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What’s your stance on the Spring Celebratory Offer?



  • It’s great to finally get another sale
    It seems on par or better than the DYC for the same price. The final feeling will come down to the pulls.
  • It’s great to finally get another sale
    Great offer. Would have bought it, however, I have all 3 crew from that pack immortalized.
  • It’s great to finally get another sale
    I like the idea DB is trying new types of offers so likely will buy before it expires to encourage more
    ~ seeking out new life
  • Knight RangerKnight Ranger ✭✭✭✭
    Useful and I will purchase it
    robownage wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    In light of the fact that it is a celebration of Terry Farrell's actual wedding to Adam Nimoy, and they did it on Leonard Nimoy's birthday, I am all in.
    That's pretty neat; I didn't make the connection at all.

    I don't think many people have. There were a few people complaining about them missing Nimoy's birthday, but this ties in nicely.
    Level 99. Latest Immortal (957): Chancellor Gowron - October 2023.
  • Underwhelming and I won’t purchase it because the crew are weak
    It's a great offer if you don't already have them. But for those of us that do, I suppose we'll just have to wait until the next offer comes along...

    I wonder if there's a way they could personalise these offers, ie - offer to sell us something we don't already have.
  • Worked out great for me. I ended up getting two Jadzias and two Changs.
  • It’s great to finally get another sale
    Did 2 more pulls, got a Sarek :pensive: and a Jadzia :smiley: plus a behold with Rianna Mayweather's last star...got 1300 dil spent
  • edited March 2018
    Underwhelming and I won’t purchase it because the crew are weak
    i do like to see new offers, but this one just wasn't for me

    EDIT: if this was 5* TILLY as the featured character, i would be very tempted.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got the deal, but I'm very upset right now. I expected 1500 VIP points. I got 500. 1500 would have bumped me up to an even level and given crew slots. I can't use the offer without more crew slots and I'll lose the packs when they expire.

    Very disappointed.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got the deal, but I'm very upset right now. I expected 1500 VIP points. I got 500. 1500 would have bumped me up to an even level and given crew slots. I can't use the offer without more crew slots and I'll lose the packs when they expire.

    Very disappointed.

    Apparently I was wrong. I would have sworn that I checked the numbers before purchasing, but apparently I didn't check enough. So no foul on this, but I'm 550 VIP away from more crew spots. I hope my new packs won't expire before I can buy whatever Monday deal they have. I don't expect a different deal before that.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh, and a shout out of thanks to DP customer service for prompt reply to my issue, even if it wasn't what I thought and was my fault. Perhaps, @Shan, you could pass it along. Thanks.
  • EmeargEmearg ✭✭
    edited March 2018
    Useful and I will purchase it
    I purchased the offer, mainly because I'm just a fan of Jadzia and didn't have Klingon Bride, and then paid again for a second star on Jadzia and everything to get her to 50. I then proceeded to open my 5 packs… and got a legendary in every single one. 4 Chang and another Jadzia (as well as a bonus super rare behold that got me another star on Vedek Bareil).

    I then used my bonus dilithium to pick up two more packs, and got an extra Chang and a Sarek. So along with a star of Sarek I already had, I've ended up with Klingon Bride Jadzia at 3 stars and level 50, General Chang at 5 stars and Ambassador Sarek at 2 stars. For (on Kindle) £37. I consider that a VERY acceptable outcome.
  • Useful and I will purchase it
    Already had a 2/5 FE Jadzilla that goes on Voyages a lot so I dived in. 5 Sareks were ushered out on an oxygen free holiday, but I did get the fifth star for original Jadzia as a non-Behold drop, so worked out well.
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    It’s great to finally get another sale
    The more I think about it, the more impressed I am with this offer to be honest. The tie in to the Nimoy/Farrell wedding was cute, financially it's a pretty good deal, and it practically guarantees a fully-starred Ambassador Sarek to anyone who might not have him yet, complete with time to level him up before the upcoming Mega Event.
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    It’s great to finally get another sale
    robownage wrote: »
    The more I think about it, the more impressed I am with this offer to be honest. The tie in to the Nimoy/Farrell wedding was cute, financially it's a pretty good deal, and it practically guarantees a fully-starred Ambassador Sarek to anyone who might not have him yet, complete with time to level him up before the upcoming Mega Event.

    The more I think about this offer, the more I think that people who think it's bad, just aren't going to be impressed by any realistic offer coming from DB. And that's fine. But it does make the poll kind of moot.

    I totally understand people not buying it if they have KBJ FF, that makes total sense. The Sareks though? I personally treat SRs like they are Rs at this point. Voyages and plenty of 10 for 10 offers have meant that I need only a tiny handful of the SRs now, usually ones that don't come in premium packs. When I buy packs all I'm digging for is legendaries and the honor to add stars to legendaries.

    Voyages have transformed the game, meaning that once you hit a certain point in your roster development you have to deepen, not broaden your roster to get yourself to regular 8hr voyages. And you aren't doing that with Ambassador Sarek alone.

    And KBJ is pretty good on voyages. She is brimming full of useful traits.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got two Changs and three Sareks. I also got five behold, two of which were Legendary. I also ended with improvements to several crew and ships, and lots of honor.

    This is a wonderful deal for mid-range players. Too new, and you don't have space or resources, too old and you have the crew.
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    Underwhelming and I won’t purchase it because the crew are weak
    Almost all offers are underwhelming though.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • A terrible choice of crew to put in a sale,
    Ambassador Sarek has been around for over a year and a half and has been a threshold reward three times and a community award once - I’d bet he’s probably one of the most commonly owned super-rares. For most this is just an honor pack.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Underwhelming and I won’t purchase it because the crew are weak
    I wouldn't mind a Klingon Bride Jadzia (the only Jadzia I don't own) but I'm not paying that asking price. Each crew mmember in the Genesis Wave pack is very dated and I already have Ambassador Sarek immortalized.

    It probably would have made more sense to do this with a Vulcan or Romulan pack given that the upcoming mega is Vulcan/Romulan.

    Btw, I did try this pack one time. I of course got a Sarek.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ambassador Sarek has been around for over a year and a half and has been a threshold reward three times and a community award once - I’d bet he’s probably one of the most commonly owned super-rares. For most this is just an honor pack.

    That may be, but I've been in since October, and I didn't have him. I expected to get him FF. I have him 3F now and Chang 2F. It is the best deal I've seen on DB. Even if I only got one Jadzia bride, the 5 packs were useful too.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    It’s great to finally get another sale
    I didn't buy it - out of my price range AND already have Sarek FFFE - but I like the concept. Something like this will always feature a slightly older card set and therefore be useful to the completionist crowd as well as the "I wasn't playing when this event happened but I want to be ready for the re-run" crowd.
  • A terrible choice of crew to put in a sale,
    That may be, but I've been in since October, and I didn't have him. I expected to get him FF. I have him 3F now and Chang 2F. It is the best deal I've seen on DB. Even if I only got one Jadzia bride, the 5 packs were useful too.

    2 legendaries in 5 packs is indeed a very good deal, you’re one of the lucky ones. I’ve gotten 3 in the last 40 or so packs/premium pulls I’ve bought.

    I’m still salty I missed the Okona pack though, if he’d been the guaranteed legendary I’d have bit in a heartbeat.
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