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Post-Disco "Blind Spot" Wishes?

The purpose of this thread is not to even talk about Discovery, but simply to note that its first season has now concluded, and we're about to start the third of the four parts of this month's Disco/Andorian mega-event. So, during this between-season downtime, the question is simply: What's a "blind spot" for you that you'd like to see get some love before season 2?

Could be anything from specific characters or a story arc, a particular movie, or maybe even a whole series.

I'd personally really like to see more TOS guest characters. What I dig most about those kinds of characters is that they were memorable one-offs who weren't part of bigger groups like the Klingon Empire. Sure, I like Kor, Koloth, and Kang, but for me, it's the Gorn and Horta and Ruk who are more the "flavor" of TOS. Gimme folks like:

Balok/Balok's puppet ("The Corbomite Maneuver")
Bele and Lokai ("Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")
Boss Krakow and Boss Oxmyx ("A Piece of the Action")
Elaan ("Elaan of Troyius")
Garth of Izar and Marta ("Whom Gods Destroy")
Kodos the Executioner ("The Conscience of the King")
Lazarus and Antilazarus ("The Alternative Factor", which is the TOS episode I hate most, but oddly would like to have this guy)
White Rabbit ("Shore Leave")

And, yes, I recognize rights issues are surely going to be a problem, but 1) other licensees have resolved them in the past at times and 2) it's not like this little thread is in any way some kind of binding commandment for DB. Just hoping to drop a bug in their ear in hopes maybe some of this stuff might materialize.

So that's my "blind spot" of choice that I'd like to see get some increased attention. What's yours?


  • I’d like to see more 1 star and 2 star versions of main cast members, especially those that don’t already have them, like la forge, O’Brien, and t’pol.
    Task Force Pike: We are recruiting!

    Task Force Pike/Garrett's Giants, Founder

    Task Force April, Fleet Founder Emeritus

    Newfie Central, Squad Founder, In Memoriam
  • I’d like to see more 1 star and 2 star versions of main cast members, especially those that don’t already have them, like la forge, O’Brien, and t’pol.

    I can definitely get behind this! It'd be a nice way to work toward those immortalized crew achievements, for one thing, and it would also give us some more flexibility for our M-F crew rosters. I'd have frozen Ensign Seska in 2016, except there really isn't a more appealing alternative. (My ideal would be able to play all five cadet challenges exclusively using DS9 characters/personae.)
  • Honestly loved the borg,but wasnt around for their event, would not mind see a rerun or new one with them

    Most of my favorites have been hit , but i liked the mirror storys, give my old fav.s a new twist
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’d like to see more 1 star and 2 star versions of main cast members, especially those that don’t already have them, like la forge, O’Brien, and t’pol.

    I can definitely get behind this! It'd be a nice way to work toward those immortalized crew achievements, for one thing, and it would also give us some more flexibility for our M-F crew rosters. I'd have frozen Ensign Seska in 2016, except there really isn't a more appealing alternative. (My ideal would be able to play all five cadet challenges exclusively using DS9 characters/personae.)

    New common & uncommon crew, for sure — but also more new rare crew than just the drips and drabs we've been getting lately would definitely be welcome in the game, imo. Adding more rares would probably also be good for DB's bottom line, for those of us who have all or most of the rares in the game already FF, as then we'd have a slightly higher incentive to purchase premium packs, as there'd actually be crew other than 4's and 5's that we might want to have in our roster.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Mbannar wrote: »
    Honestly loved the borg,but wasnt around for their event, would not mind see a rerun or new one with them

    Most of my favorites have been hit , but i liked the mirror storys, give my old fav.s a new twist

    Still plenty of Borg that could be introduced! The first that comes to my mind is Crosis ("Descent" and "Descent, Part II"). Kinda like to see a 4* Revolutionary Hugh sometime, too.

