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Should event rewards be more evenly spread?

S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
edited March 2018 in The Bridge
Ranking in the top 1000 grants us 1x 5* event crew... however, finishing outside of the top 25 also grants 1x 5* event crew. What about all the players from 25-1000 who invest time and effort? Should there be more rewards to reflect the effort made?

Should event rewards be more evenly spread? 109 votes

Absolutely, say top 100 x3 5* crew, top 200 x2, top 1000 x1
uss_bonaventureJeanLucKirkAviTrek[KM] UL1R53SSR BarkleySabine of AthensCloneDpmtProsserData1001Rocpile[DB:Do Better] More Tranya!Jhamel[TUFG] SiguardNad HalJim Raynor[PAaA] Peanut3141General McDuckCapt AjammStygian 57 votes
Sounds logical and beneficial
Rabb/SSR/ Captain S'log[NDQ] Joker41NAMXoiikuMagisseNiner47Captain Sisko [AA] William T. RikerFredouNeos472scruffy151KTzBrunt, FCAkvafyPhotonKimShran Wrap(10F)Geekgirlal103Odo MarmarosaGib - Admiral Mariners 30 votes
It makes no difference to me
Grant77DittoparcTP do better!! ~Colli~ (PoF) 4 votes
The present system suffices
No, I like it how it is now.
OTHER- please specific in comments
Astrometrics[DC] Principiamilamber42WaldoMagV.Ivanstone[TUFG] Doctor XLilac Erosion dext74Hungry Dog DDMRaraRacing[BL] C6pilotNeemsThe Great GornholioThurthorad[10F] Belle'Anna Dirk GundersonAverage Guy 18 votes


  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    Absolutely, say top 100 x3 5* crew, top 200 x2, top 1000 x1
    Taking factions for example: I must save a *beep* load of 3* time boosts to compete at a high level... this requires dil for extra cadet missions... not to mention more time and effort to physically monitor shuttles coming and going every 1.5 to 3 hours...

    The reward for this is almost negligible and something I will only do very selectively from now on as it makes no sense to invest excesses of time and dil for mediocre rewards...

    The same can be applied to galaxy... saving chrons, farming, expending resources and the reward is realistically just 1x 5* crew for 99% of us... I’m not complaining, just putting it out there. I’d be a lot more motivated to go the extra mile if the rewards were spread out to entice me.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    OTHER- please specific in comments
    There needs to be rewards between threshold and ranked too. I find it strange that out of 120,000 odd players we only have 3000 who can achieve a single copy or more of the second super-rare. Somewhere there is space for a fourth copy of the threshold reward in a Faction Event, and there only needs to be three copies of the second super-rare in a Galaxy as the fourth is given out for free. It should be a citation or a behold.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Absolutely, say top 100 x3 5* crew, top 200 x2, top 1000 x1
    I like the idea more effort/rank gets appropriate increase in rewards. The current rewards for rank 26 are pretty much the same as rank 1000
    ~ seeking out new life
  • OTHER- please specific in comments
    It needs to be a combination of a finer reward structure and a flexible rank system that adjusts to number of players. The flexibility should work like the arena but also there needs to be a meaningful difference in the rewards from one tier to the next.

    Lilac Erosion

    7TH Tactical Wing

    Maybe the irony is that we play because we’re Star Trek fans, those hopeful idealists that like to think things will get better when we raise valid concerns about fairness and balance, etc and we forget that DB’s greed openly mocks the values espoused by the franchise they have a license
    -Lord Wizzlestix IT
  • The Great GornholioThe Great Gornholio ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    OTHER- please specific in comments
    I feel like nowadays top 1500 should get 1x 5*, and top 500 Should get 2x5*. I doubt it will ever happen, but that would be a nice compensation for the ever increasing difficulty in top 1k for some players
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    Absolutely, say top 100 x3 5* crew, top 200 x2, top 1000 x1
    I feel like nowadays top 1500 should get 1x 5*, and top 500 Should get 2x5*. I doubt it will ever happen, but that would be a nice compensation for the ever increasing difficulty in top 1k for some players

    Precisely, and this is why I made this poll.... I’ve been operating at maximum efficiency during the present event, running 50+ 3* time boosts, having all event crew leveled up and having high success rates.... but I’m still only ranked 80, and have zero chance of getting to the top 25. So I will sit back now and just comfortably stay in top 1000 because there’s no incentive to continue to break the time boost bank
  • RabbRabb ✭✭
    Sounds logical and beneficial
    It definitely needs a wider spread. I can usually hit top 1k but most of our fleet seems to think that top 3k isn't even worth trying for anymore, as they can't get much past that, so they stay at threshold max.

