Search by Series: Unseen Unless Frozen or Not in Your Crew at All Bug

As worked out by @RaraRacing, @Ivanstone, and @For Cardassia in my thread, Sort by Series Exists in the Croystastis Vault!, there are numerous crew who will not appear in search results for series acronyms unless they are either frozen or not in one's crew at all.
Also, we have identified the following crew who appear in the wrong series:
Admiral Cartwright (Appears in TNG; should be TOS)
Alidar Jarok (Appears in DS9; should be TNG)
Dr. Carol Marcus (Appears in TNG; should be TOS)
Ensign Robin Lefler (Appears in ENT; should be TNG)
Lieutenant Tarah (Appears in VOY; should be ENT)
RAF Miles O'Brien (Appears in TNG; should be DS9, where he also properly populates)
Zhian'tara Odo (Appears in TOS; should be DS9)
We're also unclear whether 23rd Century Martok appearing in TOS is a mistake or an Easter egg. Ditto Trader Odo, though not, apparently, the rest of the "Trials and Tribble-ations" crew.
Also, we have identified the following crew who appear in the wrong series:
Admiral Cartwright (Appears in TNG; should be TOS)
Alidar Jarok (Appears in DS9; should be TNG)
Dr. Carol Marcus (Appears in TNG; should be TOS)
Ensign Robin Lefler (Appears in ENT; should be TNG)
Lieutenant Tarah (Appears in VOY; should be ENT)
RAF Miles O'Brien (Appears in TNG; should be DS9, where he also properly populates)
Zhian'tara Odo (Appears in TOS; should be DS9)
We're also unclear whether 23rd Century Martok appearing in TOS is a mistake or an Easter egg. Ditto Trader Odo, though not, apparently, the rest of the "Trials and Tribble-ations" crew.
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Away Team Saru [1/5]
Celebratory Ash Tyler
Commander Ellen Landry
Desert Michael Burnham
First Officer Saru
Graduation Michael Burnham
Lieutenant Commander Saru
Lt. Ash Tyler
Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
Prisoner Michael Burnham
Prospect Michael Burnham
Reinforcements Stamets
Suus Manha Sarek [1/5]
Tactical Michael Burnham
Time Loop Mudd [3/4]
Torchbearer Voq
Crew I do not have who do populate under DSC:
First Officer Burnham
Dr. Hugh Culber
Desert Philippa Georgiou
Armed Philippa Georgiou
Vengeful L'Rell
Captain Lorca
Harcourt Fenton Mudd
Torchbearer Rejac
Mirror Shukar
Cadet Sylvia Tilly
Yes, I identified that little issue with the search feature in the original thread. Since this is the Engineering Room, ostensibly directed at DB rather than at other players, I figured it was safer to assume the intended audience already knew about that.
The examples I listed in the first post are ones who do not have any obvious reason to turn up in the wrong series; none of their names or traits include the requisite characters. (Particularly Alidar Jarok; there's no possible trait he could have that would include the characters "ds9" together!)
Also, 23rd Century Martok does populate under ENT because "ent" is contained in the word "Century", as you noted. However, he also populates under TOS, though no parts of his name or any of his traits include "tos" together. That's why we're unclear about that matter.
The ability to search by series is an experimental feature that was inadvertently released. As you have seen, there are some major bugs with it, which is why it wasn't intended to be released in the state it's in. It was only meant as an internal experiment which was supposed to have been disabled.
As such, there are no immediate plans to make fixes to this feature in the near future, because it's not an intended feature. Due to how the Cryostasis Vault is engineered, getting this functionality into a more robust state would require a significant amount of time and resources.
We understand that it does have some benefits that players find helpful, but in its current state, it's likely to cause unintended frustration and confusion as well.
You can consider it an unintentional feature that somewhat works for now. It will likely be properly disabled in a later client update.
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I like it, personally. (:
I suspected it was in some Not Ready for Prime Time stage given that there hadn't been any official posts alerting us to this feature. I'm disappointed from this characterization that it sounds as though it's being aborted. Even in its present wonky state, it's a helpful filter in the vault.
Out of curiosity, though, could you speak to the matter of why 23rd Century Martok populates with TOS? Is that just a mistaken tag or an Easter egg?
Also, what do I win for finding it, @Black Pebble ?
Puns, you obviously win more puns
And it is probably because of the "to" in both "tos" and "martok".
That's not how the search works, though, @Shan.