    There's also the other Borg Queen from VOY episodes played by Susanna Thompson. I'll give Thompson credit for not being just an imitator of Alice Krige's Queen. Whereas I felt Krige's Queen was a sadistic sensualist who used the collective for her own selfish whims, I felt Thompson's Queen really did think of herself as the collective's matriarch. I mean, she was clearly still perfectly willing to view any and all of them as disposable, but I felt like she was more invested in them.

    For that matter, I'd be game for some cadet-rarity drones, like that very first scout who boarded the Enterprise-D in Engineering, or those two mugs who waltzed into that nightclub in violation of its strict dress code. VOY "Unimatrix Zero" showcased quite a few interesting Borg, too!
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    I’d like to see more 1 star and 2 star versions of main cast members, especially those that don’t already have them, like la forge, O’Brien, and t’pol.

    I can definitely get behind this! It'd be a nice way to work toward those immortalized crew achievements, for one thing, and it would also give us some more flexibility for our M-F crew rosters. I'd have frozen Ensign Seska in 2016, except there really isn't a more appealing alternative. (My ideal would be able to play all five cadet challenges exclusively using DS9 characters/personae.)

    New common & uncommon crew, for sure — but also more new rare crew than just the drips and drabs we've been getting lately would definitely be welcome in the game, imo. Adding more rares would probably also be good for DB's bottom line, for those of us who have all or most of the rares in the game already FF, as then we'd have a slightly higher incentive to purchase premium packs, as there'd actually be crew other than 4's and 5's that we might want to have in our roster.

    I'm totally with you on wanting to add to the pool. Over in another thread I'm too lazy to link to right now, I suggested that maybe it's time to shift the 3* crew to the standard time portal to try to compensate for the imbalance in rarity distribution. In any event, yeah, I'm down with some new 3*'s. Any particular subject or source for 3*'s interest you?
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Any particular subject or source for 3*'s interest you?

    I suppose it would be a good opportunity to add crew who DB knows we have asked for, but who they don't feel is worthy of a super-rare entry — along with others who probably haven't been asked for at all, but who would be cool to see represented. Here are some ideas, mostly from the original series and a few from Next Gen:

    Lt. DeSalle

    Cmdr. Kyle

    Lt. Kevin Riley

    Yeoman Martha Landon

    Yeoman Teresa Ross

    Norman series (Mudd android)

    Alice series (Mudd android)

    Mr. Homn

    Sonya Gomez


    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • I would love to see more "episode themed" packs, similar to the Age of Sail or Niners cards collections.
  • An episode based event would be fun too. For example, a Faction event based on Ménage à Troi where Luxwana leads the Federation against DaiMon Tog of the Ferengi Alliance and Doctor Farek of the Ferengi Traditionalists.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Id love a "Wrath of Khan" event with Amb. Kirk, Wrathful Khan plus some new crew like a 4* Saavik, Carol Marcus, or Reliant captain
    DB: Do Better
  • Governor Kodos, his older self, Anton Karidian and his daughter, Lenore.

    Could make the basis for a good event, replaying Tarsus IV, even bring in a Kevin Riley and maybe a new 2* Tarsus IV Kirk.
  • Ricard Daystrom Ricard Daystrom ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I would like some more and easier to level Ferengi. People like Ishka,Mirror Quark and maybe a variant of Quark holding his nose from the episode "Little Green Men."

    I would also like to complete the Trials and Tribulations with 1701 Bashir and O'Brien. Maybe even a young and old Arne Darvin.

    Also, some variants of charcaters who have little representation, like Hoshi Sato and Jake Sisko

    Proud Member of Everlong and avid Star Trek Fan

  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Would love to see a "why haven't we had an event yet?" event, where Katra Archer and Surgeon Pulaski team up to take down Fury Kes who's trying to eliminate Jonathan Archer from the timeline so that the Federation isn't formed and Voyager never goes to the DQ to destroy her life.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I'd like to see the recurring characters from the various series. The minor crew/guests who were seen on a few episodes and not just a one-off extra. I was surprised how many episodes some of the background crew were in. Fpr example, I barely remember Lt. Hadley but he was in all but 16 episodes of the original series. Not listing all of them but just the ones that I immediately recognized.

