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Why to pay for this game?

As I said many times before I'm f2p player. I have never spent a dime on this game and I'm not going to in the forseeable future because of reasons I don't intend to discuss here. I play for little longer than 2 months now and I'm level 40+ at the moment. I have over 30 immortalized crewmen and many others FE at level 100 waiting for final stars. Month or two and will get my third shuttle for free. Few days ago I reached a point I can send 6 hours long Voyages. To be honest I can't do it on a regular basis yet but this moment is not far away. Some time ago I got my Caretaker and now he's FE at level 100. My Gauntlet possibilities greatly improved over these 2 months to the point I was able to get Top 25 Gaunlet achievement. Cadet missions are hardly a challenge for me. I can quite easily get all copies of any crewman offered as a threshold reward in both Galaxy and Shuttle events now. This game turned out to be pretty easy for a f2p player so my question is... Why would someone want to spend a buck for this game to make it even easier? What would be the purpose to do that? Feel free to add your comments...


  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Small correction, I was able to get Top 15 Gaunlet achievement.
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Because when I started, there were no handouts. No achievements. No gauntlet. No arena. No voyages. No events. No cadet missions.... yeah

    But now, what is the purpose now?
  • RNGeverythingRNGeverything ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Because when I started, there were no handouts. No achievements. No gauntlet. No arena. No voyages. No events. No cadet missions.... yeah

    But now, what is the purpose now?

    There isn’t any. That’s why this game is going to die. A slow painful death.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?

    the former possibly, but the latter well that's a loaded question in realms of is a tv/phone/internet subscription necessary
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Both Frank and I play VIP 14 accounts and VIP 0 accounts. It's a very different game between the two. My VIP0 account is competitive for sure and can absolutely rank top 1,000 in an event if it wants to. But my VIP14 account can win them.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • arjunaarjuna ✭✭✭
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?

    If that's the criteria I don't think anyone would pay for any game right? Paying for enjoyment is not ever "necessary" but for me I do get more enjoyment sooner than if I was f2p.

    In this game paying greatly speeds your progress until you hit a point where your investment > returns of enjoyment you receive. At that point people stop paying and or playing.
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?

    the former possibly, but the latter well that's a loaded question in realms of is a tv/phone/internet subscription necessary

    I am asking about your personal feelings on the subject. If you want to be subjective, please do.
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    I have a feeling this thread won't end well.

    You are entitled to your own feelings but please, stop derailing.
  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    .... Why would someone want to spend a buck for this game to make it even easier? What would be the purpose to do that? Feel free to add your comments...

    Because it is very simple. Money is relative. To one person $50 is really a lot, to another $50 is nothing. And......if no one paid, the game would not be as in depth as it is. For those who remember how the game was two years ago, it has come a long way. And the paying players made that happen.

  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Both Frank and I play VIP 14 accounts and VIP 0 accounts. It's a very different game between the two. My VIP0 account is competitive for sure and can absolutely rank top 1,000 in an event if it wants to. But my VIP14 account can win them.

    What playstyle do you consider most satysfying and why?
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    arjuna wrote: »
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?

    In this game paying greatly speeds your progress until you hit a point where your investment > returns of enjoyment you receive. At that point people stop paying and or playing.

    Is it good for the game in the long term in your opinion?
  • What playstyle do you consider most satysfying and why?

    I find both satisfying. Which is why my accounts are level 83 and 66, respectively. There are many things to be competitive about in this game, but spending vs. not spending isn't one of them. The two mentalities can coexist and do with many players.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    .... Why would someone want to spend a buck for this game to make it even easier? What would be the purpose to do that? Feel free to add your comments...

    Because it is very simple. Money is relative. To one person $50 is really a lot, to another $50 is nothing. And......if no one paid, the game would not be as in depth as it is. For those who remember how the game was two years ago, it has come a long way. And the paying players made that happen.


    So you pay because you want to see the game running, right? Do you think you get enough growth for your money?
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?

    the former possibly, but the latter well that's a loaded question in realms of is a tv/phone/internet subscription necessary

    I am asking about your personal feelings on the subject. If you want to be subjective, please do.

    Feelings will always be subjective to circumstance - a moment in time, there are days I am happy with purchases, there are times when I was not so happy. Likewise there are good times i am enjoying playing the game other days not so much but nearly every game I've ever played regardless of platform or type provided similar emotions.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    What playstyle do you consider most satysfying and why?

    I find both satisfying. Which is why my accounts are level 83 and 66, respectively. There are many things to be competitive about in this game, but spending vs. not spending isn't one of them. The two mentalities can coexist and do with many players.

    I try to press you a little bit on this one. If you would have to resign from playing one of these accounts for a year.... Which one would you pick?

    Agreed, f2p players and paying players should coexist. No argue there. Do you think DB supports this policy properly?
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?

    the former possibly, but the latter well that's a loaded question in realms of is a tv/phone/internet subscription necessary

    I am asking about your personal feelings on the subject. If you want to be subjective, please do.

    Feelings will always be subjective to circumstance - a moment in time, there are days I am happy with purchases, there are times when I was not so happy. Likewise there are good times i am enjoying playing the game other days not so much but nearly every game I've ever played regardless of platform or type provided similar emotions.

    I understand what you are saying but try to differentiate cause from effect. How do you think? Why some of your days are better or worse? Is it because of the game itself or the world around you?
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    You might be surprised to hear this coming from a fellow VIP 0 player, but there are many valid reasons people have for paying money to play this game. More crew slots, a better selection of crew to acquire through packs, the fun of opening packs, the race to FTM crew, climbing the leader board during events, reducing the daily grind with Warp 10 .... and I'm sure there are others that I don't know about because I'm on the outside looking in.

