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All The Complaining About Crew Slots Is Getting Tiresome

IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
Yesterday I saw yet again more complaining about Crew Slots. Here is how I see Crew Slots within STT:

- when the game was first created, DB made a decision to have Crew Slots be a limited resource within the game

- players were given the option to support the game financially through the purchase of additional Crew Slots

- there are many players who now have 250+ Crew Slots in the game, because they spent their money to have this advantage

- it is reasonable that players who spend little, or no money at all, on the game should be at a disadvantage to players who have spent a substantial amount

- given that players have spent money to acquire Crew Slots, it would be extremely unreasonable for DB to now provide free unlimited Crew Slots to all players

- allowing players to freeze non-FF’d characters who are FE would practically be the same as giving players unlimited Crew Slots, and so this would be a bad idea to implement

Having said the above, what do I think players should do when playing a game that confronts them with a limited resource?

They should view all limited resources within a game as a challenge they need to manage. They should strive to achieve the best possible result within the context of the limited resources they face. Players should use their intellect to develop strategies. I think using one’s mind in this manner is a constructive exercise.

For me personally, if I were to endlessly whine and complain about the rules of a game, I do no think this would provide me with any value or benefit.


  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    The only time I've ever had crew slot issues was a few months after I started and before the vault. Since the vault there's no reason you should have crew slot problems if you're managing your crew well. If you want suggestions, post in here and I or others can provide suggestions. You shouldn't need more than 5 green or blue crew out and you can do cadets with only 4 of each. That leaves you with at least 67 crew slots to play with (assuming you are VIP 0 but have bought both credit crew slot bundles).
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    67 crew slots isn't a lot if you want to have a faction crew, gauntlet crew, arena crew and a good voyages crew. Voyages alone probably use up a sizeable portion of that 67.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    With the advent of voyages, where having a deep crew roster is a necessity if you want to last beyond 2-4 hours, I think we should have had more crew slot sales than before voyages. I don’t advocate for unlimited slots but either more sales or that idea to allow freezing of 1/5* FE crew would help relieve some of the stress caused by needing 2-3 dozen slots for voyage/shuttle crew, 8-10 slots for cadets, 5-10 slots for gauntlet crew, and whatever extra space is required to hold onto crew that players want (for collection purposes, future upgrades for voyages/shuttles, or just personal favorites).

    I’m comfortable at 188/195 and can generally keep up with the torrid pace at which new crew are released...as long as I don’t get too many 1/5* that will sit forever because I’m successful enough to get them but don’t spend enough to fuse them into sufficient replacements for 4/4* crew.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    The official line was that they want to give us more crew slots, but need to do it in small increments and gauge impact in between each increase. Which is exactly what they've done.
  • I currently have 240 slot that’s why I am ok with them and not whining about this. But cannot say the same for others that have less than that

    But everytime i am doing well in the event, that’s another 1/5* or 3/4* (for faction event) that occupying the slot. So at some point, i will have so many not immortalized that I will have problem swapping crews — But I will never see that day
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Irial wrote: »
    Having said the above, what do I think players should do when playing a game that confronts them with a limited resource?

    You missed important thing, especially for new players. Between amount of 4* circulation and power creep value of slots diminished as you need to keep all those 1/4 and 2/4 characters in hope of eventually gathering them.

    Yeah, you can say "then don't keep them" but then because of very same character overload it will diminish your gains of said characters from normal and even paid sources.

    It's arguably worth for new paying customers, they open packs and realize that they need bajilion crew slots to keep characters from said packs.

    And you can't freeze non-FF...

    And less said about constant stream of new 1/5 the better. Consciously fail event you know you can get in top 1000 is NOT fun, but 1/5 can't be frozen and at 1/5 mostly useless.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    When the game was first created, there were no crew slots. A couple updates later, DB realized they had a serious coding issue on their side. Each time a player opened the crew page, the game would have to lookup/calculate all build items for all crew. it got to a point where the queries were taking too long.

    I wasn't around from day 1, but this the first time I've heard this. The story I've heard many times is that crew slots were limited from day 1 because of a lesson learned from their GoT title.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    New crew keep falling on my squad,
    But that doesn't mean that the game should always be hard!

    Dismissing's not for me.

    Cause...you're never gonna stop the songs, by complaining.
    Want slots for free! Thread's not worrying, me.
    Thread's not worrying, me.

    Sorry, couldn't resist a little poke at you. ;) Even I'll agree that sometimes we cry a bit hard.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Obligatory you don't need more crew slots, you have the vault statement.

    62 more crew until I can have three times as many immortals as crew slots.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Dralix wrote: »
    When the game was first created, there were no crew slots. A couple updates later, DB realized they had a serious coding issue on their side. Each time a player opened the crew page, the game would have to lookup/calculate all build items for all crew. it got to a point where the queries were taking too long.

    I wasn't around from day 1, but this the first time I've heard this. The story I've heard many times is that crew slots were limited from day 1 because of a lesson learned from their GoT title.