    Lt. Kyle in TOS, TAS (18 episodes)
    Mr. Homn in STNG (5 episodes)
    Samantha Wildman from VOY (8 episodes)
    Amanda Grayson TOS (we know she is coming)
    Cyrano Jones TOS, TAS, DS9
    Kevin Riley TOS
    T'Pau TOS
    Lt. Brent TOS (he was actually in 28 episodes!)
    Lt. Galloway TOS (8 episodes)
    Lt. Hadley TOS (63 episodes)
    Lt. Harrison TOS (29 episodes)
    Lt. Leslie TOS (59 episodes)
    Lt. M'Ress TAS (6 episodes)
    Ensign Bennett STNG (44 episodes)
    Ensign Gates STNG (46 episodes)
    Lt. Giddings STNG (58 episodes)
    Ensign Jae STNG (62 episodes and 3 films)
    Ensign Kellogg STNG (41 episodes and 2 films)
    Spot STNG (10 episodes and 2 films) - I want this one!!!
    Broik DS9 (78 episodes)
    Ayala VOY (123 episodes)
    Ensign Brooks VOY (21 episodes)
    Ensign Fitzpatrick VOY (38 episodes)
    Maxwell Forrest ENT (14 episodes)
    Porthos ENT (43 episodes) - I want this one too!!!
    Airiam DIS (10 episodes)
    Keyla Detmer DIS (12 episodes)
    Terral DIS (5 episodes)
    Lt. Rhys DIS (7 episodes)

    I'd also like to see Super Rare or Legendary versions of important crew who have only had a single low level (1-3*) so far.

    Keiko O'Brien
    Dr. Pulaski
    Janice Rand
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    Id love a "Wrath of Khan" event with Amb. Kirk, Wrathful Khan plus some new crew like a 4* Saavik, Carol Marcus, or Reliant captain

    Mmm...a 4* Captain Terrell would be highly appreciated.
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    Obviously there are some Cardassian holes that need filling (see my signature)

    But there's a huge blindspot when it comes to Ferengi, Bolians and Tellarites. I'd like to see some more of those added.
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • I'd really love to have some more Romulans:


    Keras (Romulan Commander)










    Sub-Commander Tal


    Ambassador Nanclus

  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd really love to have some more Romulans:



    We definitely need Romulan Alien Bounty Hunter!

    Romulans are another big blindspot for sure. They're also a great candidate for the next Mega.
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Its time to finish the main cast without an event arc.

    Possessed Kes and some form of Archer.
  • I’d like to see some DS9 Dominion war themed event. My personal favourite episode ever was “In the Pale Moonlight” featuring Sisko and Garak at their best, with great performances from the Romulan Senator and the criminal holographic designer. Anything relating to that would get me extremely giddy! q6dfu5wp6f5o.png
  • @Data1001 - Marta Landon has been on my wish list since the old forum. I always thought of her as simply a 2* cadet, but I'd have been fine with that. "The Apple" is something of a guilty pleasure of mine, and she has a lot to do with what makes it so delightful. Pitch perfect naivete!

    @Data1001 & @Althea Biermont - I want Mr. Homn if only so I can send him on a two-man shuttle with Ruk. #TeamLurch

    As I recall from previous licensees, Stanley Adams and his estate have been all but impossible to negotiate with for his likeness. Decipher was never able to issue any official CCG cards featuring Adams. No toy license holder from Mego through Playmates or Art Asylum/Diamond Select Toys was ever able to issue a Cyrano Jones action figure. IDW has been able to bring him into their Kelvin timeline series, but with a different likeness. To my knowledge, his only appearance in any comic book in Adams' likeness was a single page entry in DC Comics' Who's Who in Star Trek #1.

