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Voyages - "working as intended"?

From the original blog post at the release of Voyages from September 15, 2017:
"Do you wish your crew was was able to explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy even when you can’t actively be playing STAR TREK TIMELINES?"

"as a player you will be able to sit back and read all new fiction in the Trek Universe in-between dilemmas, or you can go back to playing the rest of the game while the Voyages run in the background, alerting the Captain when your attention is required."

Nowhere in the blog advertisement does it indicate we'll be babysitting the final minutes-hour, or held hostage for dilithium if the game signs us out at the end of a voyage, or for any other reason - even forgetfulness. Why can't my team of professionals who I equipped and trained, figure on their own to pause before running out of antimatter, for the option of either recalling or extending?

I was under the impression that this would be some nice relaxed thing for us to assign our crew - a puzzle which I've come to enjoy - and then gather loot for us, not requiring us to be actively engaged once we've sent them out to do their thing.

Certainly not stressful, like long voyages abandoned in frustration, even after babysitting but for whatever reason unable to get back into the game in time to recall before running out of antimatter. Which by now we've observed enough in our own and each others' experiences to know is a common issue.

I know the suggestions to avoid this - I usually I set a few timers for the ends of voyages. To me, this is already not chill, and already makes it the most stressful part of the game. According to the tone of the blog post, that's not at all what was intended. But then, even that does not always succeed depending on circumstance, and I'm left to abandon a day and 700 chronitons and a string of crew and other loot, because my people don't know how to simply pause before running out of fuel.

Where is it reasonable to draw the line - Does profit excuse everything, even in a Trek game? Would the company make less without the ransom dilithium from these voyages - if it just asked us if we'd like to recall or refill when running out of antimatter, not abandon - and how much less? Or perhaps players would spend more elsewhere, or remain in the game and paying longer if they aren't discouraged and frustrated from this.


  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    It would be good if there were more notifications before voyages ran out. But ig you run enough voyages you should be able to get a sense of how far your voyages will go based on your stats and not have to worry until it gets close to that time. I agree it is a bit frustrating when you have to watch it for the last half hour but at the same time DB needs to get us to spend money to keep te game going. We are getting lots of chrons and honor every day for free if we pay attention. If you dont pay attention it will cost you dil or you may lose an occasional voyage. I have done both. Voyages can be frustrating but I think their rewards are worth the annoying parts of voyages.
    Let’s fly!
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most my DIL is now being spent on accidental voyage crashes... I don’t purposely extend them just forget when after six hours I still have 1700 AM left so it seems a waste to recall immediately (as all the good swag drops after six hours). Then life happens and two hours later you are greeted with a sparkling smoking spaceship asking for DIL to recover. I’m pretty sure it’s designed to work this way as I’ve only made 8 hours once without extensions. It would be easier if I hit six hours with 200 AM left but it’s always like 1600 so it’s designed to play on greed by making the choice difficult. So, I just refill for the occasional senior moment where the Voyage blows up or I get too busy. The remaining monthly DIL spent on event packs for faction missions where there is no community awards.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    After the 6th hour (third dilemma), I just divide the remaining AM by 22 and then set a timer on my phone for that many minutes. If the timer runs out and there's still plenty of AM, I set a new timer, same method.

    I don't extend them anymore, it's not worth it. My DIL mostly goes toward extra rounds of the Saturday cadet challenge lately.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Voyages - "working as intended"?

    Short answer - yes.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    I completely understand the concerns of the OP. I don't mind how voyages work, but it's another example of DB telling us a bald faced lie. They knew how voyages worked before the release and made up this nice sounding fabrication to get us interested. It's pretty pathetic.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    For those without the time or patience to watch their voyages, they can recall them early. If you know you can always get to six hours without running out of dilithium, then recall them right after the six hour dilemma. Or if you can only reliably go to four hours, then recall them after the four hour dilemma. You may lose a few chrons but your voyages will also return sooner and can be sent out again sooner and you will never have to worry about running out of am. Don't feel that you can't bring voyages back early. Don't fall into the casino trap and feel that you have to keep gambling. Ultimately this game is supposed to be fun. If you are not having fun from the way you are playing or the way you do voyages, change your methods. Do what works best for you.
    Let’s fly!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    After the 6th hour (third dilemma), I just divide the remaining AM by 22 and then set a timer on my phone for that many minutes. If the timer runs out and there's still plenty of AM, I set a new timer, same method.

    I don't extend them anymore, it's not worth it. My DIL mostly goes toward extra rounds of the Saturday cadet challenge lately.

    That’s very organized... I like to fly my voyagers like TOS Kirk... by the seat of my pants with a hint of imminent death to get the heart pumping.

    Ha! Yes I like the little taste of death while I’m still alive. Great way to put it.

  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    If it's so stressful, why not recall the voyage early? Poof, no stress...
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    After the 6th hour (third dilemma), I just divide the remaining AM by 22 and then set a timer on my phone for that many minutes. If the timer runs out and there's still plenty of AM, I set a new timer, same method.

