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Assignment recommendation: USS Feynman

edited February 2018 in The Bridge

Greetings captain!

It’s Commander Branch again, the chief personnel officer at Starbase 63. As you may recall, we’re near a recurrent temporal anomaly, one of the more stable in this universe, and as a result we have a steady supply of displaced personnel, many of them well-suited to jobs in this universe. My job is to orient newly arrived refugees and find work for those willing and able to lend a hand to Starfleet at this difficult time.

There are, however, some special assignments which Starfleet Command has asked me to forward to you and some of the other captains running point during this temporal crisis. In each case I’ve compiled a dossier of potential candidates, and am looking for your recommendation for this difficult assignment.

When last we spoke, it was decided to send Lightship Ben Sisko to Cardassia Prime.

The third of these assignments is as a science specialist on the USS Feynman. The Feynman is attempting to stabilize a recurrent temporal anomaly near the Idini Star Cluster, in the hopes of gaining a better understanding of the current crisis, and needs several specialized crew to work with its chief science officer.

Our candidates:
  • Lt. Commander Airiam, formerly a science officer on the USS Discovery. She supervised spore drive operations on that vessel. Her primary skill is science, with secondary abilities in engineering and command.
  • Captain Annorax, formerly the commander of the Krenim weapon ship. He is a gifted temporal scientist and high-ranking officer within the Krenim Imperium. His primary skill is science, with secondary abilities in command and security.
  • Hannah Bates, formerly the leading astrophysicist of the genetically-engineered Moab IV colony. She is an expert in theoretical physics and biosphere homeostasis. Her primary skill is science, with secondary abilities in engineering and diplomacy.
  • Lenara Kahn, formerly of the Trill Science Ministry. She specializes in the study of artificial and naturally occurring wormholes, including the Bajoran wormhole. Her primary skill is science, with secondary abilities in engineering and diplomacy.
  • Biosuit Spock, formerly the first officer of the USS Enterprise. The renowned officer crossed over to our timeline after an away mission to the planet Psi 2000, where he was investigating the deaths of a scientific team on the surface. His primary skill is science, with secondary abilities in command and medicine.
  • Carpenter Street T’Pol, formerly the first officer of the Enterprise NX-01. The Vulcan scientist and agent crossed over to our timeline after travelling back in time to 21st century Detroit to thwart an attempt by the Xindi to release a bioweapon on Earth of the past. Her primary skill is science, with secondary abilities in security and command.

Assignment recommendation: USS Feynman 73 votes

Lt. Commander Airiam
[7TW] UnkieBAviTrekCaptain TFNad HalKaiteeeXo | Cadet MattAlthea BiermontDitto[10F] Belle'Anna robownage 10 votes
Captain Annorax
Amphistaff[KM] UL1R53Captain_Who[KM]VidemThe FishCaptain Durf[SSR] The Iron CowIkritRocpile[TUFG] SiguardJim RaynorGeneral McDuckNS111111Pallidyne[10F] Fuzzy MooLocutus_of_Borg_akloboOdo Marmarosa[TUFG] Captain ZlogTP do better!! ~Colli~ (PoF) 26 votes
Hannah Bates
IrialHungry Dog DDMK Han Solo Ng & Thank4 All DteaNeackDavideBooks 5 votes
Lenara Kahn
Sabine of AthensMuadDave[GoT] jess-gay[DB:Do Better] More Tranya!Travis S McClainGrumpferRicard Daystrom Nemetoncaptain_yar<TGE> Clifford 10 votes
Biosuit Spock
DpmtCapt. ChaosMagisseeXo | das411 William T. Riker[BL] Q Capt. ReynoldsDraftedMcCoy[7TW] Attack EyebrowsKarthonRyanf47 11 votes
Carpenter Street T'Pol
For CardassiaGrant77(CSF) Jesus Is Lord [••••][KF] Kapitan DobchanThe Great GornholioCaptain Tucker[FF] Vice Admiral NairneGib - Admiral MarinersLeadHeadCapt. Pete OwenTo-Ni 11 votes


  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hannah Bates
    I voted Bates for this specific job, but I would most like to see T'Pol.
  • Captain Annorax
    All Annorax all the time.
    Immortalized: 465
    Tour of duty: January 2016 to present.
    Shut up Wesley.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Biosuit Spock
    Biosuit Spock because Spock. And I don't have a SCI / CMD / MED character with the traits in that order.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain Annorax
    Annorax is probably best suited to the job but honorable mention goes to Spock, because Spock. Hannah Bates is my third choice but more because I love that actress than that character.
  • Lenara Kahn
    Game play value wasn't even a concern for me, because Lenara Kahn probably wouldn't bring nearly as much to the table as the others. But "Rejoined" breaks my heart and she's dear to me because of it. She could be a 1* and I'd still want her.
  • Carpenter Street T'Pol
    Wow, Annorax.