    And I can totally get behind more Cardassians, Ferengi, and Romulans. There are four factions for those three groups, and I seldom have any use for them. Those are definitely some blind spots overdue for being filled!
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bri wrote: »
    I’d like to see some DS9 Dominion war themed event. My personal favourite episode ever was “In the Pale Moonlight” featuring Sisko and Garak at their best, with great performances from the Romulan Senator and the criminal holographic designer. Anything relating to that would get me extremely giddy! q6dfu5wp6f5o.png

    It's one of my favourites too. Myself and others have mentioned "Patriot Sisko" multiple times as needing to be added. And any episode that features Garak being devious is amazing in my book.
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • Bri wrote: »
    I’d like to see some DS9 Dominion war themed event. My personal favourite episode ever was “In the Pale Moonlight” featuring Sisko and Garak at their best, with great performances from the Romulan Senator and the criminal holographic designer. Anything relating to that would get me extremely giddy!

    One of my Trek highlights was attending the Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage concert in 2016. For those who didn't get to catch a performance, Justin Freer and the Czech National Symphony Orchestra performed a two hour show, primarily of key selections from the movies with video montages on a 40' screen taken from across the canon. So, for instance, they played "Klingon Attack" from The Motion Picture, but it was used as a catch-all montage of Klingons from all five shows and the movies.

    Each of the series, however, was spotlighted with two scenes played in their entirety, with the orchestra performing the original episodic score. All the others were pretty benign, though kinda cool. TOS, for instance, had the Kirk/Spock duel from "Amok Time" (sweet!) and Kirk's showdown with "The Doomsday Machine" (also sweet!). TNG had the jellyfish reunion finale from "Encounter at Farpoint" (pretty, but forgettable) and Picard's final conversation with Q in "All Good Things..." (okay, I guess?) VOY was represented by two of Janeway's speeches; the one at the end of "Caretaker" telling everyone she'd committed them to taking the long way home, and the one from "Year of Hell" where she orders everyone to abandon ship. ENT had that touching scene of Archer breaking the news to Mayweather about his dad, and the founding of the Federation speech.

    These were all nice enough (TOS had the best of those), but then there was DS9. And DS9 was represented by the following two scenes:

    Sisko's "In the Pale Moonlight" monologue and the destruction of the U.S.S. Defiant in "The Changing Face of Evil".

    Those were exciting, and I started to laugh inwardly thinking of how many people in attendance may have been unfamiliar with DS9 and walked away from that concert wondering just what the hell went on on that show. That was an awfully bold pair of scenes to represent the series, especially relative to how routine and even underwhelming most of the others were. And as a Niner, I loved every moment of them both all over again.
  • Of the ones OP listed, only Garth and Kodos would be feasible. The rest were isolated and Disco wouldn't have had contact.

    Garth would be good, see his fall.
    Kodos was in long-time hiding, so if he were to show up it would have to be a cameo with no significance.

    Though I won't know if any of this happens, I barely made it through the premiere, and am not paying for this junk.
  • Of the ones OP listed, only Garth and Kodos would be feasible. The rest were isolated and Disco wouldn't have had contact.

    Garth would be good, see his fall.
    Kodos was in long-time hiding, so if he were to show up it would have to be a cameo with no significance.

    Though I won't know if any of this happens, I barely made it through the premiere, and am not paying for this junk.

    I think you misunderstood the prompt. It has nothing to do with Disco except that its season is now over, and it would be a good time to shift focus away from that series back to other parts of the canon.
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bri wrote: »
    I’d like to see some DS9 Dominion war themed event. My personal favourite episode ever was “In the Pale Moonlight” featuring Sisko and Garak at their best, with great performances from the Romulan Senator and the criminal holographic designer. Anything relating to that would get me extremely giddy!

    One of my Trek highlights was attending the Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage concert in 2016. For those who didn't get to catch a performance, Justin Freer and the Czech National Symphony Orchestra performed a two hour show, primarily of key selections from the movies with video montages on a 40' screen taken from across the canon. So, for instance, they played "Klingon Attack" from The Motion Picture, but it was used as a catch-all montage of Klingons from all five shows and the movies.