    My own thinking is top 3k should be top 8-10k, rising to at least the top 2500 getting a 5*. I'd also say 200 and 500 seems like a milestone so i'd probably say 500 for 2/5, and 200 for a 3/5 maybe. That would actually add a challenge worth spending for.

    I'd suspect that many of the players hitting top 50 every week already have the bonus crew at 5/5 from packs. I'd also think that not a single first place winner needed the reward except as a duplicate, maybe the whales would like something else instead, like unique/rare titles and avatar portraits? top 50 rare avatar and then something very special for top 10?
    Maybe even add a medal per faction, so the whales can win the Cardassian special avatar this week, but still need the federation one next event?
  • Absolutely, say top 100 x3 5* crew, top 200 x2, top 1000 x1
    I agree with smoothing out the crew rewards through the ranks, and for it to be more than the top 1000 who get the 5*. Even better I think would be percentage based (like in the arena), and for other rewards to be involved too - like significant honour or citations.

    Percentage based would ensure that it automatically takes into account and updates for player influx, without DB having to retroactively adjust the ranked reward structure multiple times.
  • edited March 2018
    It makes no difference to me
    Because I’m not good enough to rank that high! 😕
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    OTHER- please specific in comments
    It needs to be a percentage of participants like the arena, rather than based on pure ranks. If that wasn’t practical for some reason then this would make sense.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Rank & Percentage hybrid but definitely more wide spread.

    Given the honor debt we all have honor/citations are the ultimate prize, even more so than Dilithium at this point, save for a ridiculous bundle.

    So very top #1 001% prize should be
    5x Legendary 4x Legendary Citation
    (Accumulative style as is today)

    Then top 50 same but 3 Citations

    Top 150 Same but 2 Citations

    Top 350 same with one citation

    Then percentage based down scale equivocal with every couple hundred losing a legendary
    Till around 1500 (in today's scale) ends up with a single legendary , 4 super rare and 2 super rare citation

    Down scale again to about 5000 in today's rank
    So on and so on..

    There better that people feel they can do, the harder they will try to do even better.

    I would fight my but off every interesting Event to reach better then 350
    Reaching top 50 or 150 even if I don't care about that weeks characters would be worth it for the citations alone.

    One the in is in the customers hands, they are not likely to keep it even if they didn't want it and with to make it reach it's full potential.

    I don't give a hump about Romulan troi.
    But if / when I get her 4/4 this event I'm very likely to build her instead of just flushing her.
    (As tempting as that will be with her stats)

    Come on DB..
    Go for the gold here..
    Take a chance.

    Try it for a month with interesting characters and see what happens.

    If after that month your numbers aren't at least as good as they are not if not better..
    I'll happily go back to they way things are and never speak of this again.

  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    OTHER- please specific in comments
    I would take the legendary down to 2000.

    In Gota the 25 gold goes down to 2500. There are much more fervent players here.

    They would have to bring the 2 legendaries to around 300 to get me interested to compete for that.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    OTHER- please specific in comments
    I think some of the secondary prizes should be expanded on currently. They're pretty weak at the moment. It can take a lot of additional effort to place better and your reward for that effort can be 2-4 3* Pulls and some trainers.

    The 2x 5* reward should also be changed to a larger bracket as well as. The top 25 should get Citations instead of additional crew. Almost no one in a Faction Event is getting top 25 without event 5* crew anyways. Someone in a Galaxy Event might do it but its only a couple people each time and they're not consistently doing it.

    The 4* brackets should also be lengthened.

    The threshold rewards should also have larger brackets. Perhaps up to 500K VP.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • XoiikuXoiiku ✭✭✭✭
    Sounds logical and beneficial
    I agree with smoothing out the crew rewards through the ranks, and for it to be more than the top 1000 who get the 5*. Even better I think would be percentage based (like in the arena), and for other rewards to be involved too - like significant honour or citations.

    Percentage based would ensure that it automatically takes into account and updates for player influx, without DB having to retroactively adjust the ranked reward structure multiple times.

    I would like to see Top 1% getting 3 copies, Top 5% getting 2 copies and Top 10% getting 1 copy of the top prize. Not by rank, but by purrcentage based on the overall purrticipation in the event (like in the Arena).

