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Voyage glitch that I think I do indeed like (gotta be truthful)



  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    Let's keep to the Fight Club rules, shall we?
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    (Shrug) like the Shuttles and Faction events (jumpstart), maybe in a year or so there will be a 'fix' for it...
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    (Shrug) like the Shuttles and Faction events (jumpstart), maybe in a year or so there will be a 'fix' for it...

    One could argue they already nerfed this behavior once...
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As always, though, it only benefits those who know about it, and how to make it happen.

    On the plus side, if people think they are going to get more (potentially) from voyages, the more they are likely to extend. People like myself, who did a long run today to see if I could make it happen. While I didn't get any double or triple super-rares, sadly, I did pick up 5 purples today, two from dilemmas, a few replicator rations and over 1000 chrons for my dilithium so it worked out well.

    The more people get, the more they put back in.

    So true. I extended every voyage for several weeks until I felt like what I was getting back wasn't worth it. I'm sure there are many who would pay the equivalent of a couple bucks of dil per day if they felt the rewards justified it.
  • [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    Voyage nerf update, at 6 hours on my 10th straight voyage I finally had a Galen drop. Starting the clock over. VERY curious to see how long the next one takes. Almost ready to pull the trigger and recall my 2nd voyage with no fours so far. One in 12 is a nerf when before I would get one or two to drop EVERY voyage.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    [QH] Oxmyx wrote: »
    Voyage nerf update, at 6 hours on my 10th straight voyage I finally had a Galen drop. Starting the clock over. VERY curious to see how long the next one takes. Almost ready to pull the trigger and recall my 2nd voyage with no fours so far. One in 12 is a nerf when before I would get one or two to drop EVERY voyage.

    I wish I had your "pre nerf" luck
  • [QH] Oxmyx[QH] Oxmyx ✭✭✭✭
    I wish you did too Rex. It just makes me sad to see the head scratching decisions being made over and over to a game I still enjoy. So much energy is spent on the quick buck when with better direction, lesser, but stronger revenue streams could be giving it some longevity. I’ll just ride the train until they run it off the rails. I’d actually like to spend more to support the game but it seems to me they don’t want the money that bad.
    Fleet= Quarks Holosuite
  • I didn't want to bump this thread. I wanted to be nice. But now ... people have decided to crap the bed.

    Why in the actual eff would you come to the forum with this? Are people so thick in the head that they can't take 1-2 things that actually BENEFIT the player and not scream to the world about it? In a world, where people start a billion whines about how things are broken and screw the playerbase over, it boggles my mind that you'd even post about the things that swing the players' way. Where people scream and whine about gauntlet, drop rates, free mirror picards, MIA musketeers ... you couldn't let this one sit? Same with the bozo who posted about quick build.

    Y'all ...

    Did no one watch Fight Club? Do you remember the one rule about Fight Club???

    to everyone harping on this, *golf clap* for ruining a good thing. There's guilty parties everywhere. Don't expect any favors in the future from anyone.

    If you’re so concerned for the benefit of the players, why not just tell the rest of us how to make this happen then? Even if DB didn’t know about it, the only thing this thread has accomplished is letting them know about it, so why not share with the rest of us who didn’t chance upon this exploit? Oh wait, you found a way to cheat and are now berating others for sharing your secret and potentially evening the playing field? Clearly you’re not the bad guy here 🙄

    Indeed!! Totally agree with that!
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    They knew before this thread. Just saying.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bugs Bugs Bugs
    Making some of us mugs
    While some of us can fly
    Like birds in the sky
    Til DB makes a fix
    We'll all get up to tricks
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bugs bugs bugs, makes me want to give Belle'Anna hugs. :) Nice poem! :)
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • Has this been around since voyages started? What’s the extent of it - can you literally get 3x the rewards for voyages in every voyage?
  • If it's a lag glitch then it's only a matter of time before others work it out. I'm already on the case. I'm all for sharing these as it is grossly unfair for a select few to keep it to themselves. I'd prefer if DB fixed it, but next best is that everyone knows (then DB will probably put more resources on fixing it).
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’d like to know how to do it. Could always use a little more airlock honor.
  • So my best guess was that to make this glitch happen, one pressed all the dilemma resolutions at the same time. But it didn't work.

