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  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you Shan, but I was actually hoping to learn what is being changed in regards to the back end analytics.

    That is not something we will share any details on, it is part of all the technology that is involved with the maintenance of a live game. Sometimes affectionately referred to as: technobabble :)
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    We are in their house.

    That is not the case. This is our house. They just built it for us and they were paid for it. Now we want them to repair all what they botched in the process. That is how I see it.

    The house reference refers to the forum, and it is definitely their house. You're an invited guest. If you abide by the rules, you can stay. If not, they can show you the door.

    If you're talking about the game, which I think you are, then how you see it is still wrong. They made the game they wanted to make. You (well, not you specifically but other people) paid for the privilege of playing. That's it. They're not a contractor who built something based on your specs and you can then say "you got it wrong."

    You are free to offer feedback. They are free to reject it.
  • It's sort of like dealing with Comcast.
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    We are in their house.

    That is not the case. This is our house. They just built it for us and they were paid for it. Now we want them to repair all what they botched in the process. That is how I see it.

    The house reference refers to the forum...

    Whatever it refers they didn't build it for themselves, as simple as that.

  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    We are in their house.

    That is not the case. This is our house. They just built it for us and they were paid for it. Now we want them to repair all what they botched in the process. That is how I see it.

    They made the game they wanted to make.

    and made many mistakes in the process. Now it's up to us to make them aware of these mistakes.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    The house reference refers to the forum...

    Whatever it refers they didn't build it for themselves, as simple as that.
    Dralix wrote: »
    They made the game they wanted to make.

    and made many mistakes in the process. Now it's up to us to make them aware of these mistakes.

    I'm a big fan of snipping quotes for brevity, but in both cases here, what you snipped is directly on point to your replies.
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    We are in their house.

    That is not the case. This is our house. They just built it for us and they were paid for it. Now we want them to repair all what they botched in the process. That is how I see it.
    You (well, not you specifically but other people) paid for the privilege of playing. That's it.

    No, they were the ones who where privileged by anybody that was willing to pay for a broken/incomplete/faulty product.
  • D@MND@MN ✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »

    Thank you Shan, but I was actually hoping to learn what is being changed in regards to the back end analytics.

    That is not something we will share any details on, it is part of all the technology that is involved with the maintenance of a live game. Sometimes affectionately referred to as: technobabble :)

    Lets just clear up that the issue here is that Pasty is a BIG BIG GEEK
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018

    They, they, they... They made this game for US not for themselves. They don't exist without US. That's why objectivity is a must. No objectivity and you will have endless threads like this one. I guarantee you that. :-)

    We are in their house.

    That is not the case. This is our house. They just built it for us and they were paid for it. Now we want them to repair all what they botched in the process. That is how I see it.

    Not really a valid analogy since it isn't "our house".

    It would be more appropriate to say this is the house we are renting. We don't own it but we pay to live here. We want them to make repairs and we have the right to ask them to do so but they aren't really under any obligation. We have the option to break our lease and go rent somewhere else.
  • It's sort of like dealing with Comcast.

    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭

    They, they, they... They made this game for US not for themselves. They don't exist without US. That's why objectivity is a must. No objectivity and you will have endless threads like this one. I guarantee you that. :-)

    We are in their house.

    That is not the case. This is our house. They just built it for us and they were paid for it. Now we want them to repair all what they botched in the process. That is how I see it.

    Not really a valid analogy since it isn't "our house".

    It would be more appropriate to say this is the house we are renting. We don't own it but we pay to live here. We want them to make repairs and we have the right to ask them to do so but they aren't really under any obligation. We have the option to break our lease and go rent somewhere else.

    If you want to stick to your "renting analogy" then please do but I have a better one for you. Imagine player as a keeper. DB simply rents his/her services/time to keep the house they built in working order. They are the ones which need players, not vice versa. Players don't need DB. This is by any means far better "renting analogy".
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Unnecessary comment removed. ˜Shan
  • edited May 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    As for release notes, if you look in Starfleet Communications you will see that they are done, for server releases and for client releases as well. When there are changes that affect gameplay and/or bug fixes they are listed.

    The same is true for 4.0.3, I will however make a note to be extra specific next time and double clarify that gameplay is not affected.
    Shan wrote: »
    May 1 in Starfleet Communications
    Today we are releasing a new version of the game, v4.0.3, on all platforms.
    This update contains only back-end analytics changes.