    Each of the series, however, was spotlighted with two scenes played in their entirety, with the orchestra performing the original episodic score. All the others were pretty benign, though kinda cool. TOS, for instance, had the Kirk/Spock duel from "Amok Time" (sweet!) and Kirk's showdown with "The Doomsday Machine" (also sweet!). TNG had the jellyfish reunion finale from "Encounter at Farpoint" (pretty, but forgettable) and Picard's final conversation with Q in "All Good Things..." (okay, I guess?) VOY was represented by two of Janeway's speeches; the one at the end of "Caretaker" telling everyone she'd committed them to taking the long way home, and the one from "Year of Hell" where she orders everyone to abandon ship. ENT had that touching scene of Archer breaking the news to Mayweather about his dad, and the founding of the Federation speech.

    These were all nice enough (TOS had the best of those), but then there was DS9. And DS9 was represented by the following two scenes:

    Sisko's "In the Pale Moonlight" monologue and the destruction of the U.S.S. Defiant in "The Changing Face of Evil".

    Those were exciting, and I started to laugh inwardly thinking of how many people in attendance may have been unfamiliar with DS9 and walked away from that concert wondering just what the hell went on on that show. That was an awfully bold pair of scenes to represent the series, especially relative to how routine and even underwhelming most of the others were. And as a Niner, I loved every moment of them both all over again.

    Those are actually pretty good representations of DS9 for a fan. But they definitely need a lot of context to have the right emotional impact (and the emotional impact is quite large, I get teary-eyed whenever I think of "In the Pale Moonlight" or "The Changing Face of Evil").
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    They should do a combination “Kang and Kodos” event for April Fools as an homage to The Simpsons’ homage.


    Food shortages due to rapid overpopulation from the Time convergence have caused several factions to explore extreme measures. Kang is suggesting eating copies, while Kodos wants to repeat his eugenics thinning of the herd. Maybe add Khan in with a third solution for alliteration: “Kang, Kodos and Khaaaaaaan!”
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • Bri wrote: »
    I’d like to see some DS9 Dominion war themed event. My personal favourite episode ever was “In the Pale Moonlight” featuring Sisko and Garak at their best, with great performances from the Romulan Senator and the criminal holographic designer. Anything relating to that would get me extremely giddy!

    One of my Trek highlights was attending the Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage concert in 2016. For those who didn't get to catch a performance, Justin Freer and the Czech National Symphony Orchestra performed a two hour show, primarily of key selections from the movies with video montages on a 40' screen taken from across the canon. So, for instance, they played "Klingon Attack" from The Motion Picture, but it was used as a catch-all montage of Klingons from all five shows and the movies.

    Each of the series, however, was spotlighted with two scenes played in their entirety, with the orchestra performing the original episodic score. All the others were pretty benign, though kinda cool. TOS, for instance, had the Kirk/Spock duel from "Amok Time" (sweet!) and Kirk's showdown with "The Doomsday Machine" (also sweet!). TNG had the jellyfish reunion finale from "Encounter at Farpoint" (pretty, but forgettable) and Picard's final conversation with Q in "All Good Things..." (okay, I guess?) VOY was represented by two of Janeway's speeches; the one at the end of "Caretaker" telling everyone she'd committed them to taking the long way home, and the one from "Year of Hell" where she orders everyone to abandon ship. ENT had that touching scene of Archer breaking the news to Mayweather about his dad, and the founding of the Federation speech.

    These were all nice enough (TOS had the best of those), but then there was DS9. And DS9 was represented by the following two scenes:

    Sisko's "In the Pale Moonlight" monologue and the destruction of the U.S.S. Defiant in "The Changing Face of Evil".

    Those were exciting, and I started to laugh inwardly thinking of how many people in attendance may have been unfamiliar with DS9 and walked away from that concert wondering just what the hell went on on that show. That was an awfully bold pair of scenes to represent the series, especially relative to how routine and even underwhelming most of the others were. And as a Niner, I loved every moment of them both all over again.

    Wonderful! And good to know that what resonated with me was equally appreciated by others.
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