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Who's your crack company of immortal Purples?

IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
edited April 2018 in The Bridge
Whether it be for Shuttles, Gauntlet, Arena, Voyages or campaign map, list your crack company of Purples you wouldn't freeze.

[was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO


  • [ISA] Big McLargeHuge[ISA] Big McLargeHuge ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    I think the only one I would almost certainly never freeze no matter what is Mirror Phlox.

    The other ones that see regular use for me are:
    Ambassador K'Ehleyr
    Marla McGivers
    Tuskegee Mayweather
    Robin Hood
    Princess Jadzia
    RAF Bashir
    Combat Medic Paris
    Captain Klaa (in the Arena)

    Dahar Master Kor, Human Q, and Tuvix also come in handy now and then.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    With Limited slots, and ever growing population of SRs, it has been a tough choice who to keep and who to freeze.

    Recently Mirror Jadzia has been constantly used for shuttles and voyages, Tsunkatse Seven is just too strong to put away...

    Others I consider highly useful for their various traits: (All FF/FE)
    Katra McCoy
    Marla McGivers
    Nurse Faith Garland
    Cmdr Ellen Landry
    Niners Rom (Wanted to level and freeze, but killer ENG stat won't let me.)
    Captain Janeway
    Tuskegee Mayweather

    Once this Mega Event is over, a few of the Romulans go into the freezer to bring back some of my other strong crew like Chief O'Brien, Dr Crusher, and Niners Kira to name but a few.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    I think Mirror Phlox is the only one, because gauntlet. Unless, another such 4* comes along they will all feel the icy fate, and honestly if I pick up a comparable Med 5*, then Phlox will too.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    I actually just iced T. Seven. Two stats and like 9th on my base security list, I couldn't justify the slots any more. Tuvix is useless except for this event.
    Nurse Paris (combat medic) and Mirror Phlox see a lot of use on voyages. My Author Doctor might get put away finally since Katra McCoy got immortalized, we'll have to see. Klingon Obrien is useless for shuttles, but just too good on voyages.
    Everybody else has been mentioned.
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    Rianna Mayweather
    Combat Medic Paris
    Nurse Garland
    Mirror Mayweather
    Mirror Geordi
    Bridge officer Troi
    Arik Soong

    These spring to mind as frequent Voyagers. To a lesser degree all Daxes, O'Briens and Sareks
  • bowdybowdy ✭✭✭
    Haven't used Mirror Phlox in gauntlet for ages (though I still haven't frozen him), but I won't freeze Rura Penthe Reed as I'm using them in admiral arena division.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't know that I have any super-rares that I would never freeze, if needed, other than Mirror Phlox, as others have stated. I have plenty of open crew slots, so it's not an issue at the moment, though. But I would probably always keep crew like Valeris (for Gauntlet) and several others who I use on Voyages, plus most main cast crew members who are likely to be event bonus crew more frequently (I don't like having to pay to thaw out crew unless I have to).

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mirror Phlox - gauntlet
    Rura Penthe Reed - arena (admiral division)
    Captain Janeway - arena (captain division)
    Undercover O’Brien - arena (captain division)
    1701 Jadzia Dax - arena (admiral division)
    First Goran’Agar - top SR for COM shuttle slots
    Victorian Pulaski - top SR for DIP shuttle slots
    Niners Rom and Tuskegee Mayweather - for ENG shuttle slots
    Mirror Geordi - gauntlet and voyages
    Human Q - voyages
    Robin Hood - top SR for SEC shuttle slots
    Mirror Mayweather - ENG/SEC for shuttles and voyages
    Combat Medic Paris - MED backup for shuttles when the legendaries are on voyages
    Antaak and Nurse Garland - gauntlet
    Graduation Burnham and Commander Thelin - SCI shuttles
    Gillian Taylor - voyages
    First Officer Saru - shuttles and the occasional voyage

    I have more to fill in particular shuttle or voyage skill and trait combos but they aren’t guaranteed to stick around due to power creep.
  • P-RexP-Rex ✭✭
    In a game where new better numbers replace current top purples pretty regularly, its hard to say never freeze, and it really depends how many or who is above them in skills set. For me purple with command is not needed, but a few purples to back up other skills would include

    Victorian Pulaski (Kolinahr spock now better, but i didnt do much that event)
    Ambassador Shras.
    Niners Rom (See reason above in other comment for why)
    Subcommander T'Rul
    Mirror Jadzia Dax
    Mirror Mayweather
    RAF Julian Bashir
    Combat medic Paris
    Graduation Burnham (think prospect better numbers, but one purple burnham is plenty)
    Princess Jadzia

    Random others for arena or voyage reasons,
    Assimilated Tuvok, Kal-if-fee Spock, Dr. Hippocrates Noah, Rianna Mayweather
    So not really a "crack squad" but out of purples i have, these are the most use for now.
    But they all be frozen if (and when) better numbers come along.
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    Graduation Burnham
    Human Q
    Tourist Quark
    Victorian Pulaski
    Ambassador Shras
    Mirror La Forge
    Advocate Kolos
    Princess Jadzia
    Mirror Jadzia
    First Goran’Agar
  • I sometimes use Mirror Phlox on gauntlet, because I have puffer phlox, sulan, af bashir, crell moset who can be better depending on traits. Depending on traits, some other 4* get used on gauntlet like valeris, mirror la forge, alidar jarok, nurse garland, and likely marshal of france q.

