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Time to Change the Event Rewards Table

General McDuckGeneral McDuck ✭✭✭✭
edited March 2018 in The Bridge
I really wanted to add another star to Obsidian Order Garak, so I pushed hard during this event. I burned through shuttle boosts and completed and sent shuttles to the best of my ability. With 15 minutes left in the event I was sitting just above 840 in the rankings. At this point, there was nothing left for me to do; I was confident I’d get the 2nd star for Garak. I logged in again at 09:00 and to my extreme disappointment saw where I placed....1001! You’ve got to be kidding me? I spent that time and effort for nothing but some honor and merits?!? It’s time for a change to the reward tables. The player base has grown too large for the table to stay as it is now.

I’ve agreed with others here about needing to change the reward table. Now after getting screwed over myself, I’m even more on board for the change.

I am not happy being the newest member of the #1001 club.



  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Man that **tsk tsk**!! I managed to grab his second star but I agree the tables need looking at. I narrowly missed out on Spider Barclay (1008) so can totally agree that it **tsk tsk** to miss out on the gold.

    DB: Do Better
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Someone always will be the unlucky one. ;)
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    While I empathize with anyone that comes in at rank 1001, that kind of thing is going to happen no matter what number they choose.

    The reward is called a legendary crew for a reason. It shouldn't be easy to obtain and the fact that some people aren't good enough is no reason to change the rewards structure. It's just an incentive to get better crew and try harder next time.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    A straight percentage reward system would be easily abused. This could be mitigated with a hybrid system where you need a certain amount of VP to count towards the percentage, but is it worth the effort?

    I honestly don't see any compelling need to change the system. More people want the legendary, sure. I doubt that's any different than day 1.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree here as well. % based seems like a much fairer approach
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    So when there were 10,000 players they implemented the current system. Now there are some 30,000 actively participating in the event. If there were 300,000,000 should the same structure remain in place?
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree it should be percentage-based, but personally I feel that the lack of significant reward increases between #1000 and #25 is the bigger problem.
  • 0xqrkygihtqc.jpeg

    I’ve been in the #1001 club too. Lots of time and effort and no 5*! 😫
    “With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.” Captain Picard quoting Judge Aaron Satie.
  • Captain LostCaptain Lost ✭✭✭✭
    I know how you feel. I've never finished top 1000, though I played hard for it this time for Obsidian Order Garak and for Mirror Beverly Crusher in Reflections back in December. Came up just short both times. At least I get to FF Rakal Troi, though :# .
  • [DC] Principia[DC] Principia ✭✭✭✭
    I think switching to percentage but leaving the achievement as numerical would be fair. I concur that there's little practical difference between 26 and 1000 right now; more tiers in there, whether we stick with numbers or go to percentage, has been needed for a long time.
  • Secret JourneySecret Journey ✭✭✭✭
    It has been much harder to place in the top 2K for a few months...just means you gotta buy more and more boosts for the 5* 2.5 hour reduction in that last hour. I slipped about 500 spots in the last 45 minutes
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • After turning in shuttles at 3 hours left my placement was 1074.

    8 x 1.5 hour boosts going 6 for 8 later I was 996 with 3 minutes left.

    A failed 2.5 hour boost + dilithium and I was back to 998. A successful repeat and suddenly I'm at 900.

    The last hour is crazy tight.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Percentage based + threshold,
    Legendary or legendary citation at 300,000.

    That's far too easy. People outside of the top 1000 already get that
  • The “Pack” has gotten a lot tighter in recent months. I was at 1042 with 5 minutes to go when My shuttles came in, 2 failed and Finished 830. less than 10,000 VP separated over 200 places. I played this event pretty hard and burned quite a few 1:30 time boosts yesterday to make sure I placed top 1000 and I was surprised I had actually fallen out of the top 1000! Never been a member of the 1001 club, proud member of the 1003 and 999 club though!
  • I don't think there is any financial motivation to change the rewards system.
    If you really want a Legendary figure, then you purchase it or run the risk of losing. That is part of DB's business plan. Aesthetically, giving out a wider, more intriguing range of rewards (especially between rank 25 - 1000 {what even is the point of those extra layers of rewards?}) would be more motivating.
    I have to give DB a lot of credit for the final $9.99 offer on the last day. Though I wish it were specifically dedicated to the Thresh hold character that you usually can only earn 3/4 with.
  • pbertpbert ✭✭✭
    There are lots of problems with it right now. On the other end of the table, I ended up 76, just barely "missing out" on 2 1x premium pulls, 100 merits, and 5 gold trainers.

    They really should update this. Honor and citations give them at least a partial solution for what, if I remember correctly, some were asking for way back when events started having more than 1 4*: giving people the option between the featured crew. Since honor can be broken up and is relatively scarce, gradually building up honor rewards to 50,000 at 25, 100,000 at 15, etc. while only offering 1 of the 5* makes sense to me. Maybe, since they've really screwed up conversions between their various currencies, honor hits 18,000 for 1,500-1,001 and you get 2 4* citations to round out the 4* crew. That way it gives the player some options, and offers some consolation to players who are only playing for the 5* but fall short as well.

