Unfortunately that will never work. DB has to submit to the idea that new players are always coming in. Between that and F2P players, training programs are ESSENTIAL to those players, and very scarce, unlike where the majority of us are at.
Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
Well, I'm all for doing something for credits... cause I'M OUT. I have 28 items to build for crew members. This has nothing to do with spending 250k in the faction stores, or replicating 250k legendary, or even 90k super rare items. I have done a few 32k rare items that had unbelievable items below it. I try to stick with 0/1/2* replications to minimize cost. With, all the chrons from voyages, I'm running away missions one by one to get 25-30% more credits, and doing warp-10 space missions. I'm going after 3* and 4* components with all the chrons. I even pop a few supply kits to add some extra creds. And STILL I am out. For the first time I have 1,000 5* trainers, along with 630 4*, 2500 3*, 2100 2*, and 1800 1*. I also run the max cadet mission to get almost 500ka week. What are you all doing to increase your credits?
There's an easier solution to all of that that will make everyone happy without breaking game balance and logic too much: make it possible to sell trainers and possibly items in general. New players who need them can keep the trainers, players drowning in them can sell them and therefore get credits instead.
It's not as if credits were ever disbalancing the game too much. Before we started to have replicator material abundance through voyages there was always enough credits.
It's not as if credits were ever disbalancing the game too much. Before we started to have replicator material abundance through voyages there was always enough credits.
For me it's not the abundance of replicator rations (I had 20,000 space station build items before Voyages started). It's the, and I never thought I'd say this, the abundance of chronitons from Voyages... I'll explain with some number crunching here:
The normal chron recharge rate is 1 per 6 min, 10 per hour and cost 3 dilithium per chron to refill (50 for 150 dil). I'm getting over 1,000 extra chrons/day doing 2 Voyages using 1 refill each to push into the 8½ hour range that average 550 chrons per Voyage (44 per hour, avg 81 dilithium to refill, so 0.14 dil per chron). I've been playing around with 2 refills now and then which average 800 chrons per Voyage (53 per hour, avg 185 dilithium for 2 refills, so 0.23 dil per chron), but 2 of these voyages take 30 hours instead of 24. Throw in a Supply Kit and that boosts my chron earnings to 55/hr for 1 refill (0.11 dil per chron) or 66/hr for 2 (0.19 dil per chron). I'm ok with the increased cost per chron because I get a lot more from the extended Voyage as well - more creds, honor, crew, trainers, and 2* components.
This has allowed me to get 3* and 4* components for larger item builds quicker, which in turn cost more to build the 4* and 5* items. Items in the 90's/100's with some of these new crew run between 65k and 110k per item to build. This, along with some new 4* drops (or ability to fuse others that I have ignored for awhile) from Voyages is what is wiping my credits out. Voyages don't drop many credits - I only average about 30k per Voyage.
I've transferred my monthly card dilithium spending from M/W/F cadet missions (2 ticket refills, 300 dilithium for 300 chrons for 3 days = 900 chrons/week) to Voyages (2 Voyages/day, 1 AM refill per voyage, 162 dilithium for 1100 chrons for 6 days = 6600 chrons/week) because as you can see I get a better ROI on chronitons. It looks like I will have to adjust some of that dilithium to the Sat cadet mission for 6x 78k creds per run. I already spend 10 dil/day on 1 30k cred refill.
It would be nice to have the ability sell any of my inventory items for credits. I have hundreds of 3* overnight shuttle boosts that I never use (I'm go to sleep about 1 or 2am and wake up around 5-6am so a 9-hour shuttle is a waste for me). These can't even be used for replicator fuel... so they just sit there in my inventory.
The ability to sell items for creds would be a awesome addition to the game but I doubt the rate of return would be good enough to do more than the initial purge and periodic stack leveling. I mean it would be great to sell items but if I only get 10 creds per 0* alcohol what's the point?
The ability to sell items for creds would be a awesome addition to the game but I doubt the rate of return would be good enough to do more than the initial purge and periodic stack leveling. I mean it would be great to sell items but if I only get 10 creds per 0* alcohol what's the point?
