Question for people who win gauntlet regularly...
{DD} Smelly
in The Bridge
How do you pick your crew? Fixed/partially fixed crew? By featured skill? By traits? Something else? Just looking for advice from people who have mastered the art of picking the right gauntlet crew. Thanks for any tips.
I think the biggest thing you can do to maximize success is to hit as many resets as possible. I've had plenty of gauntlets go from competitive to a complete runaway because I picked up 300-500 points in a reset the #2 skipped out on.
If you try to join "uncompetitive" gauntlets it can work too. I regularly join at 530AM EST and rarely have more than one real competitor.
If you can put a 500+ point gap on the field, it doesn't matter when you run your last round
I also start mine just after 8am or noon eastern. Lets me get in an uncompetive gauntlet plus have 3+ hours of cushion to not miss a reset round along with only one overnight period.
Same here, though I do not “win” them. (: I actually try not to “win”.
Pretty much this. Nine times out of ten I'll have some of the same crew members (Chancellor Gowron, Gangster Spock, Seven of Nine) but I'll swap them out for a 45% providing they have decent stats.
Where is this spreadsheet?
I also tried something new in my last Med gauntlet, taking M Phlox, AoS Crusher, Moset, Sulan and Guinan in. I stopped tracking numbers 3 resets in as my temper flaired, but 4/5’s of the matches roughly had Eng and maybe about 2 or 3/5’s had Med. It was a joke and while I still closed out top 20, it was with a TON of merits spent, so from now on I will be covering all the stats with it’s own power player each time.
It is stickied in the Ready Room forum. On mobile, so linking is a bit of a pain.
Locutus of Borg
Bartender Guinan
I augment them based on who has crit bonuses and what the primary skill is. I've recently been tinkering by using the aforementioned spreadsheet, though it's hard for me to say how helpful that's been because I've been largely inattentive the last several days. In the current Gauntlet, I did elect to leave out Mariachi Q despite his 65% crit chance bonus because the spreadsheet still favored Locutus. Seemed wonky to me, but whatever.
Thank you
When i link to it my phone suggests using the Google sheets app?
BTW: see some people stating how many times they have won first place. For me id say over 20 times
If you want to actually edit things, you'll need to make your own copy of it. The sheets app isn't bad, but I much prefer accessing it from desktop. Load times can be a bit onerous on mobile.
This sheet calculates the average roll for each of the 15 stat pairs and compares it to the "best in slot" roll for that stat pair.
The reason that this comparison is relevant is because you can only gauge the raw stat value in the context of what the highest possible score is for that stat. This used to be a LOT more relevant when ENG was a much lower-powered stat, but The Caretaker has brought some balance to this.
For example, Gangster Spock has a 797 average ENG/SEC roll. This makes him tops overall for that stat. Guinan's DIP/MED is 1093, also tops for that stat pair.
Despite the ~300 point difference, I see those two scores as on par with each other, despite one being the lowest of the maximum 2-stat-pairs and the other being the highest.
Edit: Another question you need to ask yourself of any given composition: "Does this flat-out-lose to any of the 'common' gauntlet staples?" In my mind, this includes Mirror Phlox, Mirror Geordi, Mirror Picard, and Nurse Faith Garland. I'm sure there are others out there, but these are crew you are likely to come against in volume.
If you are lacking in CMD/SEC, then you will get hit hard by the large quantities of Mirror Picard out there. Same with Mirror Phlox and MED/SEC. This is one area my attached composition struggles with. Guinan only has a 2% win expectancy vs Mirror Phlox in MED/SEC. In the long run, it might be better for me to take Mirror Troi instead. She brings my overall Defensive scores down some, but she would have a 18% matchup vs. Mirror Phlox instead, which might save me more points.
Sorry @Peachtree Rex , but my experience in The Gauntlet just last night goes counter to this argument. With only 24 minutes left to play in my Gauntlet, following was my position in the rankings:
Specifically, my 2,089 Trophies were 891 behind the player in 1st place at the time (i.e., their total was 2,980).
At the end of the this Gauntlet (snapped a screenshot with 1 second left), I had climbed all the way up to 1st place, with a total of 2,954 Trophies, 67 more than the 2,887 of the player who had been in first:
Notice that I had been able to drop the other player's Trophy count like this, by defeating them in several rounds:
And in case you are suspecting otherwise, this result of overcoming a difference of well over 500+ trophies in less than 25 minutes was achieved without using any Dilithium. The only 'currency' I spent to assist me was some Merits.
I also no longer subscribe to the theory of necessarily trying to balance your 5 Gauntlet crew as best as you can across the 15 different possible combinations of 2 Skills. In fact, in this particular Gauntlet, my crew choice had 2 characters (Mirror Inquisitor Troi and Bartender Guinan) with exactly the same 3 Skills:
You spoke about trying to maximize your Defense - which I also used to do - but lately I have found I can have good success by trying to maximize my Offense instead.
...and each of these paths is cobbled with countless RNG traps... Single RNG hiccup and all your careful calculations become useless. As you said, "There are many paths can lead to the same destination" but there is only one path which always lead to frustration and it's called (R)elentless and (N)otorious mirror (G)argantua.
If that's the take, then no amount of planning and strategy can win and everyone's final placement is based on a blind folded throw at a dartboard.
This is demonstrably false by the fact that people usually can finish in a similar place gauntlet-to-gauntlet. Yes, there will be individual bad beats, but their existence doesn't invalidate the fact that you can strategize to maximize your chances of winning.
I agree. I think the frustration may come from doing something exactly the same repeatedly and sometimes getting different results. There is a benefit to rolling the 20 sided die vs the 6 sided die, but sometimes the D20 rolls a 1. (Just less often than the 6)
No, no, no. You, indeed, can maximize your chances against RNG but you can't do that against (R)elentless and (N)otorious mirror (G)argantua.
There is only one "strategy" to the Gauntlet - to have them all and by them I mean top Gauntlet crew members. You can plan and strategize whatever you want but if you don't have these about 10-15 crewmen all your plans are for nothing. That's why your original statement that "If that's the take, then no amount of planning and strategy can win and everyone's final placement is based on a blind folded throw at a dartboard." is true although under one additional condition - if it relates to players which have them all. And you konw what? Top ten players always have them all. :-) That's the only reason they can "usually finish in a similar place gauntlet-to-gauntlet".
Someone brainwashed you
It is not RNG fault, it is algorithm!
RNG is just an input to the algorithm, but algorithm gives a very small weight for this.
I do have many of the top crew for gauntlet and it is still very hard for me to be in top 10 these days.
So go back to my poll from few days ago, how people claim they can do 10+ streak in top 30-50?
Please show us your videos that it can be done
Yes yes yes... it looks like only you and me have this problem.
70% of people looks like are happily married with Gauntlet.