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Thoughts on Discovery Mega Event thus far

I am quite enjoying this mega event so far. New discovery crew are being put as threshold rewards. A featured crew from past events is being utilized so there isn't a huge strain on new crew mates alone. Galaxy event community rewards has let me 4/4 Saru and will probably let me 4/4 Stamets. Free legendary crew are always a plus.

The only thing I still don't like is T'kuvma being the legendary we got rather than Desert Georgiou. If they had simply swapped places in the first event we would be working towards a legendary diplomat Starfleet captain instead of yet another CMD/SEC Klingon, a role I have covered in spades thanks to the Klingon mega event.
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  • My thoughts on the mega event. T'Kumva not giving x3 bonus during first event after many people bought the double offer horribly bad. Using old build missions in a new mega event 1st event, rank amateur at best.

    Hybrid faction/galaxy 2 events in a row, good for newbies bad for most other people. Then follow this up with the 3rd event being a galaxy, bad bad bad.

    I do like the art for the discovery characters. Very stylish for the most part and a step up from the current trend.

    Not giving people any info on bonus characters till a few days before first event, very bad. They have corrected this and I thank you very much for that, DB.
  • MordackMordack ✭✭✭
    I don't have too many problems with the event itself, but it was clearly a mistake or an oversight that its launch coincided with the 're-focusing' effort which took place at DB. I do not believe that the delays, the slow response times and the shoddy mistakes were merely a coincidence.
  • I'm enjoying the event, as a relative 'noob' the hybrid events are great, though a galaxy alone next week will chew through my chronitons I do have a few thanks to voyages. I really thought next week would be a faction event and I cannot do well in those. But I'm getting some really decent 4* crew which are being put to immediate use so I'm watching my game really forge ahead

    Also the variety. My game got halted last week because I chewed through all my credits, this week it was trainers I used up, and honor. Next week undoubtedly it will be chronitons. But these appear to be short lived bottle necks whereas before it was invariably chronitons. I think in general the game has improved though I miss the 3 skills we used to see on crew, they are fantastic for voyages.
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm enjoying myself. And I feel like I'm in a teensy tiny minority here but I like T'Kuvma as the recurring 5* - even if he did go out like a chump getting zapped in the back (and they didn't even reshoot it so a bridge fell on him instead) he was the motivating voice for the whole mess, so he feels relevant to me. (Maybe I'd feel different if I hadn't gotten Georgiou from an event pack, she was one I really wanted.) To him being another Com-Sec Klingon, true but that just makes me feel even more that Kortar was a poor choice - he looks like just another Klingon warrior, and outside of the one episode he appeared in he's nobody. So I don't feel bad about getting T'Kuvma, anyway.

    In gameplay terms having voyages going during this event has helped it for me - all those extra chrons mean I'm really making headway in levelling characters, it feels like I can actually do something practical to prepare rather than just struggling along. Last week I managed to make something of a couple of Janeways I hadn't put much effort into, and they paid off; this week I've got T'Kuvma and Marla to a useful level; next week I expect I'll be able to turn a couple of my current low-level Ferengi into good contributors. So I feel like I'm able to actually make a choice about where to put my resources and see a solid result, rather than just having to take my chances with whatever my crew happens to be at the time. I'm feeling pretty rewarded by the game overall - the event's giving me weekly goals to work towards, and voyages are giving me the resources to actually meet them.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Its good. But we need Tilly and Burnham in the month event.
    Let’s fly!
  • i gotta say, this is REALLY pushing me to get CBS all access... i wanna know who these people are!

    I am also appreciating getting USEFUL CREW.

    I am also HATING the recurring galaxy events. HYBRID EXPEDITION PLEASE!

    On the whole, i still LOVE STT.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Being f2p, it's hard not to like *any* Mega. Free 4/5, and lots of galaxies with their community rewards for free 4/4s. Though since I'm also "f2watch" I have no idea who these people are. So a little disappointed with this one as I'm lacking story context, but that's my own fault.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Let’s fly!
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wish there was more variety in the event types, we've had two hybrid-galaxy and another galaxy to come. Good for the F2P player but kind of boring and a drain on resources chucking away all those chronotrons instead of leveling crew.

    DB: Do Better

    We will get her this week or next one, question is...hair bun or wild hair?
  • Tilly is of course the best char :)
    A little bit awkward but with a heart of gold <- thats what really counts.
    I like her very much, would love to see her as the first 6* Char ever.
    Live long and prosper.
    Not a Native English speaker - be lenient toward me
  • All the galaxy events are killing enjoyment for me.