In the spirit of this thread one gold trainer could be equivalent more or less to what Saturdays Cadet missions are giving in terms of credits (maybe a bit less, one Gold trainer giving 30k credits would probably work).
The exchange rate of other items could be calculated from there. True, might not be worth a lot for 0* items but it would probably take care of the lack of credits in general.
The ability to sell items for creds would be a awesome addition to the game but I doubt the rate of return would be good enough to do more than the initial purge and periodic stack leveling. I mean it would be great to sell items but if I only get 10 creds per 0* alcohol what's the point?
In the spirit of this thread one gold trainer could be equivalent more or less to what Saturdays Cadet missions are giving in terms of credits (maybe a bit less, one Gold trainer giving 30k credits would probably work).
The exchange rate of other items could be calculated from there. True, might not be worth a lot for 0* items but it would probably take care of the lack of credits in general.
While I admire your optimism murmel I have to come to realize DB is a extremely profit driven company. I began this game on convergence day event so truthfully I have not had to deal with the worst of it. All new features added to this game always will have a way to make DB money attached to them.
We are currently in a period of expansion to gather new customers. All of the new additions to the game, while beneficial to older accounts, are geared towards newer players mostly. Once this period of expansion ends you will see. DB will be back to its old tricks.
I believe also that you far overvalue gold trainers. The sheer amount given out by shuttles for passing and failing under values them immensely compared to the credit cadet challenge .
While I admire your optimism murmel I have to come to realize DB is a extremely profit driven company. I began this game on convergence day event so truthfully I have not had to deal with the worst of it. All new features added to this game always will have a way to make DB money attached to them.
We are currently in a period of expansion to gather new customers. All of the new additions to the game, while beneficial to older accounts, are geared towards newer players mostly. Once this period of expansion ends you will see. DB will be back to its old tricks.
All mobile game companies are. Which is normal. When you do a business, you want do earn cash. DB is more generous than many other game companies though. Despite having to pay 2 expensive licenses (for the old series and the new one) + did a multi million investment for this and other games at the start of the year.
And yeah, since many many users for these games come and go you are right about the target group of those additions. It was expected to get many new players cause of Discovery. And those got content for that series fast + many things got more comfy. We all benefit from it as well though, so who cares about the target audience?
While I admire your optimism murmel I have to come to realize DB is a extremely profit driven company. I began this game on convergence day event so truthfully I have not had to deal with the worst of it. All new features added to this game always will have a way to make DB money attached to them.
We are currently in a period of expansion to gather new customers. All of the new additions to the game, while beneficial to older accounts, are geared towards newer players mostly. Once this period of expansion ends you will see. DB will be back to its old tricks.
All mobile game companies are. Which is normal. When you do a business, you want do earn cash. DB is more generous than many other game companies though. Despite having to pay 2 expensive licenses (for the old series and the new one) + did a multi million investment for this and other games at the start of the year.
And yeah, since many many users for these games come and go you are right about the target group of those additions. It was expected to get many new players cause of Discovery. And those got content for that series fast + many things got more comfy. We all benefit from it as well though, so who cares about the target audience?
I respect all your points. They are very valid. The I was just trying to keep it real because when DB starts contracting it's generosity you will see its true colors.
So many times on the old forums I tried to make suggestions on improvements, make polls so DB could easily at a glance see the pulse of its players, and you know what happened every time?
My ideas were bashed to bits, my polls were voted no 80% of the time, and after awhile I began to realize this toxicity wasn't directed at me specifically but rather at DB's in attentiveness to its players and it's refusal to acknowledge it's mistakes and evolve . TBH most of my ideas were kinda bad because I was new to the game and didn't understand the game mechanics and challenges other players were facing like I do now but at least I tried.
I do applaud shan for moderating these new forums to try to keep things on topic and upbeat. Also certain members of the old forums not being here has helped the atmosphere immensley. The name centurion Matt comes to mind.
I do applaud shan for moderating these new forums to try to keep things on topic and upbeat.
Yes, while Shan gets money for moderating this, it is an ungrateful job for sure. For the most part a very toxic atmosphere. Many trolls and master complainers, lol. Nod once said by his estimation around 0,1 % of the STT userbase are also active in these forums. Which shows that in a different light.