    I quoted Shan here from two separate (but related) posts..My question is, is this the "release notes" thread from Starfleet communications to which Shan was referring? Maybe its just me, but this doesn't tell me anything about what was done. I remember seeing many announcement threads about releases that appear very similar to this. I consider patch notes to say specifically what was changed. Otherwise what is the point?

    Anyways...this is all the broad issue. I just edited this because I don't want to talk about a specific issue or ask "what are back end analytics". I want to stay focused on the idea of more transparency with information provided to customers...the people that pay the bills.
  • [NDQ] Joker41NAM[NDQ] Joker41NAM ✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »

    Thank you Shan, but I was actually hoping to learn what is being changed in regards to the back end analytics.

    That is not something we will share any details on, it is part of all the technology that is involved with the maintenance of a live game. Sometimes affectionately referred to as: technobabble :)

    Not the best-phrased excuse, Shan.

    Remember, we're all Star Trek fans. We thrive on technobabble...
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.

    But, they don’t have the right to do it on this forum. The specific platform is not covered by the freedom of speech. So DB has every right to shut down anything they don’t want to hear on here because they are under no obligation to provide the venue for us to practice our right of free speech. Also, remember free speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of that speech.

    Does DB tick me off? All the time. Do I sometimes think this game is designed and run very poorly? Of course. But I have no illusion that they are under any obligation to make me happy. It’s to their benefit to do so because a happy customer remains a customer but in this world of freemium games, this is the norm. STT has already exceeded the average life cycle for a mobile game.

  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.

    But, they don’t have the right to do it on this forum. The specific platform is not covered by the freedom of speech.

    What? Whaaat? WHAAAAAAAT? :-0

    I've seen huge amount of silliness on this forum, including many DB's arguments, but this particular statement can easily candidate for the sillines of the year. DB can't deny you the freedom of speech, for God sake. :-)
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.

    It’s to their benefit to do so because a happy customer remains a customer but in this world of freemium games, this is the norm. STT has already exceeded the average life cycle for a mobile game.

    I encourage you to try to change this abnormal "norm"... It's a good feeling, far better than waving white flag. :-)
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.

    But, they don’t have the right to do it on this forum. The specific platform is not covered by the freedom of speech. So DB has every right to shut down anything they don’t want to hear on here because they are under no obligation to provide the venue for us to practice our right of free speech. Also, remember free speech does not mean freedom from the consequences of that speech.

    Does DB tick me off? All the time. Do I sometimes think this game is designed and run very poorly? Of course. But I have no illusion that they are under any obligation to make me happy. It’s to their benefit to do so because a happy customer remains a customer but in this world of freemium games, this is the norm. STT has already exceeded the average life cycle for a mobile game.

    I feel like at the moment that I am in open protest at DB. I am being civil and I am trying to be constructive, but I still like to inject some emotion from time to time. Leaving is not my only option. Absolutely I am not entitled to consequence free speech, but we have the right to risk triggering those consequences if we so wish.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.

    But, they don’t have the right to do it on this forum. The specific platform is not covered by the freedom of speech.

    What? Whaaat? WHAAAAAAAT? :-0

    I've seen huge amount of silliness on this forum, including many DB's arguments, but this particular statement can easily candidate for the sillines of the year. DB can't deny you the freedom of speech, for God sake. :-)

    They own the forum. You bet they have the freedom to regulate what is said here.
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.

    But, they don’t have the right to do it on this forum. The specific platform is not covered by the freedom of speech.

    What? Whaaat? WHAAAAAAAT? :-0

    I've seen huge amount of silliness on this forum, including many DB's arguments, but this particular statement can easily candidate for the sillines of the year. DB can't deny you the freedom of speech, for God sake. :-)

    They own the forum. You bet they have the freedom to regulate what is said here.

    Only withing their own ToS which can't be in contradiction to any higher law and/or common sense.
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.

    But, they don’t have the right to do it on this forum. The specific platform is not covered by the freedom of speech.

    What? Whaaat? WHAAAAAAAT? :-0

    I've seen huge amount of silliness on this forum, including many DB's arguments, but this particular statement can easily candidate for the sillines of the year. DB can't deny you the freedom of speech, for God sake. :-)

    They own the forum. You bet they have the freedom to regulate what is said here.

