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100th 4* immortalized :-)

I just immortalized my 100th 4*, bringing the total to 243 \o/ :)
To know what to expect beforehand when buying packs or getting beholds, I'm maintaining a little statistics table:

Some explanations:
- Chance of helping: if I get a crew of that rarity, it will be a) one I already have that is b) not yet FF
- Chance of slot block: I don't have this crew yet, so (esp. in case of Legendaries) it's essentially a wasted slot
- Chance of honor: already FF'd or immortalized
- Chance of helping Behold: at least one of the three choices is helping
- Chance of wasted Behold: chance that all three choices are already FF'd/immortalized

So my 4* Behold odds are still good, but getting worse each week ^^

The numbers for "helping" do not take crew into account that are unavailable from say a 10x premium pack and such.


  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Right on and congrats. Nice that you've kept your eyes open as well pack wise.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    I just immortalized my 100th 4*, bringing the total to 243 \o/ :)
    To know what to expect beforehand when buying packs or getting beholds, I'm maintaining a little statistics table:

    Some explanations:
    - Chance of helping: if I get a crew of that rarity, it will be a) one I already have that is b) not yet FF
    - Chance of slot block: I don't have this crew yet, so (esp. in case of Legendaries) it's essentially a wasted slot
    - Chance of honor: already FF'd or immortalized
    - Chance of helping Behold: at least one of the three choices is helping
    - Chance of wasted Behold: chance that all three choices are already FF'd/immortalized

    So my 4* Behold odds are still good, but getting worse each week ^^

    The numbers for "helping" do not take crew into account that are unavailable from say a 10x premium pack and such.

    Congratulations, that's quite an achievement! I'd hate to see my 'chance of helping' with 134 immortal 4* and 9 more in queue FF. I know from experience that it's pretty low, probably less than 50% in a behold.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice work! I wish I wasn't so lazy, I had to count mine...147 and counting...
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Your odds are actually much worse/better then you are projecting depending on your mix of crew. Since portals are only a subset of the 4* crew, you need to figure out your completed/needed percentage of just the crew in the portal. If your completed crew are all recent ones, you may have better odds, or if you have completed most of the portal available crew, your odds could be much worse.
  • Capt AjammCapt Ajamm ✭✭✭
    The odds are abysmal when what's needed are stars to add to my crew, but what i am offered are schematics for ships already maxed.
    ~ seeking out new life
  • .....aaaand RNG at its best: clicking on the 3* Time Portal reward from the event, a black window opens: YAAAAY! A Behold! \o/
    (1.5 seconds later: ) well, thanks for nothing, 12.3%, all three 4* choices were from already immortalized crew... x-P
  • sorinevsorinev ✭✭✭
    edited 2018 26
    Your table is showing total crew in game in that far left column, not owned? And then the other column is purely vaulted crew, not total owned? Is that right that you have 40 more who are 5/5? What does your roster look like, in a similar vein to my table?

    At first I misread the title and saw it as 100th crew immortalized, but it's 100th just for purples, great achievement. I feel you on the purple crew thing. Even though I only have 86 out of 203 fully fused (and immortalized), which is only 42%, about 80% of the purples I've gotten from voyages have already been FF. :/

    I'm up to 86 purples here with potential for only 11 more if their last star comes in.bupfvc7ry29g.png

    (edit: what the hell is with the image links?)
    [SSR] Sorin08
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 26
    42 SR plus 6 more votyage only is 48 SR crew not in portal.

    Edit1: I do not have the new SR crew added since this list was released. Only the SR in List 43 minus one voyage for 42.

    Edit2: 12 SR were released in events since Jan 11th. I do not know how many pack only (not event) were released since then.

    I will include SilverRose repost of elusive treasure list.
    One of the only ways to know what is / isn't in the portal is when DB puts out an Elusive Treasures pack that guarantees "limited" crew. Shan clarified which ones they were considering to be limited here:
    Shan wrote: »
    Wall of text incoming.

    Current "Limited Crew" for the current Elusive Treasure pack.

    5 Star:
    Abraham Lincoln
    Borg Queen
    Temporal Prisoner Chakotay
    Mirror Beverly Crusher
    Temporal Agent Daniels
    Mirror Data
    Romulan Data
    Leonardo da Vinci
    Honey Bare Jadzia
    Officer Burnham
    Dr. Hugh Culber
    Desert Philippa Georgiou
    Captain Lorca
    Harcourt Fenton Mudd
    Torchbearer Rejac
    Cadet Sylvia Tilly
    Enabran Tain
    Ilia Probe
    Rura Penthe Kirk
    Musketeer La Forge
    Zhian’tara Odo
    Umpire Odo
    Defensive Phlox
    C.O.P. Founder Picard
    Mirror Jean-Luc Picard
    Smitten Jean-Luc Picard
    Mariachi Q
    Convergence Day Quark
    Mirror Reed
    Satan's Robot
    Niners Sisko
    Dr. Soong
    Ambassador Soval
    The Keeper
    The Traveler
    Durango Troi
    Goddess of Empathy Troi
    Mirror Inquisitor Troi
    Nyota Uhura
    Lieutenant Wesley Crusher
    Rogue Kai Winn
    Trader Worf

    4 Star
    C.O.P. Founder Archer
    Lieutenant Arex Na Eth
    Commander Barak
    Warship Chakotay
    Commander Chapel
    Friar Tuck Data
    Prospero Data
    Mirror Jadzia Dax
    Graduation Michael Burnham
    Tactical Michael Burnham
    Armed Philippa Georgiou
    First Officer Saru
    Reinforcements Stamets
    Lt. Ash Tyler
    Torchbearer Voq
    Dominion Dukat
    The President of Earth
    Author Doctor
    Mirror Janeway
    Warship Janeway
    Buster Kincaid Kim
    Captain Kurn
    Doctor La Forge
    Mirror Geordi La Forge
    Mirror Mayweather
    Katra McCoy
    Miral Torres
    Commander Nevesa
    Klingon O'Brien
    Prisoner O'Brien
    Trader Odo
    Tourist Quark
    Anbo-jyutsu Riker
    M-113 Creature
    Gabriel Bell
    Mirror Vic Fontaine
    Cadet Wesley Crusher
    Colonel Worf <- this is actually an oversight. This crew is still exclusive to Voyages, will continue to be so and will not be available in the Time Portal.

