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Command Wrap Kirk

I posted this in the sticky about wiki edits, cause I wasn't sure.

But, we all like a conspiracy? I was looking for a 2-3* Cmd crew with the attack Battle Station Boost and so per the wiki I drag 3* Kirk out of the freezer, who I put in there long ago.

The kirk I got out of the freezer has the accuracy Battle station boost. How does one know if the wiki is right or wrong. If the wiki is correct, he was changed.


  • This change happened a long time ago, in fact, I think it was when they rebalanced the battle arena. It surprises me that the wiki was never updated.
    First Officer - Task Force April
    Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
  • This change happened a long time ago, in fact, I think it was when they rebalanced the battle arena. It surprises me that the wiki was never updated.

    It stands to reason, though, since Command Wrap Kirk was added at launch and has likely been frozen and forgotten by most of the core Wiki contributors by now. Everyone else just kind of assumes that the core contributors are on top of every addition and revision made. Keep in mind that just as the game loses players to burnout, so does the Wiki. Older entries are at risk of not being kept up to date.
  • kobakoba ✭✭✭
    Game's changelog would do the trick. But DB usually changes stats silently.
    Leader of the Czechoslovak Fleet (Starbase level 134). We are recruiting!

    My Cryostasis Vault
  • But, we all like a conspiracy?

    Conspiracy? O_o

    The wiki is player-made and, while we try to keep it as up-to-date as possible, the game is huge, we have collected tens of thousands of stats across hundreds of crew pages, and DB doesn't detail the stat changes as they happen.

    Your conspiracy boils down to "players are not omniscient", so instead why not correct the wiki yourself? It's not hard.

    Otherwise feel free to send a personal message on the forums to someone who contributes to the wiki (such as myself) explaining the discrepancy. We'll be happy to correct the stats.
    "Dance with me. For science."
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    But, we all like a conspiracy?

    Conspiracy? O_o

    The wiki is player-made and, while we try to keep it as up-to-date as possible, the game is huge, we have collected tens of thousands of stats across hundreds of crew pages, and DB doesn't detail the stat changes as they happen.

    Your conspiracy boils down to "players are not omniscient", so instead why not correct the wiki yourself? It's not hard.

    Otherwise feel free to send a personal message on the forums to someone who contributes to the wiki (such as myself) explaining the discrepancy. We'll be happy to correct the stats.

    Thanks to those who maintain the wiki! It's an invaluable resource.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • But, we all like a conspiracy?

    Conspiracy? O_o

    The wiki is player-made and, while we try to keep it as up-to-date as possible, the game is huge, we have collected tens of thousands of stats across hundreds of crew pages, and DB doesn't detail the stat changes as they happen.

    Your conspiracy boils down to "players are not omniscient", so instead why not correct the wiki yourself? It's not hard.

    Otherwise feel free to send a personal message on the forums to someone who contributes to the wiki (such as myself) explaining the discrepancy. We'll be happy to correct the stats.

    The conspiracy bit was meant in fun, as people tend to have pitchforks at the ready, and I don't mind watching them rampage. I did post first in the sticky thread here on the Bridge about wiki edits first. As to changing it myself, I might have the technical skill, but not the knowledge of whether I have accurate information. I sent Kirk back to the freezer. :smile:
  • The conspiracy bit was meant in fun

    Oh, I see. You looked at the players who have sunk hundreds of hours of their free time into building an impressively large and comprehensive wiki and thought that it would be "fun" to speculate whether they're part of a conspiracy on the ground of their unacceptable lack of omniscience.

    I now see it's... hilarious. 10/10.
    "Dance with me. For science."
  • No the conspiracy bit is about DB not telling us about changes. Some are caught right away. Others, well who knows how many unnoticed tweaks are out there.
  • No the conspiracy bit is about DB not telling us about changes.

    I wouldn't confuse conspiracy with laziness.
    "Dance with me. For science."
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    The problem is how many people are involved in changes. Also I do not know if DB had put an effort in making sure all crew changes/item changes make it to us. This would actually require someone to authorize any changes. And for them, to have a file that is archived when changes are released and a new file with current info created. The need for software tools to automatically create a file with the items changed and crew effected by change as well as new crew or changed crew (other than item)

    As far as wiki, I and others have gotten lazy about recording new crew who use old items. That is you go to old item, and there it tells you which crew and at what level they use items. I suppose whenever we need to fill in missing items for new crew, we need to go to the old item and add the new crew.

    Edit: Started doing some of Commander Thelin’s but boy if we did this for all new crew these pages are going to get quite long.
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