I have seen many positive developments no matter the reason since I started to play around 7 months ago. And in case the financial situation of DB should warrant not too many new developments at one point in the future there are enough events which could be rerun to keep this game alive for some time to come yet...
I see your points, all I'm saying is a button for selling items/trainers in the general item list should be easily built and would not take away revenue from DB since credits are usually the free part compared to dilithium.
At the same time, it takes a frustrating roadblock away and makes the player base happy and play more.
I think a feature like this, no matter how much credits would come out of a sold item in the end, would make more sense than just changing current challenges.
This thread was created after a thread I made did not get much play. Not saying the OP stole my thunder. I could care less who champions the cause. In my old thread I explained why I thought TUF should be changed. It is a dated dinosaur that does not fit into the current meta of play.
Only a clueless person would actually buy tickets for this challenge the way it stands. If DB would change this challenge to make it meaningful I wouldn't have any problem with it and they would probably make a decent return in money to justify the time spent.
In that post as well as this credits popped up as a alternative and or addition to sweeten the deal. I had 14 mil credits I have 3 mil now. With the glut of chrons and rep rations it is a massive drain on credits. They are a massive issue to the established player base.
I do not think the ability to sell spare items for creds at a rate DB would find acceptable would help ease this cred crunch. I believe your idea has some merit as a secondary QOL improvement but DB has 1,000 of those on their plate that they need to fix. I would rather that they do that first then implement something like this.
Seems like DB solved the issue with too many replicator reasons and not enough credits in a different creative way - only had a single rep ration in my last 7 h voyage loot...
I do applaud shan for moderating these new forums to try to keep things on topic and upbeat. Also certain members of the old forums not being here has helped the atmosphere immensley. The name centurion Matt comes to mind.
Careful, he's like Beetlejuice -- if you invoke his name 3 times, he appears. Oops, I just quoted you -- that's two... sure hope nobody else says his na--
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing. ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Seems like DB solved the issue with too many replicator reasons and not enough credits in a different creative way - only had a single rep ration in my last 7 h voyage loot...
Well, in place of replicator rations, you probably received more of something else... like trainers or 0/1/2* components or chrons or honor or credits. If you're short with one item, it's somewhere else... and I've seen it normally top-heavy on a specific item on each Voyage. Seems once the RNG is set for the Voyage, it repeats itself often for that same item.
I do applaud shan for moderating these new forums to try to keep things on topic and upbeat. Also certain members of the old forums not being here has helped the atmosphere immensley. The name centurion Matt comes to mind.
While it is off topic somewhat, hear hear! Matt never bothered me all that much, but geez Ramza was a right [insert expletive of choice here].
Back to topic though, I never knew you had this idea before. Great minds think alike I suppose.
All I know is when Tuesdays come, I have about as much eagerness as Janeway without her coffee.
Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
I am just glad that as players we can have a rational sensible debate free of condescending sniping. I do think DB values our input and does read these forums to gauge the general mood and look for good ideas. They are a secretive bunch so we will never know.
I believe that it is important for the many aspects of the game to be balanced with the current meta of it. I hope my input on this matter will have a positive impact on it.
Personally, I view having to spend credits on replicating items, akin to double taxation. We are already using replicator rations, equipment, ship schematics, etc. to pay for the replicated item. Which in most cases we've all spent chronitons on already. Get rid of the cost of credits to replicate, and that would alleviate the credit shortage quite a bit.
Personally, I view having to spend credits on replicating items, akin to double taxation. We are already using replicator rations, equipment, ship schematics, etc. to pay for the replicated item. Which in most cases we've all spent chronitons on already. Get rid of the cost of credits to replicate, and that would alleviate the credit shortage quite a bit.
Very true!
No taxation without representation!
Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
I am just glad that as players we can have a rational sensible debate free of condescending sniping.
Hear hear! It does seem that the new forums are less snipe-ish somehow. Wonder why a lot of the old crowd didn't migrate over yet.
I just hope we're not jinxing ourselves by mentioning the tranquility had by the lack of their presence.
Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
Seems like DB solved the issue with too many replicator reasons and not enough credits in a different creative way - only had a single rep ration in my last 7 h voyage loot...