    We are all downstream from each other and ourselves, therefore choose to be relaxed and groovy.
    Consider participating in civil discourse, understanding the Tardigrade, and wandering with the Subspace Eddies.
  • OTHER- please specific in comments
    with the vast increase of players the rewards should be increased down the line.... a 5* beyond 1k and I think you should always be able to FF 4* instead of having ones that you can only get FF by buying a pack. Yes I know that DB needs to make money but somehow I think they do pretty well as it is.
    "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    It makes no difference to me
    All of the whales in the top ranks have already bought the event characters to begin with, so providing extra copies doesn't accomplish much.

    That being said, I just cruise to about 900th in every faction event so I don't really care what they do as long as I get my 1/5* and FF 4*.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Absolutely, say top 100 x3 5* crew, top 200 x2, top 1000 x1
    with the vast increase of players the rewards should be increased down the line.... a 5* beyond 1k and I think you should always be able to FF 4* instead of having ones that you can only get FF by buying a pack. Yes I know that DB needs to make money but somehow I think they do pretty well as it is.

    Do we have figures to account for a 'vast increase' of players vs players departing?
  • Absolutely, say top 100 x3 5* crew, top 200 x2, top 1000 x1
    Grant77 wrote: »
    All of the whales in the top ranks have already bought the event characters to begin with, so providing extra copies doesn't accomplish much.

    That being said, I just cruise to about 900th in every faction event so I don't really care what they do as long as I get my 1/5* and FF 4*.

    It depends on which top ranks we're talking about. Many (maybe the majority) of players between rank 25 and rank 1000 aren't whales and don't already have the event legendaries FF.

    As a monthly carder I generally end up rank 75-700 in faction events if I put the effort. It's a bit of a discouragement to play, to get essentially nothing more for the top few hundred, than top 1000. Also for the many players who put in lots of effort but don't manage top 1000 for only one copy of the 5* crew, or to FF the 4*. This seems even more pronounced in galaxy events where many resources are spent. Try to get yourself safe to around 900, but there is lack of incentive to place any higher than that.

    If rewards were more spread out and in a percentage-based system, we'd have more incentive for different ranks both above and below 1000, and the rush right at the end would be more spread out too. It would be less concentrated on the top 1000 mark.
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    Absolutely, say top 100 x3 5* crew, top 200 x2, top 1000 x1
    @Shan This thread has some great constructive ideas for reallocating rewards. The game is always improving and this could certainly add to that. I didn’t make the poll to complain, I always make top 1000 in faction.... I just found that I cruise now and never push for top 25 because it’s almost impossible and the rewards from 26-1000 are effectively the same, which doesn’t make sense within the fine margins of the business end of each event.
  • ProsserProsser ✭✭✭
    Absolutely, say top 100 x3 5* crew, top 200 x2, top 1000 x1
    The event reward structure is so outdated it's shameful. It needs to be % based for starters. Top 10% should get 1/5. 7.5% is 2/5, 5% is 3/5, 2.5% is 4/5 and 1% get 5/5. Then if you get into top 100 they could add 10x portals or perhaps dil rewards.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    OTHER- please specific in comments
    I was going to say double the top 25 to top 50, but I totally agree with your comment. And scaling to player base makes much more sense.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    OTHER- please specific in comments
    The rewards table definitely needs to expand to take into account more players. Too many people with strong crews that have played since day one are battling for top 1000. Getting squeezed out a few times in the last hour isn't going to encourage borderline players (with less than a year) such as myself to expend resources to get a borderline 5*.
  • OTHER- please specific in comments
    Let's put it this way...

    There are 2952 competitors in the 2018 winter Olympics with medals going to the top 3 spots of 102 separate events. That's 102 GOLDS, 102 SILVERS and 102 BRONZE winners out of 2952.

    How many players are competing in a STT event?

    Yeah, DB needs to fix this abhorrent scale.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Let's put it this way...

    There are 2952 competitors in the 2018 winter Olympics with medals going to the top 3 spots of 102 separate events. That's 102 GOLDS, 102 SILVERS and 102 BRONZE winners out of 2952.

    How many players are competing in a STT event?

    Yeah, DB needs to fix this abhorrent scale.

    Upwards of 60k players participate in each event, is my understanding.

    There are people here who have more exact numbers. (: Maybe one of them will pop in.
  • dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    OTHER- please specific in comments
    Percentage base to match the arena.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The legendary crew should be a threshold reward. At say 500,000 for galaxy, 300 or 350,000 for faction.
  • Emmett KEmmett K ✭✭✭
    Can't make money if you Give it away for free
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