    But whatever the reasons, some players pay and some players don't. I always ask that the community not judge VIP 0s for how we choose to play the game. And in return, I don't think we should judge VIP 1-14 players on how they choose to play their game. It's their money and if they have fun and are able to play the game how they want to, I think that's great! This game needs minnows and whales alike and safe waters where we can both play together.

    As it has been stated in this thread already, both kinds of players should coexist. Do you think DB supports this policy properly?
  • arjunaarjuna ✭✭✭
    arjuna wrote: »
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?

    In this game paying greatly speeds your progress until you hit a point where your investment > returns of enjoyment you receive. At that point people stop paying and or playing.

    Is it good for the game in the long term in your opinion?
    Yes, if no one paid there wouldn't be a game to play.
  • Navarch Navarch ✭✭✭✭✭
    At the end of the day, it’s up to you as to whether or not you should spend on STT. It depends on what you value and the means you live off of, both of which no one but you know the answer to. That being said, I’m a paying customer and I do so to make the game easier for me and to get better access to the best crew. DB often makes it difficult for me to spend (or want to spend) due to their issues.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?

    the former possibly, but the latter well that's a loaded question in realms of is a tv/phone/internet subscription necessary

    I am asking about your personal feelings on the subject. If you want to be subjective, please do.

    Feelings will always be subjective to circumstance - a moment in time, there are days I am happy with purchases, there are times when I was not so happy. Likewise there are good times i am enjoying playing the game other days not so much but nearly every game I've ever played regardless of platform or type provided similar emotions.

    I understand what you are saying but try to differentiate cause from effect. How do you think? Why some of your days are better or worse? Is it because of the game itself or the world around you?

    Ouch, sorry don't want to derail this in any way, but if I included all the things outside of the game happening in my life you wouldn't see me in game or on the forums. There's far more things going on in my life that would be enough to see me quit.

    Personally, I keep feelings of the game and my life separate and there is a reason for this. You find a fleet and you have a second family a release from your personal real world. Once you have found this it is very easy to keep both sides of life in check everyone needs a release from the real world and the game provides that for me.

    So the feelings of the game are purely circumstantial to situational happenings in the game. I'll provide an example. I bought the 10x pack twice just after Christmas as my one off fivolous expenditure, my hope was to collect or add stars to my purples quicker, the reality had to airlock the blues (some I haven't even immortalised yet) and added many more 1/4s, overall feeling was a bit of a waste. Now FFWD a bit I bough the falcon falls pack why? I had a Mintakan Riker, and I ended up with a second star on Mintakan Riker FF Sela and a 2/4 Spock I also jumped the right side of a VIP tier and got extra slots was I happy with that purchase of course I was.

    Will I make more purchases in the future? jury is out on that. Maybe, maybe not. The only reality that crosses the path is that, I have a Beer income, not a champagne one, so that also defines whether I will spend or not.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Are you writing some sort of thesis over here? Why am I being asked for my papers?

    Yes, I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on this game.
    Yes, I have two VIP 0 accounts and two VIP 14 accounts.
    Yes, I play them all.
    Yes, they all have different play styles.
    Yes, I think I have gotten value for my dollar in the form of entertainment and time-killing. I have also made real world friends and forged relationships. And I have a hot space wife because of it.
    No, I don't like justifying what I spend my money on and how I spend it.
    Do I need a car? Debatable, but let's lean yes. Can it be a used Honda for $1,800? Yes. Can it also be a Tesla X for $101,452? Yes. Does it impact a lick of how you live your life or how you sleep at night relative to shave a stranger on the internet does with their money?
    Now go make some lunch and find something else to do.

    It was you who chose to chime in. You weren not forced in any way to comment on this thread, right? I value your insights. You are free to answer my question or ignore them. I don't understand though why do you feel entitled to make suggestions like "Now go make some lunch and find something else to do.". I think it could be classified as derailing. It's not a problem for me but some admins could see it as an excuse to close this thread. Please refrain from such behaviour.
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    arjuna wrote: »
    arjuna wrote: »
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?

    In this game paying greatly speeds your progress until you hit a point where your investment > returns of enjoyment you receive. At that point people stop paying and or playing.

    Is it good for the game in the long term in your opinion?
    Yes, if no one paid there wouldn't be a game to play.

    Maybe it could be an impulse to make a better game? What do you think?
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Navarch wrote: »
    At the end of the day, it’s up to you as to whether or not you should spend on STT. It depends on what you value and the means you live off of, both of which no one but you know the answer to. That being said, I’m a paying customer and I do so to make the game easier for me and to get better access to the best crew. DB often makes it difficult for me to spend (or want to spend) due to their issues.

    May I ask why do you feel this game that hard? Lack of time?
  • arjunaarjuna ✭✭✭
    arjuna wrote: »
    arjuna wrote: »
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?

    In this game paying greatly speeds your progress until you hit a point where your investment > returns of enjoyment you receive. At that point people stop paying and or playing.

    Is it good for the game in the long term in your opinion?
    Yes, if no one paid there wouldn't be a game to play.

    Maybe it could be an impulse to make a better game? What do you think?
    No, if DB couldn't pay their staff or pay to keep servers running I don't think we would get a better game.
    I think you can find a reason to not pay for anything if you look hard enough and that appears to be what you are looking for. If you don't want to pay then don't pay you don't need us to validate your opinion for you nor are we looking for validation that paying for the game is the only option. Both are completely valid.
This discussion has been closed.