Well, in place of replicator rations, you probably received more of something else... like trainers or 0/1/2* components or chrons or honor or credits. If you're short with one item, it's somewhere else... and I've seen it normally top-heavy on a specific item on each Voyage. Seems once the RNG is set for the Voyage, it repeats itself often for that same item.
Be careful asking for more credits they'll nerf the voyages to give more 100 credit cache rewards instead of more valuable stuff. I received 48 x 4* replicator rations plus 60 odd 3* rations which are worth a helluva lot of honor to me, whereas I haven't really run low on credits yet, so it depends on how you play. My bottleneck is still chrons and dil. So there's always going to be something we have too much of.
Trading items etc seems to be the best solution for this, because everyone has different needs depending on where they are in the game and what they are doing and how much dil they have. An exchange, rather than an increase in something which could lead to an imbalance of something else.
Aww thanks for that giggle, you're a gem
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
It's not as if credits were ever disbalancing the game too much. Before we started to have replicator material abundance through voyages there was always enough credits.
Glad I could entertain you! Lol
For me it's not the abundance of replicator rations (I had 20,000 space station build items before Voyages started). It's the, and I never thought I'd say this, the abundance of chronitons from Voyages... I'll explain with some number crunching here:
The normal chron recharge rate is 1 per 6 min, 10 per hour and cost 3 dilithium per chron to refill (50 for 150 dil). I'm getting over 1,000 extra chrons/day doing 2 Voyages using 1 refill each to push into the 8½ hour range that average 550 chrons per Voyage (44 per hour, avg 81 dilithium to refill, so 0.14 dil per chron). I've been playing around with 2 refills now and then which average 800 chrons per Voyage (53 per hour, avg 185 dilithium for 2 refills, so 0.23 dil per chron), but 2 of these voyages take 30 hours instead of 24. Throw in a Supply Kit and that boosts my chron earnings to 55/hr for 1 refill (0.11 dil per chron) or 66/hr for 2 (0.19 dil per chron). I'm ok with the increased cost per chron because I get a lot more from the extended Voyage as well - more creds, honor, crew, trainers, and 2* components.
This has allowed me to get 3* and 4* components for larger item builds quicker, which in turn cost more to build the 4* and 5* items. Items in the 90's/100's with some of these new crew run between 65k and 110k per item to build. This, along with some new 4* drops (or ability to fuse others that I have ignored for awhile) from Voyages is what is wiping my credits out. Voyages don't drop many credits - I only average about 30k per Voyage.
I've transferred my monthly card dilithium spending from M/W/F cadet missions (2 ticket refills, 300 dilithium for 300 chrons for 3 days = 900 chrons/week) to Voyages (2 Voyages/day, 1 AM refill per voyage, 162 dilithium for 1100 chrons for 6 days = 6600 chrons/week) because as you can see I get a better ROI on chronitons. It looks like I will have to adjust some of that dilithium to the Sat cadet mission for 6x 78k creds per run. I already spend 10 dil/day on 1 30k cred refill.
It would be nice to have the ability sell any of my inventory items for credits. I have hundreds of 3* overnight shuttle boosts that I never use (I'm go to sleep about 1 or 2am and wake up around 5-6am so a 9-hour shuttle is a waste for me). These can't even be used for replicator fuel... so they just sit there in my inventory.
In the spirit of this thread one gold trainer could be equivalent more or less to what Saturdays Cadet missions are giving in terms of credits (maybe a bit less, one Gold trainer giving 30k credits would probably work).
The exchange rate of other items could be calculated from there. True, might not be worth a lot for 0* items but it would probably take care of the lack of credits in general.
While I admire your optimism murmel I have to come to realize DB is a extremely profit driven company. I began this game on convergence day event so truthfully I have not had to deal with the worst of it. All new features added to this game always will have a way to make DB money attached to them.
We are currently in a period of expansion to gather new customers. All of the new additions to the game, while beneficial to older accounts, are geared towards newer players mostly. Once this period of expansion ends you will see. DB will be back to its old tricks.
I believe also that you far overvalue gold trainers. The sheer amount given out by shuttles for passing and failing under values them immensely compared to the credit cadet challenge .
