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Congrats to those 3 VIP 0

Congrats to those 3 persons from the VIP Zero Heroes fleet. They finished above my 13th (top10 all3?), and blew by me and my 990 "specials" (or about 310k) that I turned in at 90 mins to go mark


  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Well done to them. Galaxy events are the only ones where free players can really place (bit it takes serious planning)
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hitting a top achievement with out spending shows the need to save and play smart. 2 skills I have never adopted lol. Congrats!
  • Stellar IceStellar Ice ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am very proud of Kooz, AnASUSTF300T, and Teetor Wills for their achievement! You guys worked hard and you deserve it. Well done!
    The VIP 0 Heroes and VIP 0 Champions are looking for like-minded fellow VIP 0 players to join our family of fleets. Please contact me here or on Discord.

    Come join the Star Trek Timelines Discord Community!
    Invitation code: https://discord.gg/8Du7ZtJ
  • Thank you @Marakith Dax . My comrades and I fought hard and eared our rank!
    F2P/VIP 0 for LIFE!
  • @Hunter247 Certainly you'll concede that a correction of your post to "Well done to them. Galaxy and hybrid galaxy-faction events are the only ones where free players can really place (but it takes serious planning)" is warranted? ;-)
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    It was a fun event. Tough but fun. I went all out and went for top 25, finished at 33 but had fun. I commend anyone who placed high, well fought. Until next time. :)
    Let’s fly!
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    MuadDave wrote: »
    @Hunter247 Certainly you'll concede that a correction of your post to "Well done to them. Galaxy and hybrid galaxy-faction events are the only ones where free players can really place (but it takes serious planning)" is warranted? ;-)

    I wouldn't be surprised if the faction part of the event put them at a disadvantage. You need to save a lot of DIL to buy the third and fourth shuttles which is extremely hard if you are VIP 0 and with only two shuttles you struggle to be competitive.

    Although you are technically correct!

  • Hunter247 wrote: »
    Well done to them. Galaxy events are the only ones where free players can really place (bit it takes serious planning)

    Expeditions are really the F2P friendliest event format, but it's hard to know that if you weren't around for that brief stretch in the second half of 2016 when they were actually a thing. Expedition hybrids are entirely too different to be used as a helpful frame of reference.

    But back on point, I tip my hat to the three VIP0 players who ranked so high in this event! I know there are players who enjoy the format, and maybe you're some of them. I personally despise it, so I have an even stronger admiration for anyone willing to scratch and claw their way to the top. Kudos!

    I'm also reminded that once upon a time on the old forum, I once proposed there ought to be a separate VIP 0 event rank chart. Someone immediately scoffed that it was ridiculous and then we'd have to have a chart for every VIP level and every captain level and blah, blah, blah, totally missing the point that playing as VIP 0 is its own game and ought to be honored as such. Plus, having been VIP 0 myself for my first year, I would have appreciated being able to see how competitive I really was against my own true peers.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Well done to them. Galaxy events are the only ones where free players can really place (bit it takes serious planning)

    Expeditions are really the F2P friendliest event format, but it's hard to know that if you weren't around for that brief stretch in the second half of 2016 when they were actually a thing. Expedition hybrids are entirely too different to be used as a helpful frame of reference.

    But back on point, I tip my hat to the three VIP0 players who ranked so high in this event! I know there are players who enjoy the format, and maybe you're some of them. I personally despise it, so I have an even stronger admiration for anyone willing to scratch and claw their way to the top. Kudos!

    I'm also reminded that once upon a time on the old forum, I once proposed there ought to be a separate VIP 0 event rank chart. Someone immediately scoffed that it was ridiculous and then we'd have to have a chart for every VIP level and every captain level and blah, blah, blah, totally missing the point that playing as VIP 0 is its own game and ought to be honored as such. Plus, having been VIP 0 myself for my first year, I would have appreciated being able to see how competitive I really was against my own true peers.

    A ranking you could see for each vip would be great, even if it didnt get rewards. It would be fun to see how you place among your peers.
    Let’s fly!
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Expedition requires a large crew for best efficacy. F2P have limited crew space. I still like Galaxy, though with 4 shuttles and finally a good crew and lots of possible bonus crew, I finally hit threshold on this last event without doing any of the galaxy part. But when I was F2P, galaxy was the way to go.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Well done to them. Galaxy events are the only ones where free players can really place (bit it takes serious planning)

    What do you mean? Top 10? A great number of free players place top 1000 in faction events.
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    Current (recent) record for a VIP 0 player in a shuttle only event is 88th place.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Current (recent) record for a VIP 0 player in a shuttle only event is 88th place.

    Wow, that's pretty incredible. I've only managed top 500 a couple of times, but consistently in about the 800 range.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    There are enough achievements now that VIP0 can get a 4th shuttle. Cadet missions can generate plenty of speed boosts, especially if they're hoarded. Aside from using DIL for shuttle speedups, a VIP0 should be able to rank just as high as other players if they pick their event well(especially a repeat where they have the 5* already).
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Well done to them. Galaxy events are the only ones where free players can really place (bit it takes serious planning)

    What do you mean? Top 10? A great number of free players place top 1000 in faction events.

    I would honestly like to know how as I struggle to get top 3000 with three shuttles and time boosts. I don't pay Dil to bring shuttles back quicker so reached the threshold of what I could manage with my resources
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Step one, get a fourth shuttle. Step two, build a deeper bench of bonus crew. Step three, mix in skill and time boosts as needed to stay at 4k shuttles. Step four, send the new shuttles out as soon as the old ones return.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Well done to them. Galaxy events are the only ones where free players can really place (bit it takes serious planning)

    What do you mean? Top 10? A great number of free players place top 1000 in faction events.

