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Faction Events and Transmissions

Just a simple suggestion/request: Whenever we have a Faction Event (or a Hybrid thereof), why not send us all in-game messages with a set of however many transmissions constitute the max number of missions per faction? For instance, this week, we'd have all received a dozen Ferengi Traditionalist transmissions. Next week, we'd all get X Federation and X Terran Empire transmissions.

There are three perks to doing this.

1 For a lot of newer players, it's difficult to stockpile transmissions and/or the merits with which to buy them. Or, at least, it was often like that when I was still F2P/VIP 0. I know some things have come along to help with that, but I'm sure it would still be a relief to a lot of newcomers not to have to fork over anywhere from 75 to 225 merits just to get going.

2 We'd know up front what the max number of shuttles we can open per faction will be in that event. Is this critical? Not even remotely. Can it be nice, especially for players with smaller crews trying to juggle running a flurry of missions with their voyage? Yeah.

3 It would eliminate us ever again having to slog through several pages of whining about "wasted" transmission purchases. I dunno about anyone else, but I've hit my quota for that nonsense for the entire year already.

On a related note: Just what is the reason why, when we have three factions, transmissions for two of them will be one threshold reward, and the third faction will be at the next threshold? Why can't we just get them all at once?
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