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Does anyone know when they joined their fleet and how they joined their fleet?

I for one can't remember if I joined a fleet or if I created a fleet.

And how do you create a fleet if you haven't got a fleet?


  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Well you can't create (or join) one until you leave your current fleet. If you scroll to the right and down in the fleet screen there'll be a "leave" button. Then when you're no longer in one, the fleet button should give you new options for joining or creating I believe.
  • I trudged through the sewer that is the STT forums until I was invited to join the best fleet in the game ;-)
    [GoT] Drunk Shimoda
    GoT Chief Communications Officer
  • I created my own. Go to your fleet page and scroll down until you see your name. If you're listed as Admiral, then you're the fleet founder. Given how hazy your memory about it admittedly is, it's also possible someone else founded the fleet, then designated you the new Admiral, but that's not a common occurrence to my knowledge.

    If you are the Admiral, then if you leave the fleet, it will disband automatically. You can, however, promote another member to Admiral first and then leave the fleet, and then it stays intact with the new Admiral.

    As for finding a new one, that's pretty much what the Fleet Central sub-forum is there to do. We've stayed pretty much at the max 50 for most of the time since fleets became a thing, and part of that surely has been our recruitment thread there. I'm sure other fleets have had similar success.
  • I created my own. Go to your fleet page and scroll down until you see your name. If you're listed as Admiral, then you're the fleet founder. Given how hazy your memory about it admittedly is, it's also possible someone else founded the fleet, then designated you the new Admiral, but that's not a common occurrence to my knowledge.

    Can you promote yourself or does the fleet Admiral have to promote you?
  • I created my own. Go to your fleet page and scroll down until you see your name. If you're listed as Admiral, then you're the fleet founder. Given how hazy your memory about it admittedly is, it's also possible someone else founded the fleet, then designated you the new Admiral, but that's not a common occurrence to my knowledge.

    Can you promote yourself or does the fleet Admiral have to promote you?

    The Admiral has to promote you.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I found my fleet from an ad in the forums.
    Feel like it was those old classified dating ads from the 70s and 80s.
  • Hahaha. "Attractive fleet seeks competetive captain for long term commitment."
  • I wasn't happy with my first fleet. So I left. Found another one at random which seems mostly active, pretty happy with it.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • edited February 2018
    I played solo then found a fleet to join which turned out to be largely inactive so two of us formed TFA. We've since managed to become one of the top fleets and that's something I'm very proud of actually. In fact we've formed a second fleet for newer players with a few of us officers mentoring via alt accounts.
  • We have done the same in the Colonial Fleet Ohio. Our experienced players have actually found new life in the game helping mentor newer players.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Interesting topic. When I first started, I was fleetless for a while then joined a fleet...shortly thereafter the admiral went inactive and people started peeling away. I joined a second fleet that wasn't as active, this time as a squad leader. When daily targets were annonced, the six or seven active members agreed to start a new fleet and as the highest-level player I volunteered to be the admiral.

    Took awhile to get good members, but now my fleet, Active Nation, is doing well. I found that taking on randos and filtering out the inactives is a better way to recruit than begging people to join on UC, plus I've enjoyed mentoring a few of them. We aren't the most competitive in events or hit the daily targets everyday, but we have fun and it is satisfying. I suppose I could devote more time and energy to managing it, but I do have a life to deal with as well and I get good returns from what I do put in.
  • [SFW] Quick Claude[SFW] Quick Claude ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I joined a fleet that was virtually dead, and only had a few semi-active players. The Admiral hadn’t been active for over three months. I was a daily player, and started to reinvigorate the fleet. Got a few people chatting and participating. One of the other members contacted DB and asked that I be made Admiral. I set up some standards, and after purging any player who was inactive for more than 21 days, we ended up with around 20 players. That was about five months ago. Now the fleet is full and going strong and nearly everyone is in a squadron and participates daily.
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have similar stories to those above. Joined a fleet based on the name and my being from Pittsburgh originally. It was mostly full of inactive members, including the Admiral. When Starbases were introduced, DB was kind enough to promote me to Admiral so that I could upgrade rooms. We've cleared out the detritus, and now have a small core of active players (though looking for more!)

    I've since made Wiki and Forum pages for the fleet, as well as logos and recruitment posters, but don't insist on any particular social component from any member. We're small, growing slowly, but at least it's moving in the right direction.

    Check us out here: STEELER NATION
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    I started my fleet because I didn't like being told what crew to keep or to help push the squad more and more. So my fleet was started and have done pretty good I think. Great people too. I think it is the best fleet :)

    Starship Trista
  • Whats a fleet?
  • Per Audacia Ad Astra started on May 8th, 2017 with 5 from same US State, now full with 12 international players, and a lvl 75 Starbase
  • Olivia q'AboOlivia q'Abo ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Whats a fleet?

    Does this answer your question? :p


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