Dabo Wheel Odds on IOS

Been playing over a year, using the dabo wheel daily. have on several days bought additional spins as well.
I have not once got one of the top 4 rewards. I am certain there is a bug in those odds on iOS.
I have not once got one of the top 4 rewards. I am certain there is a bug in those odds on iOS.
Is right for them.
I get the monthly Dilithium cards in order to buy one or two more spins every day when there are interesting prizes , but i usually don't get my hopes up .
On one occasion i got frustrated after spinning the wheel 5 times and getting all the lower row items that were becoming a lot more expensive in Dilithium than they are worth and on an ultimate spin , i managed to get a 4* character , but that is the only time i remember getting something from the upper row . Safe maybe for another time where i got an item that none of my characters needed so it was hard to appreciate my " luck " ...
1 top row item, 1 4 star. All on iOS.
I think the percentage of chance of getting an item from the top row is about as bad on any platform , really . Chances of getting the jackpot ? Close to none , unless you throw 2000 dilithium on the Dabo wheel ...
I wouldn't mind if the odds were raised every so slightly so it would appear like we actually have a chance to win something useful every once a while .
The odds are just so frustratingly small.
There’s a wiki page that lists calculated odds, though it is based on quite a small sample size: https://stt.wiki/wiki/Time_Portal#Dabo_Wheel
Edit - I’ve been playing exclusively on iOS since before the Dabo wheel launched. I’ve had top row maybe 2 or 3 times. Never hit the gold though. I’d say I average about 2 spins a day overall.
I just see it as a source of replicator fuel these days.
There is no bug at all just RNG.
Playing on iOS devices myself with 4 accounts and hit top row a couple times the last 12 months. On my alts i always do the credit and 10 dilithium spin. On my main i even got the legendary from top row just with the credit spin.
I am not aware of odds. In 3 years of playing, prior to dabo wheel invent, i only get 5* in the second to last or last spin. Not doing this often. Usually 1 spin a day, credits only, every day since invent. Now, 2 spins a day with the free spin.
I have badly wanted the 5* crew a few times, the ones that never drop in portal. So i decided to go for it and evertime it has been second to last or last spin.
4 times in the last 2 months the top reward has been one of the few 5* I have immortalized. There are over 150 Gold crew I DON'T have, why would it even select ones I have 5/5 to put up there?
(Not that I have ever won the gold top prize...just sayin')
I have only hit the top row twice, and both of those were this year (after nearly 3 years playing).
Dabo needs an overhaul.
Guess who the legendary was, when i hit jackpot with the credit spin? Exactly, a legendary i had 5/5 already. Such a joy
Leeta: look captain, no way the Dabo wheel is rigged !
Captain checks and leaves.
Quark: now rig it back !
Verdict: scam.
Not how odds/statistics work. 1 in 1000 odds does not mean that something will happen once every 1000 times. In fact, if you play something 1000 times and the odds are 1 in 1000 of getting a jackpot, 36.77% of the time you will not get the jackpot. If you play 2000 times, 13.52% of the time you won't hit the jackpot.
Your claim that dabo is broken because you should have hit the jackpot at least once is wrong, and shows you do not understand odds and statistics.
Dabo might be broken, but we can't say that based on your experience. The many people who have hit the jackpot indicates you are incorrect.
Note: I used 1 in 1000 as that was the random number you threw out.
Well said. There are no official odds advertised for Dabo, only what we can find out ourselves. The wiki lists percentage odds, but they are based on a fairly small sample size.
Point is, there are a lot of AVERAGES involved. Using the example of 1/1000, there could, and probably is, some that don’t get a top reward in 20,000 spins. While some players will get 1 in 500, or better.
As I said much earlier in the thread - Dabo top rewards are frustrating, but I don’t feel it’s a fraud.
My issue is not calculating the win chance, my issue is that whatever the odds are, they seems to be too unfavorable given the number of people that have been doing multiple spins per day for many many months with no top row hits.
I am suggesting the win dial is adjusted a little to inspire people to play/spend.
Agree perhaps it’s not a bug. Just scamish.