    Back to the drawing board.
  • I am glad this was posted.
    DB you need to fix this ASAP. It's a joke that we spent money on extensions when you can cheat 3x4* and 225 chrons from one dilemma...
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    SST - 9of7 wrote: »
    I am glad this was posted.
    DB you need to fix this ASAP. It's a joke that we spent money on extensions when you can cheat 3x4* and 225 chrons from one dilemma...

    FYI - it is ONLY CREW that is doubled/tripled. No extra chrons or honor (except when you airlock the crew)
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Still no word on how to do this huh? Thanks for nothing. Again, why post this then?
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    I hope DB fixes it fast, as usual this glitch along with others only benfit a small number of players and fleets that were/are aware of, while the majority of players is left in the dark.
    This indeed gives such ppl an unfair advantage over other players, especially free players or low spenders. So bringing this up is totally fine.

    And no, i am not bitter cause i don t know this glitch, or others that happened in the past and were abused by several ppl.

    Its redicilious how some act here as godmothers like they wouldn t have an unfair advantage, or even told all players, so everyone is on the same line, cause only THEN, if everyone knows about and can take advantage over DB, its not at the cost of the other players that are unaware of. And its always the same ppl that complain about if such stuff and abuse gets puplic, because the are afraid they lose their advantage.

    And btw, i don t care for myself, i am sitting on 60k LEGIT earned chrons.

    And now hate away towards the honorable players that brought this up.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hope DB fixes it fast, as usual this glitch along with others only benfit a small number of players and fleets that were/are aware of, while the majority of players is left in the dark. This indeed gives such ppl an unfair advantage over other players. So bringing this up is totally fine.

    And no, i am not bitter cause i don t know this glitch, or others that happened in the past and were abused by several ppl. Its redicilious how some act here as godmothers like they wouldn t have an unfair advantage, or even told all players, so everyone is on the same line, cause only THEN, if everyone knows about and can take advantage over DB, its not at the cost of the other players that are unaware of. And its always the same ppl that complain about if such stuff and abuse gets puplic, but yet didn t share their knowledge.

    And btw, i don t care for myself, i am sitting on 60k LEGIT earned and bought chrons.

    And now hate away towards the honorable players that brought this up.

    Will do. I would like to add to my 52,000 legit earned chrons

  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    I hope DB fixes it fast, as usual this glitch along with others only benfit a small number of players and fleets that were/are aware of, while the majority of players is left in the dark. This indeed gives such ppl an unfair advantage over other players. So bringing this up is totally fine.

    And no, i am not bitter cause i don t know this glitch, or others that happened in the past and were abused by several ppl. Its redicilious how some act here as godmothers like they wouldn t have an unfair advantage, or even told all players, so everyone is on the same line, cause only THEN, if everyone knows about and can take advantage over DB, its not at the cost of the other players that are unaware of. And its always the same ppl that complain about if such stuff and abuse gets puplic, but yet didn t share their knowledge.

    And btw, i don t care for myself, i am sitting on 60k LEGIT earned and bought chrons.

    And now hate away towards the honorable players that brought this up.

    Will do. I would like to add to my 52,000 legit earned chrons

    Sounds like chrons aren't part of the equation, though. Just crew — so it probably accounts for a few hundred extra Honor daily, which, tbh, really doesn't bug me much if I miss out on it by not knowing the secret (even if it is shady to know of an exploit and keep it to yourself ;)).

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • It's quite well-known already and I'm also quite sure that DB knows about this "glitch" (it's not a bug, just a lag spike). But I wasn't the one bringing it up here, but now that it's here, I guess we can talk about it. ^^

    How does one go about doing this?
  • Black PebbleBlack Pebble ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    Locking this thread as the conversation seems to have veered off.

    If you encounter an actual exploit that you'd like for us to investigate, please send a PM directly to Shan.

    Otherwise, please refrain from unproven speculation or spreading rumors.
    Hosun Lee
    Civilian, Brand and Marketing
    Ex-Disruptor Beam
This discussion has been closed.