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[Deleted] The Long-Awaited Guide to Crew in Portals



  • RogaDanarRogaDanar ✭✭✭
    It is weird that I have only missing 17 stars for super rares in the portal and 4 of them are Arex. I am missing two stars of one other one (M-113 Creature) and 11 I have 3 of the 4 stars already. The rest are fully fused.
  • TekmanROTekmanRO ✭✭✭
    Thank you Belle'Anna and WhiteClifford for putting this together. I assume there's no magic involved and you're just keeping an eye on beholds and whatnot to compile this list? Is there any chance we'd get something more official from DB?

    I think the list of crew not in portals is shorter, so it would be great to get that in a searchable format (flat text list, a spreadsheet, etc.)
  • Great work, Clifford! This seems like it would be a helpful page to have on the wiki. Easy to keep links to each character as well. Just a thought. :)
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    <deleted content>
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    TekmanRO wrote: »
    Thank you Belle'Anna and WhiteClifford for putting this together. I assume there's no magic involved and you're just keeping an eye on beholds and whatnot to compile this list? Is there any chance we'd get something more official from DB?

    I think the list of crew not in portals is shorter, so it would be great to get that in a searchable format (flat text list, a spreadsheet, etc.)

    I do keep it updated, using Starfleet Comms to inform me what's going on. But I forget sometimes, like Solar Sails Sisko somehow got missed. So it may not be perfectly accurate. I intend on keeping the list updated, but generally anything new since the latest version won't be added to the portal (except rares and uncommons which I'm not really keeping track of).
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  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    In the spirit of BROday, I hereby share the spreadsheet I keep updated with collections and crew not in the portal. It also has crew useful for Voyages, which is a bit of a personal thing and may be confusing for some.

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  • KTzKTz ✭✭✭
    Where is anbo-jyutsu Riker or time loop mudd and mirror Janeway, have them i think about an year and they don't drop anywhere
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    <deleted content>
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    KTz wrote: »
    Where is anbo-jyutsu Riker or time loop mudd and mirror Janeway, have them i think about an year and they don't drop anywhere

    All three of them were relatively recently event featured crew. Anbo-Jyutsu Riker is from 11/09/2017, Mirror Janeway is from 12/28/2017, and Time Loop Mudd is from 02/22/2018. All dates are somewhat approximate (usually within a few days). Sometimes it's the day the pack was released, sometimes it's the day the event started.

    Super rare and legendary crew in the portal are generally from before October of 2017.

    Wow, has it really been 10 months since a portal update? That's just pitiful
    DB, you should really be ashamed.
  • That's just pitiful DB, you should really be ashamed.
    You could look at it as Event crew are exclusive crew that you have a limited time advantage on for participating in the event. (Just to be clear, I DO think DB is owed some shame, just not on this particular issue)
  • That's just pitiful DB, you should really be ashamed.
    You could look at it as Event crew are exclusive crew that you have a limited time advantage on for participating in the event. (Just to be clear, I DO think DB is owed some shame, just not on this particular issue)

    I think that's right, to a degree. How long is exclusive though? To be honest, I'm at a stage where expanding the pool will make it harder for me to get the older cards, because I have almost everyone (purple wise, at) since the last update. I think there are 3 cards from that I don't have. Updating the Voyage pool made it harder for me to get older crew. While it's fun chasing cards, it's also in DB's favour to keep us chasing them too.
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  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    I get and agree with the "limited time advantage", but crew really should be added to the portal after 1-3 months. 10 months is asinine. No mid or higher level spender in my fleet has made any purchases in the last few months because of it. Either it's not worth the risk of all honor, or they already have all the crew and literally can't get any (especially 4*) from the portal to update.

    I've never seen or heard of a game that has 10-12 month "exclusives". Frankly, it's just lazy and shows a lack of ability to automate or set global standards. Heck, some games are rotating OUT old stock after a year!
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    KTz wrote: »
    Where is anbo-jyutsu Riker or time loop mudd and mirror Janeway, have them i think about an year and they don't drop anywhere

    All three of them were relatively recently event featured crew. Anbo-Jyutsu Riker is from 11/09/2017, Mirror Janeway is from 12/28/2017, and Time Loop Mudd is from 02/22/2018. All dates are somewhat approximate (usually within a few days). Sometimes it's the day the pack was released, sometimes it's the day the event started.

