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Summer Mega-Event Hashup



  • someone took a bunch of random toys from different franchises, threw them in a box, shook it up, and then dumped it all out on the floor and called the result a story.

    You mean like...this entire game?

    The base premise of this game is that all timelines, from all series are colliding, bringing together characters who would never be together.

    What's wrong with a story about Khan hijacking the Defiant or something? Then maybe Red Shirt Khan, who doesn't hate Kirk as much yet, could intervene, request help from a prominent doctor he's heard about who is also an augment, then Bashir brings some DS9 friends to help out. I mean, it's really not that hard to come up with a story involving some Augments and DS9 crew.

    We literally just had an event with 3 different characters from 3 different series all interacting with each other. Should all events only include characters from one series and one timeline? Where's the fun in that?

    There's a difference between inventing non-canon characters (like Augment Riker) and making an event with a non-canon storyline (which obviously all events are, because this game is basically one big, glorious fan-fic) involving canon characters.

    Also, to address the OP, the question in the poll was "Which is your favourite faction", it said nothing specific about running shuttles. People just like augments. Because Khan was a cool character. Also because Admiral Patrick.

    I mean, we'll probably still get Augment Janeway, because DB will be DB, but I expect the vast majority of characters to be canon, and they will all be DS9 or Augment characters, and it will be fun.

    Can we have fun?

    I know. It’s just I like existing characters from the tv and movies so much more than those from books, comics, or made up by DB. I don’t always mind those kind, excepting Martok, but I still like the strictly canon types better, and it’s just that there are still so many they’ve yet to put in the game, it always seems like a waste to use space and such for a new character when there are so many real ones to choose from already.

    Well, whatever happens, happens, and I like the game nonetheless and I’ll be darned if I won’t have some fun playing this upcoming mega-event. Doesn’t mean I won’t complain, that’s what forums are for, but I’ll still have fun, lol.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
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