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Freebie 10x pull. What did you get?

Got fairly blessed with this behold but I would have preferred Assimilated Janeway in that behold over Klingon Janeway but hey, just glad to get a behold.5klnsasuw6nd.png
Chose AoS Crusher since I like her ship ability.


  • 4* behold

    Weyoun(not owned), and the other two I've already forgot, but both were Imm
  • Lots and lots of honour. That coupled with a week of no 4*s in voyages is a tad disappointing - but puts me closer to adding a star to someone at least...
  • The only thing I kept was the choice between Commander Kelby, Rogue Harry Kim and GI Chakotay. The rest went to honor .
  • Warrior WilloWarrior Willo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can't complain, 5th Star to Scotty, 4th to Rom and new Auto Unit.
  • I got a duplicate Command Hologram. Boring :unamused:

    Oh wait I did get some more Prakesh schematics, finishing it off. Silver linings I suppose.
    ~|~|~ Rise of the Phoenix member ~|~|~

    Captain level 50, approaching 100 immortals

    All you need to know about Disruptor Beam
  • I got a choice of 3 ff supers I own. Lucky me.
  • I got a 4* behold with Age of Sail La Forge, Hologram Barclay, Blood Oath Jadzia. I have Barclay at 3/4* and Jadzia at 2/4*. I picked Barclay even though that's probably the worst 4* crew ever only to get him into the freezer. It was a hard thing to do.

    I also got a 5* behold with Lwaxana, Mademoiselle de Neuf, Tempted Data. Now this one... this one I still don't know about. I have de Neuf 1/5*, but don't have the other two. Lwaxana is a monster in gauntlet, but Tempted Data.... ugh. I need a good Data for when he's an event crew.
  • Behold with 3 I had 4/4*, and a Hologram Barclay
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Another 1/4 that I'm dumb enough to keep until DB adds it to an event or I decide to throw honor and/or luck at it until its FF.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • 5 star Holo Doctor Mobile Emitter -- a good Behold for a change, hadn't got him so he's now added to my crew - very good for medical
  • [mobile emitter version of Holo Doctor]
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    A 4th star for Weyoun and a 3rd star for RAF O'Brien...

  • I always forget to screenshot them. I got 5 x 3* (honor points - airlocked) 3 useless schems and 2 x 4* beholds! I leveled up my Mobile Doc for a FF, and took Harriman as a new 4*.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Double 5* beholds

  • 9fa2vxwykgty.png

    A Civil War Worf, which I already had FF, and this choice. Went with Admiral Kirk.
  • Assim La Forge added to the roster
  • Sad trombone: a duplicate holonovel doctor. A ton of honor though, so I'm fine with it. If I can hold steady with the event I'll be getting another pack anyways ;)
  • I actually got a 5-Star behold, and added a second star to Mr. Tricorder Data.
  • SvenLundgrenSvenLundgren ✭✭✭✭
    4th Star for Dress Up Wesley. 3 Schematics and the rest honor
    Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017
  • Luther Sloan, who I already have 4/4. A Mara to put her to 3/3. A Gilora Rejal to put her at 2/3. A B'Etor Duras. Nothing to be too excited about (especially with the wasted 4 star despite how many of those I need more in), but not entirely wasted I suppose...
  • 9fa2vxwykgty.png

    Why does Mintaken Riker look like Troi in male disguise? lol
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Behold with Capt Sulu (already immortal) and Blood Oath Jadzia and Drafted McCoy. Went with Dax because she shows up as event crew alot. I'm more happy about the ledgendary behold I got with gauntlet rewards
  • A second star for Waitress Ezri, and a second star for Lursa, whom of I am building towards a third star for the Sisters. Rest were 3* duplicates that were converted to honor points, or unneeded 3*'s that I don't have room for anyway, and thus were airlocked for honor points as well.
  • 5 star Holo Doctor Mobile Emitter -- a good Behold for a change, hadn't got him so he's now added to my crew - very good for medical

    You wouldn't happen to have the snapshot of the behold, I haven't seen that in ages and it will remind me of my newbie days since he was my 2nd legendary .
  • Nothing but honor.
  • Honor and a third star on Ardra from a Behold
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  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just Feezal - but a single 3* pull from the daily rewards over the weekend gave me a behold (Pel got her fourth star finally) so the morning wasn't a wash-out.
  • Pair of 5* beholds for me. First was Judge Q, Benny Russel, Sulan. Second was Captain Nog, Obsidian Order Garak, Shran.
  • I thought I was doing quite well when the second-to-last drop was a 4 star behold (added a second star to mirror Uhura) but was blown away when the last drop turned out to be a 5 star behold which gave me the fifth and final star on my Bashir, Julian Bashir. Best community 10 pull I've ever had
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