    I'm trying to dig through the old forums to find the post. I may have been mistaken about crew slots not being there from day 1. But i definitely remember the post about how the slots had to be limited because of the build query issue.

    Maybe I was thinking about the beta?

    But the rest of my post is still valid, and the crew slots were not as big of a problem since this was before weekly events and 1-3 new crew members every week.
  • RaijinmeisterRaijinmeister ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    They could at least on every mega-event give one free slot to cover the legendary crew. Like DE(Digital Extremes) do in Warframe, every time you get an event weapon you get a free weapon slot to make the reward feels a reward and not a burden.

    More free slots as account perks would make the game more attractive to new players that would lead to more incoming revenue.

    Giving things for free when doing right are ways to make your product more appealing.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    They could at least on every mega-event give one free slot to cover the legendary crew. Like DE do in Warframe, every time you get an event weapon you get a free weapon slot to make the reward feels a reward and not a burden.

    More free slots as account perks would make the game more attractive to new players that would lead to more incoming revenue.

    Giving things for free when doing right are ways to make your product more appealing.

    If your proposal really is 1 slot per mega event, then I think they're actually ahead of that rate. I'm pretty sure they've given out 2 sets of 5 slots across the 6 or 7 mega events we've had.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    But i definitely remember the post about how the slots had to be limited because of the build query issue.

    I'm not disputing that, but I thought it was GOTA that had the problem, and STT implemented crew slot limits to prevent it in the first place.
  • ** applauds rousingly **
    [DB-DO BETTER] [7TW] Captain plim123

    thoe, i haven't been here from day one, i have said much the the same thing.
    with the influx of new crew constantly being added the crew slot issue becomes a compounding issue.

    i have suggested a couple possible fixes,
    1. Beholds give a 4th or even 5th choice.
    2. allow partial freeze of FE crew that have a substantial build or been paid for.
    3. increase the number of starter crew slots per crew added to the mix, at 1:4 ratio.

    i feel this would be fair in comparison, maybe not perfect, but fair.
    DB needs to fire the Ferrengi and higher more Engineers, Rom doesn't count.
    [FSC] Peace Keepers
    Gryphon [****] Adm
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    Try freezing crew rather than accumulating too many new crew via events every week. Choose your events wisely and balance this with leveling crew. It’s more effective than complaining about lack of crew slots,
  • I have 290 crew slots and never airlocked anything other than a few 1*s pre-vault. (Currently 283/290 after freezing the Vulcans and Romulans I don’t need now).

    IMO the vault should allow you to store any FE crew (regardless of stars) or L1 crew (and you can send unfinished crew to the vault but they reset to L1).

    The number of slots should limit the amount of different crew you can use/work on levelling over a given time period (2 weeks? A month?).
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Irial wrote: »
    Having said the above, what do I think players should do when playing a game that confronts them with a limited resource?

    They should view all limited resources within a game as a challenge they need to manage. They should strive to achieve the best possible result within the context of the limited resources they face. Players should use their intellect to develop strategies. I think using one’s mind in this manner is a constructive exercise.

    I have played many games with limited resources like crew slots or equipment. Most of them I manage the resources, getting rid of what I need least. Most of them games are not centred around the crew slots or equipment.

    This game is centred around crew and crew slots. Every week we have an event where I gain 1-3 new crew. I probably average 10 new crew a month. If I use all the dil from my monthly card, I can only keep five of them. I am reluctant to spend money with the situation like this.

    I got 4/4 Niners Rom six weeks ago, I started levelling him for the event, he will be immortalised tonight, and on Monday he will be straight in the freezer. That is not how a game like this should work.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    To put it this way there are 36 combinations of optimal shuttle crew and that's assuming you only get only one of each in shuttle missions but as the maximum you would ever put in is 20, let's keep the number at 36, then voyages well that's a minimum of 12 but you need 6 variants of this so lets perhaps put a modest 24 as most crew have secondary and tertiary skills to help. then there is arena again we are looking at about 6-8 there will perhaps be some overlap so lets put the number at 6 then there is cadets so a further 6 - I will discount gauntlet for now as often good voyagers will count to your gauntlet crew.

    So I make the count 72 to have decent coverage to play the game then of course if it is a collecting game so there needs to be slots for that oh wait VIP 0 oh dear. Quite frankly I would feel sorry for people joining now. I started in October and still feel the pain of slots on occasion. It was one of the reasons I was in two minds about them doing a portal update. The plus side is unquestionable but the downside to it was there was more bloated 1/4 voyage drops for newer players. Sure ok I can airlock a couple no problem but every time I do I am harming the chances of fully fusing any purple, let alone the ones I really like.

    If there was really a technical problem with crew slots I have two main questions for you:

    Why would DB do slot sales potentially putting the performance of the game at risk from a sudden influx of more players having more slots?

    Why in the VIP tiers is there a huge jump in crew slots every 2 VIP tiers, instead of a more gradual, safer slot increase each VIP tier?

    And 3rdly the more obvious questions of why would they release so many new cards and new features knowing this problem still persists?
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
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