    Only withing their own ToS which can't be in contradiction to any higher law and/or common sense.

    There is no "higher law" at work here. It sounds like you have a basic misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. This may clarify things a bit:


    From that article:
    [The 1st Amendment] protects you from the government punishing or censoring or oppressing your speech. It doesn't apply to private organizations. "So if, say, Twitter decides to ban you, you'd be a bit out of luck," Nott says. "You can't make a First Amendment claim in court."

    Your Comment Or Post Is Deleted On An Online Forum
    It's a private company, so it's not a First Amendment issue.
    There's that refrain again: Private companies, like social media sites, can do whatever they want.

    I'm not US citizen and DB operates on other than US markets as well, EU for example.
    There is always a higher law than any ToS you can imagine.
    This "at our discretion" formula was so many times legally questioned and disapproved by so many courts in so many aspects of life all over the world...
    The fact DB closes threads and bans users doesn't mean they are legally right. This banned users simply don't have the time and/or money to drag DB to the court which is by the way pretty understandable in this case. After all it's far easier to make another account. :-)
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.

    But, they don’t have the right to do it on this forum. The specific platform is not covered by the freedom of speech.

    What? Whaaat? WHAAAAAAAT? :-0

    I've seen huge amount of silliness on this forum, including many DB's arguments, but this particular statement can easily candidate for the sillines of the year. DB can't deny you the freedom of speech, for God sake. :-)

    You apparently don’t understand freedom of speech. No one is guaranteed a place to speak, they are only guaranteed the right to speak. I’m not sure how that is hard understand

    I was going to point you to the first amendment but it appears Data1001 beat me to it. Civics 101

    So I think the silliness that you saw was a mirror :p

    As I said, I'm not a US citizen and I saw your face in the mirror you described...
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.

    But, they don’t have the right to do it on this forum. The specific platform is not covered by the freedom of speech.

    What? Whaaat? WHAAAAAAAT? :-0

    I've seen huge amount of silliness on this forum, including many DB's arguments, but this particular statement can easily candidate for the sillines of the year. DB can't deny you the freedom of speech, for God sake. :-)

    They own the forum. You bet they have the freedom to regulate what is said here.

    Only withing their own ToS which can't be in contradiction to any higher law and/or common sense.

    There is no "higher law" at work here. It sounds like you have a basic misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. This may clarify things a bit:


    From that article:
    [The 1st Amendment] protects you from the government punishing or censoring or oppressing your speech. It doesn't apply to private organizations. "So if, say, Twitter decides to ban you, you'd be a bit out of luck," Nott says. "You can't make a First Amendment claim in court."

    Your Comment Or Post Is Deleted On An Online Forum
    It's a private company, so it's not a First Amendment issue.
    There's that refrain again: Private companies, like social media sites, can do whatever they want.

    I'm not US citizen and DB operates on other than US markets as well, EU for example.
    There is always a higher law than any ToS you can imagine.
    This "at our discretion" formula was so many times legally questioned and disapproved by so many courts in so many aspects of life all over the world...
    The fact DB closes threads and bans users doesn't mean they are legally right. This banned users simply don't have the time and/or money to drag DB to the court which is by the way pretty understandable in this case. After all it's far easier to make another account. :-)

    Now you have me intrigued and I’m very eager to learn. Can you please provide some links that detail these international cases where the courts did what you say? That would be great because you would be providing a wonderful service to everyone on here to help them understand. The same way we helped you understand US law. Thanks in advance
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.

    But, they don’t have the right to do it on this forum. The specific platform is not covered by the freedom of speech.

    What? Whaaat? WHAAAAAAAT? :-0

    I've seen huge amount of silliness on this forum, including many DB's arguments, but this particular statement can easily candidate for the sillines of the year. DB can't deny you the freedom of speech, for God sake. :-)

    They own the forum. You bet they have the freedom to regulate what is said here.

    Only withing their own ToS which can't be in contradiction to any higher law and/or common sense.

    There is no "higher law" at work here. It sounds like you have a basic misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. This may clarify things a bit:


    From that article:
    [The 1st Amendment] protects you from the government punishing or censoring or oppressing your speech. It doesn't apply to private organizations. "So if, say, Twitter decides to ban you, you'd be a bit out of luck," Nott says. "You can't make a First Amendment claim in court."

