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Voyages - "working as intended"?



  • When it comes down to it, this is a "press your luck" sort of minigame that the rewards get better the further you get. It's expensive (in time and dil) to be cheap (getting every last AM out of a voyage.)

    I like the idea of an auto continue but it should have to be turned on after each dilemma or you'll get a lot of 'I forgot' CS tickets.
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Comment moderated - It is ok to disagree, but let's not make it personal, thanks. ˜Shan

    Voyages, even post-nerf are the only thing keeping me in the game and generating enough chrons to level crew. Comment moderated, see above. ˜Shan

  • BBBytesBBBytes ✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I think (In my own opinion) that it was supposed to be designed with the element of risk. I agree that they would realize they are running out of AM and head back, however had they used say hull integrity and damage instead of AM this might have been more logical as the ships can be repaired in space for so long, but eventually you are going to require more parts and the further away from friendly space you are the less likely you will find them. As much as I hate using Dilithium or losing the loot, if they removed the element of risk, voyages purely become boring.
  • TBH I think it works exactly as intended. It's the old stick and carrot routine but the carrot isn't very atractive any more.

    Personally I think voyages was meant to be a player retention tool and encourage people to invest to get the best of it. Now in its current state it is a dil rake for the unprepared or unwary.

    Not very excited by easter eggs 1/4 space savers. Not a big fan of all the nerfs but I do think it was unbalanced and skewed towards agressive whales. Something had to be done and anything would have been criticized .

    I can agree nerfing chrons and some other items on voyages was necessary for balance but nerfing 4* character drops so hard (Also honor in general) and putting in some where's waldo easter eggs was bush league.

    Given the value of said characters in the current power creep meta what were you really losing DB? The majority of the 4* characters in the time portal are useless unless used in narrow ways like specific events. This is the only game I have ever played where they go out of their way to hold you down. It's silly.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Compare the Dilithium expenditure to say a 10x premium Voyages are far better value, ok no chance of a behold but still you spend less and get more especially for those that can make it to 5 or 6 hours on their own before a refill.

    DB also implemented a 10 minute warning for mobile/tablet ok this is problematic for steam and web based game modes - but if you know you can't make or monitor this don't unlock the last dilemma until you know you can.

    At some point you do have to play the game and not rely on automation.

    My only reservation is the voyage nerf IMO has severely affected/hampered early game players as making it difficult for say 6 mnth plus players and slightly hindered but not really changed much for 1 year+ veterans et al, for something that wasn't really necessary.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Compare the Dilithium expenditure to say a 10x premium Voyages are far better value, ok no chance of a behold but still you spend less and get more especially for those that can make it to 5 or 6 hours on their own before a refill.

    DB also implemented a 10 minute warning for mobile/tablet ok this is problematic for steam and web based game modes - but if you know you can't make or monitor this don't unlock the last dilemma until you know you can.

    At some point you do have to play the game and not rely on automation.

    My only reservation is the voyage nerf IMO has severely affected/hampered early game players as making it difficult for say 6 mnth plus players and slightly hindered but not really changed much for 1 year+ veterans et al, for something that wasn't really necessary.

    I'd love it if that '10 minute warning' was reliable.

    I've seen it perhaps twice in two weeks, and usually it's been with less than 150 AM left.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Compare the Dilithium expenditure to say a 10x premium Voyages are far better value, ok no chance of a behold but still you spend less and get more especially for those that can make it to 5 or 6 hours on their own before a refill.

    DB also implemented a 10 minute warning for mobile/tablet ok this is problematic for steam and web based game modes - but if you know you can't make or monitor this don't unlock the last dilemma until you know you can.

    At some point you do have to play the game and not rely on automation.

    My only reservation is the voyage nerf IMO has severely affected/hampered early game players as making it difficult for say 6 mnth plus players and slightly hindered but not really changed much for 1 year+ veterans et al, for something that wasn't really necessary.

    I'd love it if that '10 minute warning' was reliable.

    I've seen it perhaps twice in two weeks, and usually it's been with less than 150 AM left.

    It seems designed to trigger when it goes under 200 AM (which will be, approximately, 10 minutes depending on where your skills are relative to the voyage). I've always seen the notification, but there seems to be some issues on different devices.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    When it works, it’s kind of a crappy notification - instead of a pop-up saying “your voyage is under 200 AM” or something, it tells you it’s already failed. That’s frustrating, however momentarily it may be.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ironically, while I was reading this, my phone beeped at me and remined me I had a voyage out. I just recalled it. The warning isn't perfect and does not work if I'm in a different part of the game, but it has saved me several times. If they were really just trying to get dilithium, they wouldn't try to warn us.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    It seems designed to trigger when it goes under 200 AM

    It's definitely 200 AM, and if you pass a hazard and go back over 200, the voyage screen indicator changes back to normal.
  • Voyages can be weird. I have run back to back voyages with the same primary and secondary skills and everything the same stats but one voyage goes an hour longer than the other.

    This is annoying, it feels like I'm having the rng rubbed in my face.
    ~ seeking out new life
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Capt Ajamm wrote: »
    Voyages can be weird. I have run back to back voyages with the same primary and secondary skills and everything the same stats but one voyage goes an hour longer than the other.

    This is annoying, it feels like I'm having the rng rubbed in my face.

    Agreed. I have noticed that there is a huge range in how much primary skill drops compared to secondary skill. Sometimes they are near the same amount with primary only dropping 10% more, other times primary drops 60% more.
    Let’s fly!
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