All mobile game companies are. Which is normal. When you do a business, you want do earn cash. DB is more generous than many other game companies though. Despite having to pay 2 expensive licenses (for the old series and the new one) + did a multi million investment for this and other games at the start of the year.
And yeah, since many many users for these games come and go you are right about the target group of those additions. It was expected to get many new players cause of Discovery. And those got content for that series fast + many things got more comfy. We all benefit from it as well though, so who cares about the target audience?
I respect all your points. They are very valid. The I was just trying to keep it real because when DB starts contracting it's generosity you will see its true colors.
So many times on the old forums I tried to make suggestions on improvements, make polls so DB could easily at a glance see the pulse of its players, and you know what happened every time?
My ideas were bashed to bits, my polls were voted no 80% of the time, and after awhile I began to realize this toxicity wasn't directed at me specifically but rather at DB's in attentiveness to its players and it's refusal to acknowledge it's mistakes and evolve . TBH most of my ideas were kinda bad because I was new to the game and didn't understand the game mechanics and challenges other players were facing like I do now but at least I tried.
I do applaud shan for moderating these new forums to try to keep things on topic and upbeat. Also certain members of the old forums not being here has helped the atmosphere immensley. The name centurion Matt comes to mind.
Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
Yes, while Shan gets money for moderating this, it is an ungrateful job for sure. For the most part a very toxic atmosphere. Many trolls and master complainers, lol. Nod once said by his estimation around 0,1 % of the STT userbase are also active in these forums. Which shows that in a different light.
I have seen many positive developments no matter the reason since I started to play around 7 months ago. And in case the financial situation of DB should warrant not too many new developments at one point in the future there are enough events which could be rerun to keep this game alive for some time to come yet...
At the same time, it takes a frustrating roadblock away and makes the player base happy and play more.
I think a feature like this, no matter how much credits would come out of a sold item in the end, would make more sense than just changing current challenges.
Only a clueless person would actually buy tickets for this challenge the way it stands. If DB would change this challenge to make it meaningful I wouldn't have any problem with it and they would probably make a decent return in money to justify the time spent.
In that post as well as this credits popped up as a alternative and or addition to sweeten the deal. I had 14 mil credits I have 3 mil now. With the glut of chrons and rep rations it is a massive drain on credits. They are a massive issue to the established player base.
I do not think the ability to sell spare items for creds at a rate DB would find acceptable would help ease this cred crunch. I believe your idea has some merit as a secondary QOL improvement but DB has 1,000 of those on their plate that they need to fix. I would rather that they do that first then implement something like this.
Careful, he's like Beetlejuice -- if you invoke his name 3 times, he appears. Oops, I just quoted you -- that's two... sure hope nobody else says his na--
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
Well, in place of replicator rations, you probably received more of something else... like trainers or 0/1/2* components or chrons or honor or credits. If you're short with one item, it's somewhere else... and I've seen it normally top-heavy on a specific item on each Voyage. Seems once the RNG is set for the Voyage, it repeats itself often for that same item.
While it is off topic somewhat, hear hear! Matt never bothered me all that much, but geez Ramza was a right [insert expletive of choice here].
Back to topic though, I never knew you had this idea before. Great minds think alike I suppose.
All I know is when Tuesdays come, I have about as much eagerness as Janeway without her coffee.
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
I believe that it is important for the many aspects of the game to be balanced with the current meta of it. I hope my input on this matter will have a positive impact on it.
Very true!
No taxation without representation!
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
I just hope we're not jinxing ourselves by mentioning the tranquility had by the lack of their presence.
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
PM for details.
So long and thanks for all the fish.
Be careful asking for more credits they'll nerf the voyages to give more 100 credit cache rewards instead of more valuable stuff. I received 48 x 4* replicator rations plus 60 odd 3* rations which are worth a helluva lot of honor to me, whereas I haven't really run low on credits yet, so it depends on how you play. My bottleneck is still chrons and dil. So there's always going to be something we have too much of.
Trading items etc seems to be the best solution for this, because everyone has different needs depending on where they are in the game and what they are doing and how much dil they have. An exchange, rather than an increase in something which could lead to an imbalance of something else.