    I don't extend them anymore, it's not worth it. My DIL mostly goes toward extra rounds of the Saturday cadet challenge lately.

    Exactly the same method I use.
  • XoiikuXoiiku ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    But if you run enough voyages you should be able to get a sense of how far your voyages will go based on your stats and not have to worry until it gets close to that time.

    Additionally, there is a [TOOL] Voyage Estimator, which has a web version and discord bot, to help estimate out the length of the Voyage. That said, knowing when the voyage is likely to end, is exactly not the point of the thread.
    I agree it is a bit frustrating when you have to watch it for the last half hour but at the same time DB needs to get us to spend money to keep the game going.

    As was articulated in the OP, DB could still make money by offering an option to extend the voyage. As has been proposed elsewhere, they could even offer an option to spend dilithium to begin the voyage with additional antimatter. We all understand that DB needs to make money.
    We are getting lots of chrons and honor every day for free if we pay attention. If you don't pay attention it will cost you dil or you may lose an occasional voyage. I have done both.

    It is at best an oversimplification, if not inadvertently condescending, to present the situation as only depending on a person "paying attention". It might be interesting and worthwhile to consider the plethora of other reasons someones attention, focus and time might be otherwise occupied at a given time. Additionally, there are other technical factors (internet connection, game server access and such) which can prevent people from recalling voyages in time, despite paying full attention and not having some unforeseen event derail them.
    Voyages can be frustrating but I think their rewards are worth the annoying parts of voyages.

    Voyages could also not be at all frustrating with a simple change as suggested by the post:
    if it just asked us if we'd like to recall or refill when running out of antimatter, not abandon
    We are all downstream from each other and ourselves, therefore choose to be relaxed and groovy.
    Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
  • edited February 2018
    Bah. Double post.
  • edited February 2018
    Two things came to mind reading the quote of the initial Voyages promo:

    Omg! Voyages are almost five months old?

    Read all new fiction in the Trek universe between dilemmas??? Bwahahahaha. Writing is NOT DB's forte.
  • If it's so stressful, why not recall the voyage early? Poof, no stress...
    Are you asking why to obtain the possible rewards from the crews we've spend a year or so building up, particularly the worthwhile rewards after the 6h mark? ("Why play at all?" etc)

    Without making it all about me and my own unique experience of stress with voyage failures due to an apparent lack of patience and intelligence and all that, why not just avoid this altogether by having voyages ask to recall or extend when they run out of antimatter (instead of abandon or extend)?

    I understand that:
    DB needs to get us to spend money to keep te game going.
    However that money doesn't need to come from such exploitative means. In fact, things like this turn me off from spending on packs and other things.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    If it's so stressful, why not recall the voyage early? Poof, no stress...
    Are you asking why to obtain the possible rewards from the crews we've spend a year or so building up, particularly the worthwhile rewards after the 6h mark? ("Why play at all?" etc)

    Without making it all about me and my own unique experience of stress with voyage failures due to an apparent lack of patience and intelligence and all that, why not just avoid this altogether by having voyages ask to recall or extend when they run out of antimatter (instead of abandon or extend)?

    I understand that:
    DB needs to get us to spend money to keep te game going.
    However that money doesn't need to come from such exploitative means. In fact, things like this turn me off from spending on packs and other things.

    The only reason it's stressful is because you attempt to are trying to maximize your voyage to get 100% out of it instead of 98-99%. If missing out on those last 5 rewards or so would dramatically reduce your stress levels (the self-admitted "worst part" of it), why wouldn't you? Odds are good they're just credits and trainers anyways.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    If it's so stressful, why not recall the voyage early? Poof, no stress...
    Are you asking why to obtain the possible rewards from the crews we've spend a year or so building up, particularly the worthwhile rewards after the 6h mark? ("Why play at all?" etc)

    Without making it all about me and my own unique experience of stress with voyage failures due to an apparent lack of patience and intelligence and all that, why not just avoid this altogether by having voyages ask to recall or extend when they run out of antimatter (instead of abandon or extend)?

    I understand that:
    DB needs to get us to spend money to keep te game going.
    However that money doesn't need to come from such exploitative means. In fact, things like this turn me off from spending on packs and other things.

    The only reason it's stressful is because you attempt to are trying to maximize your voyage to get 100% out of it instead of 98-99%. If missing out on those last 5 rewards or so would dramatically reduce your stress levels (the self-admitted "worst part" of it), why wouldn't you? Odds are good they're just credits and trainers anyways.

    Only partially true. As I said before, if I had 200 AM after six hours it would be easy. Having 1900 AM means you miss a lot more than 2%. Then you go about life and do stuff then boom. I don’t stress because I just fill up and go for 10 hours. But it seems deliberately set up to be a dil black hole

    I was referring to the OP who, literally, describes it as "the most stressful part of the game" (his words, not mine).
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Here is something that has bugged me since its inception: this message only appears after you have run out of AM and refilled to extend. This message should be coming up perhaps at 15-20 minutes BEFORE the AM expires. I mean, seriously, how does this message help us after the fact?