    Your Comment Or Post Is Deleted On An Online Forum
    It's a private company, so it's not a First Amendment issue.
    There's that refrain again: Private companies, like social media sites, can do whatever they want.

    I'm not US citizen and DB operates on other than US markets as well, EU for example.
    There is always a higher law than any ToS you can imagine.
    This "at our discretion" formula was so many times legally questioned and disapproved by so many courts in so many aspects of life all over the world...
    The fact DB closes threads and bans users doesn't mean they are legally right. This banned users simply don't have the time and/or money to drag DB to the court which is by the way pretty understandable in this case. After all it's far easier to make another account. :-)

    Now you have me intrigued and I’m very eager to learn. Can you please provide some links that detail these international cases where the courts did what you say? That would be great because you would be providing a wonderful service to everyone on here to help them understand. The same way we helped you understand US law. Thanks in advance

    Sure. Are you familiar with credit banking currency spread clauses (jeez, i don't know english banking terms)? Banks were stating that they can arbitrarily constitute CHF exchange rates (using statement similar to "at our discretion") and in the process arbitrarily constitute credit payment rates but some day some people went to the court and... court made banks to change their claims.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Thurthorad wrote: »
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I have to laugh at some of these posts requesting DB to disclose the exact nature of the limitations they are dealing with. Folks, Disruptor Beam is not the government — they have no obligation whatsoever to be completely transparent about everything that's under the hood, and expecting them to be is akin to expecting KFC to tell you exactly what their secret 11 herbs and spices are (even if people have pretty much figured that out now). Even if you're a paying customer, you don't automatically have the right to know anything and everything about the inner workings of the company. As with any other privately-owned product or service, you do, however, have the right to take your business elsewhere, if you feel another company can provide a better product, service, or experience to you.

    They do have the right to ask for it though. They even have to right to ask for it multiple times and to throw a hissy fit if they want. And yes, they have the right to walk away. They also have the right to stay. I find a lot of the 'you have the right to leave' talk incredibly simplistic, as if certain people think of that as the only option available.

    But, they don’t have the right to do it on this forum. The specific platform is not covered by the freedom of speech.

    What? Whaaat? WHAAAAAAAT? :-0

    I've seen huge amount of silliness on this forum, including many DB's arguments, but this particular statement can easily candidate for the sillines of the year. DB can't deny you the freedom of speech, for God sake. :-)

    They own the forum. You bet they have the freedom to regulate what is said here.

    Only withing their own ToS which can't be in contradiction to any higher law and/or common sense.

    There is no "higher law" at work here. It sounds like you have a basic misunderstanding of the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. This may clarify things a bit:


    From that article:
    [The 1st Amendment] protects you from the government punishing or censoring or oppressing your speech. It doesn't apply to private organizations. "So if, say, Twitter decides to ban you, you'd be a bit out of luck," Nott says. "You can't make a First Amendment claim in court."

    Your Comment Or Post Is Deleted On An Online Forum
    It's a private company, so it's not a First Amendment issue.
    There's that refrain again: Private companies, like social media sites, can do whatever they want.

    I'm not US citizen and DB operates on other than US markets as well, EU for example.
    There is always a higher law than any ToS you can imagine.
    This "at our discretion" formula was so many times legally questioned and disapproved by so many courts in so many aspects of life all over the world...
    The fact DB closes threads and bans users doesn't mean they are legally right. This banned users simply don't have the time and/or money to drag DB to the court which is by the way pretty understandable in this case. After all it's far easier to make another account. :-)

    Now you have me intrigued and I’m very eager to learn. Can you please provide some links that detail these international cases where the courts did what you say? That would be great because you would be providing a wonderful service to everyone on here to help them understand. The same way we helped you understand US law. Thanks in advance

    Sure. Are you familiar with credit banking currency spread clauses (jeez, i don't know english banking terms)? Banks were stating that they can arbitrarily constitute CHF exchange rates (using statement similar to "at our discretion") and in the process arbitrarily constitute credit payment rates but some day some people went to the court and... court made banks to change their claims.

    I’ve gone from intrigued to baffled.

    What does that in anyway have to do with freedom of speech? Plus that’s a very generic comment. Please provide a link to something that explains how that ties into freedom of speech. Thanks
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