    I would honestly like to know how as I struggle to get top 3000 with three shuttles and time boosts. I don't pay Dil to bring shuttles back quicker so reached the threshold of what I could manage with my resources

    A good crew of 4*s and the mega event 5*s will get you top 1000. Really, it's just a matter of having a ton of bonus crew and packing the shuttles with them. Keep building up your cryostasis vault, get that 4th shuttle, and you will see progress.
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Congratulations on your achievement on kicking **tsk tsk** and taking names

    Bonus is sticking it to the man on the way we're not worthy
  • Hunter247 wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Well done to them. Galaxy events are the only ones where free players can really place (bit it takes serious planning)

    What do you mean? Top 10? A great number of free players place top 1000 in faction events.

    I would honestly like to know how as I struggle to get top 3000 with three shuttles and time boosts. I don't pay Dil to bring shuttles back quicker so reached the threshold of what I could manage with my resources

    You can reach top1000 even with 3 shuttles, it takes maximum effort, forget the overnight shuttles and keep sending them every 3 hours. A good squad leader is a must, also focusing your resources on leveling almost exclusively the bonus crew you'll need. During the event, level the threshold crew as fast as you can. No need to spend dil or using too many time boosts.
    With all leftover chrons and trainers immortalize as many 1* and 2* crew as you can, included tons of duplicates Yeoman Rand or Harry Kim. I don't regret buying trainers with honor just to buy the 4th shuttle quicker.
  • Impressive! How many months have you been collecting Chronitons for this? Or did you farm the items?
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Well done to them. Galaxy events are the only ones where free players can really place (bit it takes serious planning)

    What do you mean? Top 10? A great number of free players place top 1000 in faction events.

    I would honestly like to know how as I struggle to get top 3000 with three shuttles and time boosts. I don't pay Dil to bring shuttles back quicker so reached the threshold of what I could manage with my resources

    A good crew of 4*s and the mega event 5*s will get you top 1000. Really, it's just a matter of having a ton of bonus crew and packing the shuttles with them. Keep building up your cryostasis vault, get that 4th shuttle, and you will see progress.

    I picked up my fourth shuttle at the start of the last event, and I went from struggle to get into the top 3000 to finishing in the top 1000. The last shuttle made a world of difference. With three shuttles I had more event crew than seats to fill, even with four shuttles I only need to use a non bonus crew once or twice depending on skills.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Well done to them. Galaxy events are the only ones where free players can really place (bit it takes serious planning)

    What do you mean? Top 10? A great number of free players place top 1000 in faction events.

    I would honestly like to know how as I struggle to get top 3000 with three shuttles and time boosts. I don't pay Dil to bring shuttles back quicker so reached the threshold of what I could manage with my resources

    You can reach top1000 even with 3 shuttles, it takes maximum effort, forget the overnight shuttles and keep sending them every 3 hours. A good squad leader is a must, also focusing your resources on leveling almost exclusively the bonus crew you'll need. During the event, level the threshold crew as fast as you can. No need to spend dil or using too many time boosts.
    With all leftover chrons and trainers immortalize as many 1* and 2* crew as you can, included tons of duplicates Yeoman Rand or Harry Kim. I don't regret buying trainers with honor just to buy the 4th shuttle quicker.

    Thanks for the advice. Levelling a load of 1* and 2* is something that I plan to do after I have cleared out my back log of FF 4* (I tend to save crons for the galaxy events so levelling crew takes longer as I often just use the Warp one option to get items)

    In all events I usually try to level the threshold crew as quickly as I can, and I will typically buy packs for faction missions to ensure I can FF the threshold character (which gives me an extra day to level them before the event)
  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    It wasn't just "those three" because they passed us as a fleet and pushed us to 3rd while they finished 2nd. So I would say it was a great effort by their entire fleet. And I think it is great!

  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you @Marakith Dax . My comrades and I fought hard and eared our rank!

    Did you burn any turkeys while playing?
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • sorinevsorinev ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Current (recent) record for a VIP 0 player in a shuttle only event is 88th place.

    Wow, that's pretty incredible. I've only managed top 500 a couple of times, but consistently in about the 800 range.

    That is incredible, considering I can't even manage a top 1k anymore (see crew in sig; yes I know all the tricks already).

    edit: referring to shuttles; see hidden quote.
    [SSR] Sorin08
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, I'm VIP 14 and I don't even attempt to do well in Galaxy events since it's such a huge chroniton sink. I don't even want to imagine how long it took a VIP 0 to accumulate enough chronitons to place like that. Must have been running voyages for weeks and weeks to get enough. I don't have the willpower to hold onto chronitons that long so more power to them!
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    With all leftover chrons and trainers immortalize as many 1* and 2* crew as you can, included tons of duplicates Yeoman Rand or Harry Kim

    Immortalizing another copy of a crew you've already immortalized counts toward the number immortalized? I thought it was just unique crew immortalized.

  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    The vault number stays the same, but the achievement counter ticks up by 1.

    A person could, in theory, immortalize Yeoman Rand 350 times and get all the achievements for crew immortalization, while the vault counter would read "001/501"
  • if it wasn't that she dropped only once for me since the voyage nerf, she just became a superrare... expensive 1* like spock or chakotay keep dropping as usual
  • Congratulations guys!
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