    I would like to see an "auto-refill" option when this message should come up as well.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    While I also am very frustrated by how voyages work it wouldn't be nearly as bad if the freaking notifications actually worked!!! Maybe one in 10 voyages that are close to failing actually trigger the notification in a timely manner. Usually I get nothing. I've gotten to the point where if I don't think I can get to 8 hrs (which is most of the time) I'll immediately recall after 6 hours and lose 60-100 minutes of loot.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Amphistaff wrote: »
    While I also am very frustrated by how voyages work it wouldn't be nearly as bad if the freaking notifications actually worked!!! Maybe one in 10 voyages that are close to failing actually trigger the notification in a timely manner. Usually I get nothing. I've gotten to the point where if I don't think I can get to 8 hrs (which is most of the time) I'll immediately recall after 6 hours and lose 60-100 minutes of loot.

    What device are your using? It might be worthwhile reporting that in the engineering forum, notifications have been working great for me for the last few months. You get one every dilemma and then as soon as it goes below 200 AM.
  • Amphistaff wrote: »
    While I also am very frustrated by how voyages work it wouldn't be nearly as bad if the freaking notifications actually worked!!! Maybe one in 10 voyages that are close to failing actually trigger the notification in a timely manner. Usually I get nothing. I've gotten to the point where if I don't think I can get to 8 hrs (which is most of the time) I'll immediately recall after 6 hours and lose 60-100 minutes of loot.

    What device are your using? It might be worthwhile reporting that in the engineering forum, notifications have been working great for me for the last few months. You get one every dilemma and then as soon as it goes below 200 AM.

    Not to derail but I would like to comment that you are assuming that you are not doing something else in the game. It would be nice if there were some in-game notification that a voyage was low on AM. Like, "I know you started playing Gauntlet because you were at like 330 AM and needed something to do but you forgot about your Voyage and it is down to 60AM. Hurry Up!"

    I do agree though that if Voyages are stressing you out, you have the choice to end them at any point that is comfortable and non-stressful to you.

    Member of Rise of the Phoenix.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Voyages can be weird. I have run back to back voyages with the same primary and secondary skills and everything the same stats but one voyage goes an hour longer than the other.
    Let’s fly!
  • Here is something that has bugged me since its inception: this message only appears after you have run out of AM and refilled to extend. This message should be coming up perhaps at 15-20 minutes BEFORE the AM expires. I mean, seriously, how does this message help us after the fact?


    I would like to see an "auto-refill" option when this message should come up as well.

    Agreed here...this has always made as much sense as the honor exchange rate does. Little...
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • BBBytesBBBytes ✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I always recall my voyages if I know they are not going to make it to the next 2 hour pause and there is a chance I might not get to log back in. Even if there is 1900 AM left. I'd rather have what I've got than risk it for a chance to get something useful. But then again it really depends on what sort of gambler you are.
  • 1-2% of loot ≠ everything post-6h, leading up to and immediately after ~7h50min (the approximate estimate of my voyages at present). Although I appreciate the suggestions given the current end-of-voyage mechanics, I don't see recalling at the point where the bulk of the good loot/any 4* crew drops from to be a viable option, especially when I might pass the 8th hour dilemma.

    There are many suggestions and assumptions which I attempted in the OP to preemptively answer.

    I'm truly more interested in discussing solutions to an issue which many players experience which can be avoided entirely.

    Sorry you've been missing out on loots for the bug. Notifications don't work for other players and I either, on different devices. It would be nice if they worked and consistently, and if the server never crashed or signed us out, and if life things didn't happen despite diligence, patience, alarms and things. I've never relied on the notifications as with many things in the game, I didn't expect them to work (not that they shouldn't).

    If it paused (not failed) at the end of a voyage, with the option to recall or extend, as opposed to failing then abandon or extend, these inconsistent notifications wouldn't be a thing. It would help take the burden off the players for many situations both foreseen and unforeseen (and al$o, off Customer Service workload).

    I can't see Lt Commander Dax being stuck out there in space because she needed to be told to pause before running out of antimatter. ;)
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    I can't see Lt Commander Dax being stuck out there in space because she needed to be told to pause before running out of antimatter. ;)

    Shall we make a list of all the things that are unrealistic, even in the context of Star Trek, or can we accept that this is a game, not a TV episode?
  • Dralix wrote: »
    I can't see Lt Commander Dax being stuck out there in space because she needed to be told to pause before running out of antimatter. ;)

    Shall we make a list of all the things that are unrealistic, even in the context of Star Trek, or can we accept that this is a game, not a TV episode?

    No, I cannot accept it, and for this I deeply apologize from the bottom of my heart.
  • I don't see Sloane, Lore, Guinan and the Borg Queen in a shuttlecraft running guns to the Maquis, but here we are.
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