    Ahah. That’s the one single character I can’t stand in the new series...hope she will be a 3*. Then I can ignore her.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mordack wrote: »
    I don't have too many problems with the event itself, but it was clearly a mistake or an oversight that its launch coincided with the 're-focusing' effort which took place at DB.

    That was obviously bad timing.
    i gotta say, this is REALLY pushing me to get CBS all access

    However, this here is the point of the timing of the event. So when people in other threads have said that the event should have been postponed, cancelled, whatever - this is why that's not going to happen. They want the event to increase All Access subscriptions. I think it's safe to say that Discovery is critical to the success of All Access, and CBS is pulling out all the stops to gain subscribers.
  • I hate Netflix... does that count?
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

    All you need to know about Disruptor Beam
  • My thoughts on the mega event. T'Kumva not giving x3 bonus during first event after many people bought the double offer horribly bad. Using old build missions in a new mega event 1st event, rank amateur at best.

    Hybrid faction/galaxy 2 events in a row, good for newbies bad for most other people. Then follow this up with the 3rd event being a galaxy, bad bad bad.

    I do like the art for the discovery characters. Very stylish for the most part and a step up from the current trend.

    Not giving people any info on bonus characters till a few days before first event, very bad. They have corrected this and I thank you very much for that, DB.

    i agree with all these items. i am also not a fan of the new artwork. i just want a new sarek and for the month to finish already.
    F2P/VIP 0 for LIFE!
  • rootiesrooties ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    3 galaxy events in a row is a buzz kill for me. at least it means a week off I suppose...
  • I've been rather enjoying it so far. Half way to a free 4/5* character (who would certainly not have been my first or even 20th choice, but he was very easy for me to level and is definitely helping to strengthen my crew). I also appreciated the inclusion of already existing crew in the ranked rewards for this week and last as I didn't have to keep going to place well enough for the ranked 4* I already have. I was able to get Saru FF without even building anything for the Galaxy portion (and now I have a new top sci shuttle character), and although the rng has been much less kind to me so far this weekend, I still don't intend to craft that many items to get my 4/4* Stamets.
    Now I'm also excited for next week for the possibility to add stars to my Orion Slaver. If the pattern holds, he'll be the ranked reward. So hopefully everyone else will be tired of crafting items & I'll be able to do well enough to get the rewards I'm shooting for.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tarrant wrote: »

    We will get her this week or next one, question is...hair bun or wild hair?

    Why choose? DB should give us both!
    Let’s fly!
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree that T'Kuvma is an underwhelming choice for the event 5*, but I can see why they saved the more popular characters. Not excited about T'Kuvma but not turning down a free gold. I am getting Galaxy Burnout though. Its my least favortite format, and with voyages I tried to make a decent run for Desert Gregoriou last week but still came just short of the top 1000. This week after I get the thresholds I'll stop...already have Marla FF and Lorca is not interesting at all. I really would like to see some Expedition, even if its only part of a hybrid. I get that its more work for DB but recent changes have improved the format and when I was a new player the ability to rank high in them without strong existing crew or spending piles of cash was key to getting me engaged and eventually becoming a paying player. If there are new players that were like me, DB would be wise to have a few more expeditions...even just reruns would be great.
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tilly is worse than the most annoying character ever neelix. It will be a great day for star fleet and the klingon empire when she is spaced
  • BigstupidgrinBigstupidgrin ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    It's fine. T'Kuvma is useful, I don't have any complaints. Is he a massive shuttle-bomb? No, but he's fine as a gauntlet/voyage choice, and that matters more these days.
  • I agree with most of what's posted here except for the inexplicable love for Tilly.

    For me by far the biggest disappointment has been that the STAR of a new Trek has been made available only for a limited time in a Worst Chance portal. That and all the Galaxy events have really dulled my enthusiasm for this Mega Event, the fact that it's also sloppy and bug riddled just adds to that.
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  • I'm enjoying the mega event. New characters are easy to get, easy to build, good stats. Hybrid events are less taxing to play.

    T'Kuvma is underwhelming but he's not the first 5* to be so.

    Information delay is unfortunate but again, nothing groundbraking. We're able to insta-level characters these days anyway.

    Hoping they'll round up the rest of the Discovery crew by the end (guess that's only Tilly, Burnham and maybe the Doc). And I'm still hoping for a 4* version of Captain Georgiou.

    And my obligatory defense of Neelix who was a well written character, if you bothered to look beyond the obvious ;)
  • I will add this. Multi build items in galaxy builds, that doesn't even qualify as incompetence. Either it is the new deliberate norm or the team lead for the event was smoking left handed cigarettes when gave the approval for those build missions to be implemented.
  • Like any mega-event, I have fun and appreciate the perks. However:

    I miss expedition evens; they're the most engaging for me.