    And, as is the point of the OP, since there are more active players it would be great to see the ranks adjusted to percentage based or at least increased to more reasonable numbers.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    V. wrote: »
    So when there were 10,000 players they implemented the current system. Now there are some 30,000 actively participating in the event. If there were 300,000,000 should the same structure remain in place?

    Where are you getting those numbers? I'm curious as I'd like to do some analysis on a different topic that has to do with event participation.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    This definitely needs to be changed, and most likely moved to percentage based. But not the numbers DB would use, with 0.1% getting the 5*, it really should be 10 or 15%, with the lowest tier 1%.

    These diminishing rewards are certainly sapping my will to play. I liked having 30 shuttles so I could start at 4k, even though RNGeesus did drop me to 3.5 for a while, but there was no way I was interested in putting in the effort for top 1k. Last Dukat and out. So I have a 3/4 that I don't really like that might get spaced soon. More likely to get spaced and more likely to make me quit the longer the portal goes without its "90 day update".

    I know DB couldn't care any less about me, and won't miss me if I leave, and no amount of grousing could ever change that. But I am representative of a larger problem and a larger population. It's far better to design for long term retention and satisfaction that a short term cash grab. Something only a management shift could do.
  • I once suggested partial to full crew slots distributed through all ranks. Crew slots are always an incentive to rank higher (rank 25 - 1000), lessen the pressure of partial fused crew if you play active and perform good and are even additional real rewards for top ranks. Currently 2 - 5 legendary for the top spots have almost 0 value, a full crew slot surely would.
  • I agree a change needs to be changed. Throughout the entire event I was around the 500 rank mark. Yesterday evening I dropped down to the 800's. This morning I dropped to 1075. I managed to get enough shuttles in with 20 minutes left to go. Which put me in the mid 900's. I got my last shuttle back with 2 minutes to spare and I was back to 1050. Honestly I killed myself over the weekend. I got very little sleep so I could keep the shuttles in constant motion. Well until the reward table gets changed. I'm not going to be doing that anymore.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Percentage based + threshold,
    Legendary or legendary citation at 300,000.

    That's far too easy. People outside of the top 1000 already get that

    Yeah but they aren't getting the legendary and we all agree that the top prizes should be better distributed, yes ?
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    To be honest, I usually only play for the four star ranked. Getting into the top 1000 is insanely difficult, I threw lots of time boosts at this event as I picked up OO Garak in a pack, and still dropped out of the top 1000. I only needed two stars for Rakal Troi so in all it was a lot of effort for not much.

    Doing the same for galaxy is an exercise in chroniton burning, and it's even worse with people turning in the super-rares at the last minute. You really have to be dedicated and throw lots of resources, and all you get is a 1/5.

    But I don't want to fill my crew slots with 1/5's so I suppose that's why I'm not too fussed ultimately. Be good to have rewards in between threshold and 3000, and 1000 to 25 though. It's weirdly uninhabited null-space for some reason only DB can explain
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  • A percentage based reward system like in the arena would automatically adjust for player influx. Crew could be more smoothly spread out too so rank 100-500 or so doesn't get essentially the same rewards as rank 1000.

    Sorry about your Obsidian! 1001+ ranks deserve the 1/5 for their time & efforts.

    While I agree that top 1000 may be arbitrary, I'm not sure how your suggestion would solve the problem. It won't be much of a consolation to someone who only makes the top 1.01% when top 1.00% is what is needed.

    I think the issue is more that the value of the rank rewards far outstrips the threshold rewards but there is such a large gap in effort past threshold to reach the top of rank rewards (currently set at 1000)

    There will always be someone who falls just outside of a bracket.* But I think that the legendary crew (and other possible good) rewards should be expanded to more players, not only 1000 - and also be on a percentage-based system so that it fluidly updates to accommodate however many players are engaged.

    If the rewards are also more spread out among the ranks/percentage brackets, so there are more incentives for each bracket, that would also help to minimize (though not eliminate) player frustration at missing a specific bracket.

    *unless we move to an entirely different system I have in mind where nobody gets any legendary duplicates except for those who already have all 5 stars from the event's beginning.
  • General McDuckGeneral McDuck ✭✭✭✭
    Good dialogue within the post!

    I like the percentages idea. And yes, there will always be people in the 1001 Club, even if a percentage-type reward table is adopted. That being said, I would assume that those in the top 2000-3000 are regular/daily players with some investment in the game. I would venture out to guess that your run of the mill casual player isn't necessarily placing in the top 2000 on a regular basis. Rejiggering the event reward table would be good for the game - a sign that DB is invested in the player base, not just our wallets.
  • AcerAcer ✭✭
    I agree with the percentage system as well. I think it would also help to know where I am with relations to the rest of the people playing in the event. Who knows, it might goad people to spend more money, which is ultimately DB’s aim.

    As far as the agony of missing a tier, I didn’t even get a Troi. Got three Odos, which I didn’t need. At least I got a time portal which yielded... a fourth Constable Odo. RNG’d.
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