    This was as of January 11th, so any event characters we've had since then could be added to the list as they are not in circulation. As I noted when this post was made, the list of "limited" contains some pretty interesting characters (I italicized them above) that by all rights SHOULD have been included in a time portal update but for some reason were not.

    Also worth noting... these characters can and have appeared in theme packs, dabo wheel, and Elusive Treasures packs. What they will not appear in is any pulls done from the regular time portal in the game until they are added into general circulation. That means that if you, like me, have had Prospero Data sitting around forever waiting on the chance to add more stars after his event, you will continue to be waiting around forever to add more stars since you have no chance outside of specific themed opportunities to do so.

  • edited 2018 27
    sorinev wrote: »
    Your table is showing total crew in game in that far left column, not owned?
    sorinev wrote: »
    And then the other column is purely vaulted crew, not total owned?
    It's immortalized crew. "Vaulted" may be the wrong word if it is interpreted as "no longer in current crew roster"
    sorinev wrote: »
    Is that right that you have 40 more who are 5/5?
    I wish! x-D
    "In Queue" means "Anything I own that is not immortalized yet", so most of the time these will be 1/5 and 1/4. OF THAT, "In Queue FF" are the ones that are already FF (but not yet L.100).

  • Hm, now I'm curious about how many of my 31 missing 4* are actually obtainable through regular premium packs... :-/
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 27
    Hm, now I'm curious about how many of my 31 missing 4* are actually obtainable through regular premium packs... :-/

    Maybe list the 31 here we should be able to tell you. I have all superrare in portal only 6 are not immortalized.

    Also make sure to look at the other post in my requote of SilverRose.
    That was the list of elusive treasure crew, they are not in portal.
  • edited 2018 21
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Maybe list the 31 here we should be able to tell you. I have all superrare in portal only 6 are not immortalized.

    Also make sure to look at the other post in my requote of SilverRose.
    That was the list of elusive treasure crew, they are not in portal.
    I marked two special cases:
    green - Voyages only
    blue - Elusive Treasures post
    grey - unavailable
    orange - added to pack on 2018/03/20

    Age of Sail La Forge
    Ambassador K'Ehleyr
    Armed Philippa Georgiou
    Cadet Wesley Crusher
    Captain Kurn
    Colonel Worf
    Commander Nevesa
    Commander Thelin
    Dominion Dukat
    Dr Crusher
    Dr. Gillian Taylor
    Fierce Guinan
    Friar Tuck Data
    Gabriel Bell
    Lieutenant Arex Na Eth
    Lon Suder
    M-113 Creature
    Miral Torres
    Mirror Mayweather
    Mirror Vic Fontaine
    North Star Archer
    Sheriff Worf
    The Clown
    The President of Earth
    Thot Gor
    Tommy Gun Dixon
    Warship Janeway

    I also just found this thread: https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/3582/super-rares-not-in-portal/p1
    Not sure why Lal, Bareil and Kilana are striked out, though - maybe they have been moved to the regular portal?
  • sorinevsorinev ✭✭✭
    I got Bareil from the regular portal last night (already FF though), so that could be what it means.
    [SSR] Sorin08
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 2018 01
    Going through the list you created. You seem to have taken the italicized as being available .
    The following are not in portal yet and were part of elusive treasure.
    Captain Kurn
    Dominion Dukat
    Warship Janeway

    Okay others that are not mainly because they were recent event crew.
    Commander Thelin
    Dr. Gillian Taylor

    These are the only ones in portal from your list.
    Age of Sail La Forge
    Ambassador K’Ehleyr
    Dr. Crusher
    Lon Suder
    North Star Archer
    Sheriff Worf
    Tommy Gun Dixon

    Though now the question might be about slot block.
    Edit: I guess these are the slot block. The 9 missing from current portal
    The other 22 are not in portal.
    Ah, therefore of your 72 how many of those are in the portal.
  • @WaldoMag thanks for clearing that up and checking my list! And sorry for taking so long to answer.
    I updated my post, and also marked the crew added to the portal in today's update.

    I also used my 3 free 10x packs I had been saving for such an update: two were 4* crew I already immortalized (=the 49.8%, ignoring the crew not available in the portal. although in reality it's more than that, but I'm currently too lazy to calculate the exact number x-D ), and one was a behold with 2x FF and one of the newly added ones (Cadet Wesley Crusher).
    So the behold wasn't a "helping" behold in the sense of completing one of my not-yet-FF's, it was a slot block - but I'm fine with that, as I'm now trying to get ALL the 4*'s, and no longer worry about 4* slot blocks (but I still hate getting 5*'s I don't already have).

    Re your last remark: yep, the 72 are crew I have at least 1/4 and not yet immortalized. Most of them are available in the portal (especially since today). Again, I'm too lazy to filter out the list against the unavailable ones ^^
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