    There is no 4* good enough to make my voyages team. Even if they have a strong total skill set, such as tkunatse seven, barely breaks top 50 for me in voyages overall.

    A few end up on shuttles, usually the med, katra mccoy, combat medic paris, raf bashir. Some other occasionally, if the shuttles I happen to open use a particularly large amount of a particular skill. I think niners rom, lal, mirror jadzia, robin hood, victorian pulaski, ambassadar k'ehleyr, graduation burnham are occasionally used.

    So I could probably vault every 4* I have and I don't think I'd really miss any of them. I guess then my answer is 'not good enough'.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    The only two skill 4*'s who are allowed out of the fridge:
    Mirror Phlox
    Tuskegee Mayweather

    Other useful 4*'s:
    Nurse Faith
    Prisoner O'Brien
    Assimilated Tuvok
    Mirror Jadzia
    Time Mudd
    Princess Jadzia
    Mirror Mayweather
    Hippocrates Noah
    Tourist Quark
    Doctor LaForge
    Mirror Geordi
    Captain T'Pol
    Human Q
    1701 Jadzia
    Commander Thelin
    Combat Medic Paris
    All of these are SCI/ENG/MED Voyage crew who also might serve a useful secondary function. I have a number of good partially fused CSD 5*'s so I don't allow CSD 4*'s out of the vault even if they're really good (ex Robin Hood).
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have a pretty deep crew with 190 slots and 250+ immortal, which gives me lots of flexibility for voyages and gauntlet, so I mainly use shuttle missions as my ranking system to freeze 4*. The mandatory 4* crew are really just those crew needed for arena battles.

    My current no-freeze list of 4*:
    - Mirror Phlox (admiral division, captain division, gauntlet)
    - Assimilated Tuvok (admiral division, captain division)
    - Automated Unit 3947 (admiral division, captain division)
    - Torchbearer Voq (captain division)

    Other heavily used 4* for shuttles and/or voyages:
    - Ambassador Shras
    - Combat Medic Paris
    - Graduation Michael Burnham
    - Human Q
    - Marla McGivers
    - Mirror Jadzia Dax
    - Tuskegee Mayweather
    - Niners Rom
    - Victorian Pulaski
  • [STJ] Wendell[STJ] Wendell ✭✭✭
    edited April 2018
    I’m just gonna say Ambassador shras is sick. Great for voyages shuttles and is only slightly worse than Rura Penthe Reed in arena and an adequate replacement IMO.
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've rotated my immortal purples a fair bit, but these ones are my most solid, and unlikely to move:

    Amb. Sarek - Voyages, sometimes Shuttles
    BO Troi - Voyages, sometimes Gauntlet
    FO Saru - Voyages, Shuttles
    Nurse Garland - Voyages, Gauntlet
    Niners Rom - Voyages, Shuttles
    Bajoran Dukat - Voyages, Shuttles, Gauntlet
    Mirror Jadzia - Voyages, Shuttles
    Amb. Shras - Voyages, Shuttles
    RAF Bashir - Voyages, Shuttles

    And honourable mention for my 3/4* Momma Horta and T'Rul, who put in a lot of good work.
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have a modest set of 5* crew, but too few have enough stars to make my 4* immortals all entirely obsolete as is the case for several who have commented in this thread so far. As others have said, the conditions of crew management make it all but impossible to declare anyone safe from the freezer, but I do have one that I intend to keep active even if she becomes so outclassed that she's entirely useless to me, and that's Waitress Ezri. I just adore her. Plus, she has the same ship battle bonus as Mirror Phlox, but far fewer use her so I figure some players will pick me over another opponent that uses him thinking whatever Ezri does, it isn't as potent. Ones that I use often enough that they're safe presently:

    Ambassador K'Ehleyr (non-event shuttles; #4 base DIP)
    Ambassador Shras (non-event shuttles; #5 base DIP)
    Graduation Michael Burnham (non-event shuttles; #2 base SCI)
    Mirror Geordi La Forge (Gauntlet)
    Mirror Jadzia Dax (non-event shuttles; #4 base SEC)
    Niners Rom (non-event shuttles; #1 base ENG)
    Princess Jadzia (non-event shuttles; #3 base SCI)
    Prospect Michael Burnham (non-event shuttles; #5 base SCI, Voyages)
    RAF Julian Bashir (non-event shuttles; #2 base MED)
    Robin Hood (non-event shuttles; #5 base SEC)
    Tuskegee Mayweather (non-event shuttles; #2 base ENG)
    Victorian Pulaski (non-event shuttles; #2 base DIP)

    Also, I keep the following around for semi-regular use in Voyages:

    Doctor La Forge (MED/SEC/ENG)
    Dr. Hippocrates Noah (SCI/MED/DIP)
    Rianna Mayweather (MED/ENG/ DIP)
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mirror Phlox is the only one I use unless someone is event crew
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't think there's any 4*s who are my favourite characters in the series that I won't freeze anymore. I used to hang onto Rogue Harry Kim, Mirror K'Ehleyr, Doc Crusher, Mirror Jennifer Sisko, The President of Earth and I told myself I wouldn't freeze them because I love those characters. But then crew space got tight and they don't have over 700 base, so I put them in the cryo.

