If I recall correctly, Bateson only has 4 total. The second suggestion I’d make is Bashir. I try never to airlock ANY legendary Medical crew though and you might want to stick to that mantra as well, but Bashir isn’t that great though he is really cool. The rest are too useful to get rid of, even at 1/5, yes, even Goonies Martok. Just my opinion.
The professor is actually pretty good for voyages, with two uncommon skills and diplomacy.
Do you have super rares/rares that you could cut instead? One-off (non-recurring characters) super-rares that don't have great stats can be targeted for airlocking; with rares male/humans are usually airlock-worthy as well.
Changeling Founder
Enterprise-E Picard
In fairness to Picard, he's a much more recent pick-up and has only been FE for about a week or so. Still, his stats being what they are, it's unlikely he'll see any use anytime soon.
At the moment, they can clog up my roster, prevent me from spending money on packs, and generally being useless.
Captain Scott is useful for me in the arena...but that is about it, since Mirror Geordi was released.