    Super rare and legendary crew in the portal are generally from before October of 2017.

    Wow, has it really been 10 months since a portal update? That's just pitiful
    DB, you should really be ashamed.

    No, the actual update occurred 6ish months ago if I remember correctly. However, they didn't add ALL limited characters. The more recently released characters (ones that had been released in the last few months) were not included in the update.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    OK, 6 months isn't AS absurd, but it's still a bit ridiculous, especially with promises of updating it every 3 months and the stupid ease it would be to automate it.

    The fact remains though, there is a quite significant amount of crew unavailable, and a substantial disincentive to buy packs. And frankly, at this rate, there needs to be new standard portal packs to limit the pool in a pack and allow more specific crew pools when buying packs. Again, another standard in games, board, digital, card, and casino.
  • I have to add my agreement to some of the above comments:

    I have a million crew slots (may as well be) and have never airlocked a character that I don't have FF already. I am 2 crew away from having my last crew FE. This includes all my 1/5* that will never be used unless they get more stars. I get 1 or 2 crew a week through events but the only other way is through portals. From the available 4* in the Portal Packs... I have them all FF. At 10% chance of a 5* dropping I would be a fool to open any packs right now in the hope of one crew that I can use. Overall, I have little motivation to spend money on the game.

    I would also like to agree that they should segregate the basic portal pulls into years or seasons or something else that makes sense to give people motivation to buy them. Even with a portal update... if they just continue to lump everything together I will not buy packs anymore because I'm chasing around 5-10 4* crew that could drop out of around 200 that might drop. Overall... my chances of getting something useful in a basic portal are around 12% per 10 pack and then drop from there as I FF the 4* crew I need. 12% is not a wise bet.

    Please do something DB... I want to be supportive!
  • Portal update today!


    I will be updating my spreadsheet in the next 24hrs
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  • [DC] Merwinian[DC] Merwinian ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    No mention of Starfleet Uniform Khan in the update, the one gaping hole in my roster, the one who got away and ruined my perfect complete set of blue crew.
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  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    <deleted content>
  • Does anybody have an idea what is the cut-off time that they added these characters to the portal? Is it recent or a few months back? If so I think they forgot a few I see. Dr. Hippocrates Noah & Trader Odo didn't make it. As mentioned above by WhiteClifford, they updated crew before March. But if that's the case, then why is Laundry and Bajorian Dukat in there? That was events from mid-March.
    Also, there's a mistake. Surek is 5* not 4.
    Shan, please look over the work for errors before you go on vacation. THX!
  • I thought Noah and Odo were already in, I'm sure I've seen Hippocrates in a Behold
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  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Does anybody have an idea what is the cut-off time that they added these characters to the portal? Is it recent or a few months back? If so I think they forgot a few I see. Dr. Hippocrates Noah & Trader Odo didn't make it. As mentioned above by WhiteClifford, they updated crew before March. But if that's the case, then why is Laundry and Bajorian Dukat in there? That was events from mid-March.
    Also, there's a mistake. Surek is 5* not 4.
    Shan, please look over the work for errors before you go on vacation. THX!

    1. Commander Ellen Landry was added to the game in February 2018. See the notes here: https://stt.wiki/wiki/Commander_Ellen_Landry

    2. Bajoran Dukat was also added to the game in February 2018. See the notes here: https://stt.wiki/wiki/Bajoran_Dukat

    3. The cutoff is 6 months, give or take a few. :p

    4. Suus Mahna Sarek is a 5*. Sarek is a 4*. One is a variant of the other. Were you thinking of the Mega 5* Surak, instead?

    5. Perhaps you should heed your own advice regarding checking for errors. Just a thought.
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    I thought Noah and Odo were already in, I'm sure I've seen Hippocrates in a Behold

    Noah was added in October 2017 (I've personally gotten him many times in pulls & on voyages).