    Now I keep almost all 4*s over 700 base, with the exception of a few because I just don't like the character like Luther Sloan or Arik Soong, but most definitely I keep any MED who is over 700 base since that skill has the fewest number of characters.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Purples for shuttles:
    1. Combat Medic Paris
    2. Graduation Michael Burnham
    3. Lal
    4. Marla McGivers
    5. Niner's Rom
    6. Princess Jadzia
    7. Robin Hood
    8. Shras
    9. Subcommander T'Rul
    10. Victorian Pulaski
    Purples for the occasional voyage:
    1. Dr. La Forge
    2. Graduation Michael Burnham
    3. Mirror Phlox
    4. Prisoner O'Brien
    5. Tourist Quark
    Purples for the gauntlet:
    1. Alidar Jarok
    2. Antaak
    3. Bajoran Dukat (haven't used him yet)
    4. Doc Crusher
    5. Duelist Yar
    6. Mirror Geordi
    7. Mirror Phlox
    8. Nurse Faith Garland
    9. Vulcan Wedding T'Pol (haven't used her yet)
    Purples for the arena:
    1. Rakal Troi
    2. Rura Penthe Reed
    3. Tuskegee Mayweather
  • Any Purple Character that i have kept out of the freezer...im keeping em around for something, i think. Every so often i do go through the list of crew i have and cryo those i dont need
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most of my purples end up frozen due to space restraints and not wanting to airlock any 1/5* legendaries as 550 honour just ain't worth it.

    I do have a few SR out that are useful, but as slots become tighter I will whittle them down.

    Mirror Phlox (Gauntlet)
    Duelist Yar (only 3/4* FE)
    Combat Med Paris
    Victorian Pulaski
    RAF Bashir
    Mirror Jadzia

    DB: Do Better
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have a few purples that make multiple Voyage Pairs:
    1) Prisoner Obrien
    2) Buster Kincaide Kim
    3) Rakal Troi
    4) Tsunkatse Seven
    5) Mirror laforge
    6) Mirror jadzia
    7) Kilingon Obrien
    8) Combat Medic Paris
    9) Mirror Phlox
    10) Rianna mayweather
    11) Changeling Bashir

    Shuttle Stars include:
    1) Robin Hood
    2) Victorian Pulaski
    3) Lal
    4) Graduation Burnham
    5) Princess jadzia
    6) Ambassador Shras
  • Shuttles:
    CMD: Commander Barak
    DIP: Ambassador K'Ehleyr, Marla McGivers, and once in a blue moon Trader Odo
    ENG: Actually a lot: Lal, Niners Rom and Subcommander T'Rul are ranked 1-2-3 for me.
    SEC: Mirror Jadzia Dax, Robin Hood Picard (sometimes), Bazooka Worf (sometimes)
    MED: I rarely use RAF Bashir
    SCI: Graduate Burnham, Princess Jadzia, Reinforcements Stamets

    Mirror Phlox because of course, he is.
    Gauntlet IF 45%-65% crit rate:
    Mirror La Forge
    Romulan Kirk
    Lieutenant Valaris
    Bajoran Dukat

    Mirror La Forge
    Human Q (If Eng is needed Human Q becomes a science officer)
    Mirror Phlox (when Med AND Sec is needed)
    Rakal Troi (when I need Cmd out of the medical slot)
    Rianna Mayweather (just seems to hit traits a lot, gets ENG out of the medical slot)
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    For months, it's been a core of four FF/FE, mainly to help with Gauntlet and Voyages.

    1. Ambassador Sarek
    2. Ambassador Spock
    3. Rekal Troi
    4. Drone Seven of Nine

    As an additional bonus, the first three have been very useful during this April Mega-Event.

    I also have several non-fully fused Super-rares (3 starred) that have been very useful in Voyages and Shuttles.

    1. Combat Medic Paris
    2. 1701 Jadzia Dax
    3. Mirror Jennifer Sisko
    4. Kal-if-fee Spock
    5. Captain Sulu
    6. Rianna Mayweather

    I have since acquired Legendary Seven of Nine, who is taking a lot of the Gauntlet workload from Drone Seven of Nine, but she's still very useful in Voyages. And my newly FF/FE Valeris has been seeing action in the Gauntlet for the first time, so she may be added to the purple thaw.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
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