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Which series has been immortalized the best in STT?

Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
edited February 2018 in The Bridge
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Joined game 6th March 2016

Which series has been immortalized the best in STT? 51 votes

Grant77[DB - Do Better]   ProwlerArrnoxThurthoradS14 Bri DavideBooksAutomaton_2000 7 votes
The Original Series
Plasma 1 vote
The Animated Series
Lady Gaghgagh 1 vote
The Next Generation
[NDQ] ThunderDropCaptain LostGAWAJim RaynorZann Calcore (ISA)(CSF) Jesus Is Lord [••••][KF] Kapitan DobchanK Han Solo Ng & Thank4 All Dteacthulhu1592Tcal[FF] Vice Admiral NairneGib - Admiral MarinersLeadHeadCapt. Pete OwenNeackWebberoniYateballDirk GundersonInspector34 <TGE> Clifford 22 votes
Deep Spase Nine
Capt. Chaos[TUFG] SiguardTravis S McClainKaiteeHaBlackCommander Tucker12345678 of 123456789(OPA) Major HerpsThe Great Gornholio[STFL] TheHell2EarthSiegfried Captain SushiSpockyKarthonS31Ryanf47 16 votes
[GoT] jess-gayPallidyne[RR] RedbeardCranky (SC) 4 votes


  • The Next Generation
    Still more Picards than there are Janeways i believe
  • The Next Generation
    Not so much quantity but the quality of how each series has been incorporated into the game we’re going for.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
  • Deep Spase Nine
    All round I like the DS9 varients such as the Bond spoof, RAF, 21st Century (excluding Martok!) Niners and canon Mirror universe...

    TNG on the other hand has a lot of non canon crew such as Aviator Yar, augment picard and Riker, COP Picard, Assimilated Geordi and all the Mirror crew from the comics run... that to me negates it being the best ‘immortalised’ show.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Next Generation
    Non-canon crew don’t bother me as much as some. I’d say it’s almost even money between TNG and DS9, with a slight edge to TNG.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Non-canon crew don’t bother me as much as some. I’d say it’s almost even money between TNG and DS9, with a slight edge to TNG.
    I think I'd agree with this.
    However, considering the percentage of characters versus how many actual episodes there were, I'd say Disco is probably in the lead. With Queen Burnham as the leader.
  • The Next Generation
    As someone who can’t watch things week by week & will only watch a season once I have the last episode so can smash them all in a oner,
    I found the game jumped the gun by incorporating Discovery into it & since the 1st episode was aired in September until last week it’s been nothing but spoilers with the bombardment of Discovery crew & ships.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Discovery has like 2 characters for each episode. None of the other series can say that.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Next Generation
    So I'm the only person who voted for this, but it is a pre-emptive sort of vote.
    Yes, it is clear that this game has done pretty well with TOS, TNG, DS9, VOT, ENT (questionable on that one), and DSC (too much too fast). But these are already series which have been long-loved and/or are highly visible, so is it really immortalizing them? Hard to say it is.

    So I chose TAS because for many people, this is an unknown series, it is underrepresented in the larger Star Trek universe, often discounted as a throw-away show. So I like seeing that this game is helping to bring its characters and stories a bit more to the forefront little by little.

    I never thought they'd touch TAS if I'm honest. But then we got Arex, then Lucien, now Thelin. But STT has definitely opened up the possibility for more like M'Ress, Dr. Sarah April, Carter Winston, Stavros Keniclius, and others. Mainly STT is putting TAS on a map where usually it is so niche to the ST universe that this may well immortalize the series for this game.

    That’s a really good point I hadn’t thought of. Roddenberry was fairly dismissive of TAS for a long time to the point where it was barely mentioned in various reference books...and even then, usually with codicils saying it was non-canon except for what D.C. Fontana added to Spock’s backstory. Now it’s canon again but is still I think relatively unknown outside of a circle of diehard Trekkies. Getting to see so many characters from the show - even if Thelin was chosen due to a dearth of Andorian characters whose actors have elected to do deals for the rights for their likenesses, as I suspect (why else would they have held off on highly popular characters like Talas or Jhamel) - has been refreshing.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Deep Spase Nine
    DS9 has both quantity and quality.

    But that's maybe because that show has a massive cast of many rememberable characters.

    I count it there are 42 DS9 characters in the game. Of course, I could skip some in the process of counting.
  • I'd say Disco is currently out-stripping everything but makes sense as it is new and on the TV, think I like the DS9 variants the most but think there are many missing main cast options
  • The Next Generation
    TNG. Discovery is the new buzz, so it is understandable that it's gaining ground as well. Being an old Trekkie, I am willing to accept the new direction everything is going. At least it's not more of the same like star wars...
  • Discovery
    Relative to the lengths of each series, Discovery is set to outstrip all others. I feel DS9 is under represented and would love to see more, particularly from the last 3 seasons
  • The Next Generation
    Bri wrote: »
    Relative to the lengths of each series, Discovery is set to outstrip all others. I feel DS9 is under represented and would love to see more, particularly from the last 3 seasons

    I agree, I’ve Been harping on at them for a while now about...
    Joined game 6th March 2016
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Deep Spase Nine
    I would like to see...

    Admiral Ross
    Admiral Leyton
    Liam Bilby
    Joseph Sisko
  • Deep Spase Nine
    Went with DS9 simply because I could only think of one Must Have who isn't yet in the game, and that's Ishka. We don't yet have Admiral Ross, but as much as I like the guy, I don't feel that he's in the same company as some of the glaring omissions from other series, like Chancellor Gorkon, Commander Shelby, Annorax, or Admiral Forrest. I feel that without much effort, others could identify additional absent characters in that same top tier. DS9 is down to just Moogie.
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