    Please with factions, have it something that isn't Federation and/or Klingon. Or maybe swap the names on the factions of KCA and KE. Why is there no Vulcan or Borg faction?

    I like galaxy but this many in a row means sitting some out.

    The best part of the event for me so far is good SCI crew - Stamets and Saru. But are we going to get 3-skill crew again? DB's shift to 2-skill crew coinciding with the implementation of voyages is a bit odd.

    Joining the choir, T'Kuvma is disappointing to me. 2 redundant skills on a redundant crew, and not even Diplomacy as his specialty was in the show. T'Kuvma should be DIP/CMD/SEC. Then he'd be a slightly less out-of-touch choice for the 4/5.

    He's not "free". He's easy to acquire but still takes time, effort, resources, and space in crew quarters, for a redundant crew with redundant skills who most people don't really care for. The result is feeling compelled to make a character I don't remotely care for as a regular permanent crew, because he's been made a necessity for us (not by us).

    This isn't at all what DB advertises on its front page, "assemble a crew of YOUR favourite characters." Yours. Not DB's favourite characters.

    When there is a mega-event with a 4/5 crew who will become a staple in so many players' crew quarters, why not listen to the customers and the fan base?

    No one character will be agreed upon by everyone, but might as well choose one which is inspiring and fun for most players. Upping fun for your player base can't be a bad thing. The 4/5 is the big motivational tool to get people excited and involved in the event. So many more people would spring for the double-your-crew offer too, for sure.

    A giant tardigrade 5* Ripper would be awesome, unique, and fun.
  • I don't like T'kuvma at all, I don't like galaxy events, and I don't like having no idea what's coming. Ergo, I don't like this mega event at all. Unclear why everyone is 2 stat, is it because they come from a simpler time? I can see Saru and Reinforcement, but 2 2 stat captains? Really? How do you become a star ship captain with 2 stats? Are there any other examples of main character captains with 2 stats? Did I mention that galaxy events are horrible, and that 3 of them in a row makes me want to go find a new game?
    Maybe the irony is that we play because we’re Star Trek fans, those hopeful idealists that like to think things will get better when we raise valid concerns about fairness and balance, etc and we forget that DB’s greed openly mocks the values espoused by the franchise they have a license for.
    -Lord Wizzlestix I
  • I don't like T'kuvma at all, I don't like galaxy events, and I don't like having no idea what's coming. Ergo, I don't like this mega event at all. Unclear why everyone is 2 stat, is it because they come from a simpler time? I can see Saru and Reinforcement, but 2 2 stat captains? Really? How do you become a star ship captain with 2 stats? Are there any other examples of main character captains with 2 stats? Did I mention that galaxy events are horrible, and that 3 of them in a row makes me want to go find a new game?

    FWIW, Admiral Kirk is DIP/COM, though he was released fairly recently, and might be reflective of the apparent changes. Captain Harriman also has the same two skills and has been in the game way longer, but he's not a main character.
    First Officer - Task Force April
    Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Three consecutive galaxy events is completely asinine and has ruined the mega-event for a great number of players, including my entire fleet.

    Otherwise, the new characters are exciting and I managed to FF Saru and Stamets whilst skipping the galaxy portion.

    Here's hoping that the final event is a faction and expedition with an exciting 5* reward like Burnham, Young Sarek, or Mudd. Then I will call it a success.
  • garnergarner ✭✭✭
    Two hybrid's have been grand, have managed to FF Saru & Stamets, and only requiring a few thousand from galaxy phase to complete that as hit the faction phase hard. Would have got Stamets completed without galaxy if I had managed to pull extra shuttle transmissions before the faction phase ended like I normally do on faction/galaxy hybrids.

    T'Kuvma fits the bill as a cultural figure, so it is grand that he is the recurring legendary. But it would have been better if he was DIP not CMD/SEC. Of course, it would have been better again if Sarek was the recurring legendary to give us an elite SCI crew member.

    Hoping the Discovery doctor is added over the next two weeks as I need serious medical help. And we will need a bonus MED crew for the hopefully inevitable expedition event.

    Also hoping that the final week is faction/expedition, or even pure expedition.

    We will definitely be getting Sarek in that final week as the title mentions logic, with luck we will also get a 4* Burnham and the 5* Burnham will appear in recap pack that comes in the final week.

    Hopefully, we will get a few more 2 and 3 star crew added over the next two weeks, and not just Cadet Nog & Brunt next week and 2* & 3* Spock the last week.
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