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  • Yeah, but then they would have to know what they're doing 10 days in advance, lol.
    Maybe the irony is that we play because we’re Star Trek fans, those hopeful idealists that like to think things will get better when we raise valid concerns about fairness and balance, etc and we forget that DB’s greed openly mocks the values espoused by the franchise they have a license for.
    -Lord Wizzlestix I
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've been playing for a little over a year. I started with two monthly cards then stopped and then started again so am only VIP 6 having once bought the $10 10 pull (because it looked cheap). So I spend very little outside of the $5 a month for the DIL card. Having said that, I do use the DIL to buy a 650 event pack if it is a Faction (shuttle) event in the hopes that I can pull the threshold character (mainly to avoid getting stuck with a 3/4 at the end of the event). It gives me a day to level an event character which helps with the event (and sharing with my squad but we tend to rotate squad leader based on who has a good event character). I don't buy an event pack if it is a galaxy or hybrid faction/galaxy because the community award means I will get the extra star for the 3/4* threshold character in any case.

    My last "poor" event was about 18 events ago, the galaxy event "Ship of Memory" which, if memory serves, was skewed by a massive 3000 chroniton sorryton award during the event which I didn't spend and ended up 11,000. The three pure Galaxy events since then, I have been 1748, 930, and 2290. For the faction only events, I have been top 500, and for hybrid Faction/Galaxy, top 1000 (I tend to minimise spent resources in the galaxy part to just stay in the top 1000 like last week where I ended 914 after entering phase two at about 300 because the difference in rewards from rank 26-999 seem to be virtually nil). In other words, I generally get both 4/4* (threshold and ranked) and a 1/5* every event. I still occasionally get stuck with a 3/4* for faction events but between the pre-event pack pull, random draw luck in the portal and Voyages, and honor citations, have been slowly immortalising that huge backlog of 3/4* that I had (originally about 25 characters, now down to 9 who are FE 100 just waiting for a star.

    I am now saving honor so I can get the 5th * for Borg Queen and Kortar from the previous Mega events and already got one for T'Kumvat which means he will be my first immortalised 5*. My new strategy is to save 50,000 honor prior to a Mega Event so you can buy the extra citation * for the event and end the event with a 5/5*. The rest of my 5* tend to be 1/5 and a few 2/5 from lucky beholds and such. 19 are FE 100, 15 are level 1 waiting for an event where I will powerlevel them on Mon-Wed before the event.

    If I were to spend big money on packs, I would probably use it to buy the bonus stars for the 5* so I could get a strong 5/5* in MED, SCI, ENG and maybe DIP as they have already given us a "free" 5/5* for CMD and SEC in the form of Borg Queen and Kortar just so that I could have a 1000+ character in each of the six skills. But "super" 4/4* released this year means that the penalty for not having a bunch of 5/5* has been minimal. Ambassador K'Ehleyr has DIP 979, Lal has ENG 905, Combat Medic Paris has MED 877, and Princess Jadzia has SCI 917 (may be skewed due to starbases though). Hope this long explanation helps you to understand another point of view of a low-spending player who does buy the occasional event pack.
  • DB should increase the drop rate of legendary crew. There are so many already and no one will ever collect all of them. This would give incentive to a lot more players to spend money. Currently this game is designed only for the ‘whales’. But having a lot more of paying players must be better than just small number of whales in the long run.

    What I want to know though, the top 25 players on the board, how much money they spent per event?
  • In the current event, I am miraculously ranked 232 as of the last time I checked about a half hour ago. Normally, in faction events, I run 15% below the expected rate rate of return, yet this time, I am running above expectations, and have immortalized 4/4 and 3/5 FE event crew, as well as FE secondary and tertiary crew along with good missions making it so. Be that as it may, I do not have Lt. McGivers in my crew roster, so I am looking forward to getting her 4/4, which appears to be a certainty at this point. I also do not have Capt. Lorka, and a 1/5 at the end of the event would be cool, and I will probably spring for the $25 upgrade. I have enough chrons banked to play the galaxy phase with no problem.

    As for whether it makes sense, this time it does. In other previous events, especially if I just bought the pack, it didn't.
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