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Thoughts on Discovery Mega Event thus far



  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is the first time I've simply not played the second half of a hybrid. Got my threshold and quit.
    I don't want dinner nor he who should be dinner as 5s that I gotta get citations for later. Not worth the chrons.

    Hoping Valeris or some other fun vulcan 4* for the last event.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    garner wrote: »
    Two hybrid's have been grand, have managed to FF Saru & Stamets, and only requiring a few thousand from galaxy phase to complete that as hit the faction phase hard. Would have got Stamets completed without galaxy if I had managed to pull extra shuttle transmissions before the faction phase ended like I normally do on faction/galaxy hybrids.

    T'Kuvma fits the bill as a cultural figure, so it is grand that he is the recurring legendary. But it would have been better if he was DIP not CMD/SEC. Of course, it would have been better again if Sarek was the recurring legendary to give us an elite SCI crew member.

    Hoping the Discovery doctor is added over the next two weeks as I need serious medical help. And we will need a bonus MED crew for the hopefully inevitable expedition event.

    Also hoping that the final week is faction/expedition, or even pure expedition.

    We will definitely be getting Sarek in that final week as the title mentions logic, with luck we will also get a 4* Burnham and the 5* Burnham will appear in recap pack that comes in the final week.

    Hopefully, we will get a few more 2 and 3 star crew added over the next two weeks, and not just Cadet Nog & Brunt next week and 2* & 3* Spock the last week.

    How about Technician Rom and Dr. Reyga followed by Ensign Tuvok and Subcommander T'Pol?
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    garner wrote: »
    Two hybrid's have been grand, have managed to FF Saru & Stamets, and only requiring a few thousand from galaxy phase to complete that as hit the faction phase hard. Would have got Stamets completed without galaxy if I had managed to pull extra shuttle transmissions before the faction phase ended like I normally do on faction/galaxy hybrids.

    T'Kuvma fits the bill as a cultural figure, so it is grand that he is the recurring legendary. But it would have been better if he was DIP not CMD/SEC. Of course, it would have been better again if Sarek was the recurring legendary to give us an elite SCI crew member.

    Hoping the Discovery doctor is added over the next two weeks as I need serious medical help. And we will need a bonus MED crew for the hopefully inevitable expedition event.

    Also hoping that the final week is faction/expedition, or even pure expedition.

    We will definitely be getting Sarek in that final week as the title mentions logic, with luck we will also get a 4* Burnham and the 5* Burnham will appear in recap pack that comes in the final week.

    Hopefully, we will get a few more 2 and 3 star crew added over the next two weeks, and not just Cadet Nog & Brunt next week and 2* & 3* Spock the last week.

    How about Technician Rom and Dr. Reyga followed by Ensign Tuvok and Subcommander T'Pol?

    After the McCoy disaster (and rightfully so) I don't see them doing 1*s like Tuvok as reward crew.

  • The constant churn around the Galaxy events is making it hard to want to participate. Even if I stock up Crons, I'm not having much luck getting anywhere. Usually I'm checking out of the event as soon as I get the supply kit level in rewards, and just coasting to the end.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    dwhisper wrote: »
    The constant churn around the Galaxy events is making it hard to want to participate. Even if I stock up Crons, I'm not having much luck getting anywhere. Usually I'm checking out of the event as soon as I get the supply kit level in rewards, and just coasting to the end.

    Final threshold/character star is where I'm typically checking out...

  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Expeditions are awful though the changes to them have made them a little better. I could live with a faction/exped hybrid but full four days of exped is death. I like Tilly cause she is funny and cause she seems like a real person. So many star trek characters are perfect I like that Tilly is an imperfect but good person and she is a good counterweight to Michael Burnham.
    Let’s fly!
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