Is Kahless the Unaffordable worth getting?
in The Bridge
Today I finally passed 100K honor. It took five months, though I spent a lot on trainers when I was new, so perhaps 4 months worth of honor. I can wait a week and get the new honor hall person, or I can get Kahless and wait another 4 months. I have Gun Show Picard and Gowron, but Kahless would still be nice. Suggestions?
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
In fact nothing since the original post saying that he was getting replaced in the new year......
To your question though, I wouldn’t bother with Khaless unless he is a personal favorite of yours, particularly considering that you already have fine gauntlet crew. 100k is a ton to spend—since you have no compelling utility motivation for doing so, the only question you need to ask yourself is whether or not the fan service of having him on your crew is that important to you.
Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
If you want to compete for first place in gauntlets on a regular basis, I say he is essential. He's an automatic for one of my 5 crew slots each and every time.
If you're looking for some additional advice, you're certainly doing yourself no favours by wasting 240 chronitons per day. Spend them and get below the cap. At your stage of the game, you need to level characters as fast as possible.
I compete for first place regularly and don't have Kahless. As long as you have a strong crew otherwise it's totally doable without him.
That being said, he's perhaps the second best gauntlet crew in the game behind Locutus. For a guy that's fairly new to the game (it seems) and obviously doesn't have the depth of 5* crew that you have, Kahless is undoubtedly an essential cog that would fast track his ascent to the top ranks of the gauntlet. The other comparable characters like Gowron, Defensive Phlox, and Seven of Nine aren't exactly easy to get. I have never seen a pack or behold with Gowron in 2 years of playing.
Good point. But I have four crew ready to return to cryo after the event, four three star crew sitting at level 1 waiting to see if I'll bother leveling them, and three 1 star crew who I might try to level just for the achievement. Plus my 2 star Scotty is at level 80 and will probably be finished and frozen tomorrow. For once I'm not concerned with space.
In any case, I wouldn't buy him until after we get our new free 500th and hear who the new honor crew is.
Hopefully stats will be known in advance of removing Kahless but I doubt it.
I guess if you like the next honor hall crew they will be the one. For me the current Kahless is forgetable especially if you saw the TNG episode.
If your Chron income from Gauntlet/Voyages is high enough, it is possible to save more by running one weekly supply kit. Pre-voyage-nerf, it wasn't even all that difficult to hit that threshold. Now, it's tougher, but still feasible for some.
I've used citations to immortalise half a dozen legendary crew and never felt any desire for Kahless. I was thinking of saving for the new Honour Hall crew but put final stars one Scotty and Borgi La Forge instead.
That's perhaps true, but not for a person that still has a blue in their top 6 command slots.
Now he's more of a novelty. Even at full strength he's got a real shot of losing to anyone over t50.
It really depends on whether gauntlet is a priority for you or not. If you want to place well, then you will never regret purchasing a card that you use in every single gauntlet. If it's just a sideshow and you don't care about placing well then you will probably regret it.