20 is impossible at this time. We ran the numbers at one point. The skill checks grow beyond what's possible with the current crew. A few of the top players have hit 10 hours with no refill, but for most players 8 is the best they can do.
No you will never be able to go 20 hrs without dilithium but u will be able to go longer than u currently do and db may add a 15 hr achievement or boost the 20 hr achievement to make it more worth your while. I think the current 20 hr achievement does not justify the cost and so I am waiting.
Not sure how good the crew would need to be be to hit a 20hr voyage without a re-fill!
Cant be done
Nah its just not possible without spending Dil. Perhaps DB will add some kind of voyage boost to starbase rooms but alas, until then the best I can do without a refill is around the 8hr mark.
Captain Lorca x 4 (CMD/DIP slots)
Borg Queen x 2 (ENG slots)
Kahless x 2 (SEC slots)
First Officer Burnham x 2 (SCI slots)
Delta Flier Paris x 2 (MED slots)
With maximum starbases, you would have a CMD score of 20,026
Let's assume your voyage hits CMD hazards every single time (ridiculous, I know, but let's go with it).
Starting AM value of 2950 (Max possible right now).
With all of those assumptions, you would stop passing missions around 16 hours in (and rise to around 4200 AM). That 4200 AM would last until a little past 19 hours.
So, in short, it is completely impossible, given current stats, to reach 20 hours without a refill.
It really depends. If you are planning a long voyage like that, it's important to do it when you can max your anti-matter at 2,950 for the voyage so you need fewer refills. That will eliminate at ;east 1 refill from your trip. So you have to do it when you can use a 2500 point ship with the 150 ship bonus and then all 12 crew have to have the correct trait.
Thanks for all the helpful advice. I used that calculator to optimize a voyage for a 20 hour run and sent it out an hour ago. It says I should be able to make it to the 8:50 mark before I need my first refill, and I should be able to do it with only 5 refills for 1050 dil. If the calculator is fairly accurate on my first refill I'm going for it. I'll let you know how it goes.
My hint is to do a 5h45' to 5h55' voyage with 2950 AM and refill every 2h15' ... with two good primary skills, the first refill will take you 3h or more which wil take one refill away in the long run to 20 hours.
The first two refills should only cost about 150 dil together, the other four about 650 dil together ...
Good job. I was assuming always failing after refill. However, you are right you do not always fail on first refill. Of course, you underestimated the refill time which is good too. You will get slightly farther in time than 2:15 min. But, it might be possible If one starts with a failure and ends with a failure your time estimate might be right.
Ran my 20 hour last week. After never breaking the 8 hr mark without a refill, got to 8 hr, 25min. That allowed me to to be sure of making 20 hours on 6 refills. Made it past the 21 hour mark. Cost 982 dil, but got 5 purple cards and 1344 chronitons. Unfortunately, of the 5 purples, 4 were already fully fused, the other made a 2/4 into a 3/4. I would have been fine with it if I had a little better luck on the purples. I was hoping for 6 to 7 and being able to use at least 3 would have been nice.
My hint is to do a 5h45' to 5h55' voyage with 2950 AM and refill every 2h15' ... with two good primary skills, the first refill will take you 3h or more which wil take one refill away in the long run to 20 hours.
The first two refills should only cost about 150 dil together, the other four about 650 dil together ...
Good job. I was assuming always failing after refill. However, you are right you do not always fail on first refill. Of course, you underestimated the refill time which is good too. You will get slightly farther in time than 2:15 min. But, it might be possible If one starts with a failure and ends with a failure your time estimate might be right.
Meow, thankies. I actually cal-Q-lated a bit of Q-ish safety puffer in case sumfin goes wrong. ^^
"Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
Cant be done
Captain Lorca x 4 (CMD/DIP slots)
Borg Queen x 2 (ENG slots)
Kahless x 2 (SEC slots)
First Officer Burnham x 2 (SCI slots)
Delta Flier Paris x 2 (MED slots)
With maximum starbases, you would have a CMD score of 20,026
Let's assume your voyage hits CMD hazards every single time (ridiculous, I know, but let's go with it).
Starting AM value of 2950 (Max possible right now).
With all of those assumptions, you would stop passing missions around 16 hours in (and rise to around 4200 AM). That 4200 AM would last until a little past 19 hours.
So, in short, it is completely impossible, given current stats, to reach 20 hours without a refill.
PM for details.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Good job. I was assuming always failing after refill. However, you are right you do not always fail on first refill. Of course, you underestimated the refill time which is good too. You will get slightly farther in time than 2:15 min. But, it might be possible If one starts with a failure and ends with a failure your time estimate might be right.
The voyage estimator has a 20 hour feature to estimate the dilithium needed with your specific crew.
No? Very well then. Two million.
Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
Meow, thankies.