    Not sure when or if Trodo was added (he's not on the Oct 2017, Feb/Mar 2017 or today's lists). He was added to the game in general on January 5, 2017 so should be in the regular portal.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Update: 15th August 2018 (latest portal update)

    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • edited August 2018
    Does anybody have an idea what is the cut-off time that they added these characters to the portal? Is it recent or a few months back? If so I think they forgot a few I see. Dr. Hippocrates Noah & Trader Odo didn't make it. As mentioned above by WhiteClifford, they updated crew before March. But if that's the case, then why is Laundry and Bajorian Dukat in there? That was events from mid-March.
    Also, there's a mistake. Surek is 5* not 4.
    Shan, please look over the work for errors before you go on vacation. THX!

    1. Commander Ellen Landry was added to the game in February 2018. See the notes here: https://stt.wiki/wiki/Commander_Ellen_Landry

    2. Bajoran Dukat was also added to the game in February 2018. See the notes here: https://stt.wiki/wiki/Bajoran_Dukat

    3. The cutoff is 6 months, give or take a few. :p

    4. Suus Mahna Sarek is a 5*. Sarek is a 4*. One is a variant of the other. Were you thinking of the Mega 5* Surak, instead?

    5. Perhaps you should heed your own advice regarding checking for errors. Just a thought.

    First off, I wasn't talking about WHEN Laundry & Dukat were added.
    This thread is about the portal update on 8/15/2018 and the characters that are now available for upgrade through the portal and what the cut-off is for new characters added to the game. As mentioned in another post, DB sometimes does a poor job when updating so people are confirming on another thread.
    Second, I was referring to the mega Surak, old and brown robe. At first I didn't realize there were 2 cards with the same name. The 4* young version has the same name as well.
    Third, maybe you should go back to school and learn more reading comprehension and/or read more carefully about threads you read and know EXACTLY WTF is being said/asked before YOU give advice.
    Just a thought, for you.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    But if that's the case, then why is Laundry and Bajorian Dukat in there? That was events from mid-March.

    Their events were in February 2018, not March.
    Does anybody have an idea what is the cut-off time that they added these characters to the portal? Is it recent or a few months back? If so I think they forgot a few I see. Dr. Hippocrates Noah & Trader Odo didn't make it. As mentioned above by WhiteClifford, they updated crew before March. But if that's the case, then why is Laundry and Bajorian Dukat in there? That was events from mid-March.
    Also, there's a mistake. Surek is 5* not 4.
    Shan, please look over the work for errors before you go on vacation. THX!

    1. Commander Ellen Landry was added to the game in February 2018. See the notes here: https://stt.wiki/wiki/Commander_Ellen_Landry

    2. Bajoran Dukat was also added to the game in February 2018. See the notes here: https://stt.wiki/wiki/Bajoran_Dukat

    3. The cutoff is 6 months, give or take a few. :p

    4. Suus Mahna Sarek is a 5*. Sarek is a 4*. One is a variant of the other. Were you thinking of the Mega 5* Surak, instead?

    5. Perhaps you should heed your own advice regarding checking for errors. Just a thought.

    First off, I wasn't talking about WHEN Laundry & Dukat were added.
    This thread is about the portal update on 8/15/2018 and the characters that are now available for upgrade through the portal and what the cut-off is for new characters added to the game. As mentioned in another post, DB sometimes does a poor job when updating so people are confirming on another thread.
    Second, I was referring to the mega Surak, old and brown robe. At first I didn't realize there were 2 cards with the same name. The 4* young version has the same name as well.
    Third, maybe you should go back to school and learn more reading comprehension and/or read more carefully about threads you read and know EXACTLY WTF is being said/asked before YOU give advice.
    Just a thought, for you.

    I apologize for being snarky. LLAP
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • It's ok, I was just confused about why you replied like that when we're talking about the crew update in the portal and what crew is now in. I was trying to find the communiqué from Shan that told a list of characters NOT in the portal. It was a few months back and I remember it cuz I had most on the list, so I've been waiting for this.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
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  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
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  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
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  • Quick update to show the new Voyage Specific crew and the rest of the latest not in the portal.



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