    I'm a big fan of the character and I thought his two-parter was as good as Voyager ever got. He dominated a poll I ran on the old forums. I was curious to see how he'd do against some main cast crew - I like Spock and obviously T'Pol, too. But Kurtwood has some staying power!
  • Lt. Commander Airiam
    Almost went with T'Pol, but any discovery characters not Burnham would be welcome at this point.
    Proud member of eXodus
    Join the eXo|plosion today!
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Biosuit Spock
    Annorax is a great choice, but garbage bag Spock is a SCI+MED - thanks as always for doing these Nairne!
  • Captain Annorax
    Annorax should be the next honor hall character for me.

    A star turn in the best ever episode of Voyager (and probably a top 5 of the whole Star Trek) and, other than probably Q, has done the most 'work' with the space time continuum. If they ever decided to wrap the game up and had time to 'end the anomaly' it'd probably be something down to him and his timeship...
  • ....21st century Detroit to thwart an attempt by the Xindi to release a bioweapon

    IT"S DETROIT! No one would even notice.

  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Lt. Commander Airiam
    Making me choose between Lenara and Airiam? That's just cruel. And no insult to the others, except maybe T'Pol who's just T'Pol in different clothes - I'd roll the dice on a few portal packs for Annorax, Hannah, or cheesy-awesome-suit Spock any day. So really I'm just going to come at this one totally out of left field and vote Airiam because she was also Gia from The Expanse (aka the one bright spot in the dull slog through Ceres before the show actually got in gear).
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain Annorax
    Did not read the others as soon as I saw Annorax. Such a great adversary, and it wouldn't surprise me if he was responsible for the temporal crisis in some way
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain Annorax
    Annorax is definitely the most qualified for this job. But the truth is, we'd be wasting his talents and experience. And I don't think he would take well to being in an equal or subordinate position. We really need to find a role to challenge him, having to phone it in here I think would leave him distracted and disillusioned, possibly causing us to lose access to his potential later.

    That said, Lenara Kahn is a perfectly capable of completing this assignment, already having closely related experience. Her ambitions and desires will allow her to contribute significantly and be satisfied to solve this problem and move on to her next assignment happily. I believe we can use her here with confidence, and without fear of losing her when it comes time for reassignment.
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    Biosuit Spock
    Dammit I didn't see T'pol curse you Nairne and your tough choices
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    Carpenter Street T'Pol
    How about all of them?

    It was a really tough choice for me, but went with T'Pol in the end because I love that episode, and time-travelling T'Pol is a favourite of mine (the Vulcan Science Directorate has determined...)
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • Carpenter Street T'Pol
    How about all of them?

    That's exactly what I'm going for in these polls (give or take the odd Discovery crew who gets shoehorned in because there just aren't that many episodes yet). As much as possible, I'd like to present characters from every series who legitimately deserve to be in the game, or at least stir up positive memories for someone.
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Biosuit Spock
    How about all of them?

    That's exactly what I'm going for in these polls (give or take the odd Discovery crew who gets shoehorned in because there just aren't that many episodes yet). As much as possible, I'd like to present characters from every series who legitimately deserve to be in the game, or at least stir up positive memories for someone.

    tomorrow from DB: "Who's ready for next week's event, Janeway saves Burnham from the Andorians"?
  • Lenara Kahn
    Kahn is just a personal favorite of mine. She also did conduct research on the Bajoran Wormhole.
    Proud Member of Everlong and avid Star Trek Fan

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain Annorax
    Wouldn't it be cool If Annorax had a soundbyte from Kurtwood Smiths that 70s Show persona?
  • Carpenter Street T'Pol
    Last call on this.
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