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Why to pay for this game?



  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Because I want to.
    Because I can.


    All valid reasons. I have next question for you then. Do you think all these investments were satysfying and/or for some reason necessary?

    the former possibly, but the latter well that's a loaded question in realms of is a tv/phone/internet subscription necessary

    I am asking about your personal feelings on the subject. If you want to be subjective, please do.

    Feelings will always be subjective to circumstance - a moment in time, there are days I am happy with purchases, there are times when I was not so happy. Likewise there are good times i am enjoying playing the game other days not so much but nearly every game I've ever played regardless of platform or type provided similar emotions.

    I understand what you are saying but try to differentiate cause from effect. How do you think? Why some of your days are better or worse? Is it because of the game itself or the world around you?

    Ouch, sorry don't want to derail this in any way, but if I included all the things outside of the game happening in my life you wouldn't see me in game or on the forums. There's far more things going on in my life that would be enough to see me quit.

    Personally, I keep feelings of the game and my life separate and there is a reason for this. You find a fleet and you have a second family a release from your personal real world. Once you have found this it is very easy to keep both sides of life in check everyone needs a release from the real world and the game provides that for me.

    So the feelings of the game are purely circumstantial to situational happenings in the game. I'll provide an example. I bought the 10x pack twice just after Christmas as my one off fivolous expenditure, my hope was to collect or add stars to my purples quicker, the reality had to airlock the blues (some I haven't even immortalised yet) and added many more 1/4s, overall feeling was a bit of a waste. Now FFWD a bit I bough the falcon falls pack why? I had a Mintakan Riker, and I ended up with a second star on Mintakan Riker FF Sela and a 2/4 Spock I also jumped the right side of a VIP tier and got extra slots was I happy with that purchase of course I was.

    Will I make more purchases in the future? jury is out on that. Maybe, maybe not. The only reality that crosses the path is that, I have a Beer income, not a champagne one, so that also defines whether I will spend or not.

    Understood, If I may serve with an advice... Spend you money wisely, Beer tastes awefully :-)
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭

    Understood, If I may serve with an advice... Spend you money wisely, Beer tastes awefully :-)

    well i wasn't going to say anything but I am fruit cider kind of person in the summer and ale and stout person in the winter B)
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭

    Understood, If I may serve with an advice... Spend you money wisely, Beer tastes awefully :-)

    well i wasn't going to say anything but I am fruit cider kind of person in the summer and ale and stout person in the winter B)

    Ok, Ok, feel free to choose your drink at your own discretion. :-)
  • (Before) I paid because I enjoyed the game and wanted to have better ‘things’ ... and on the side helping the developers.

    (Now) But ...... can I get a refund - For all the time I spent on this game?

    Have played less now and ready to warp
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    Today, you woke up. You grabbed some coffee. You sauntered over to your laptop, sat down, and said "Hello world, what can I troll today?"

    You ventured to these forums and engaged in some witty back and forth. You attempt to answer questions with other questions. You turn things around to be introspective on others, but only because you have nothing of value to add to the conversation. You want to appear funny, you want to appear intellectual, hell, you may even want to appear as a troll.

    I saw this phrase online once, and I really liked it, but it never had any way of being applicable to situations, but I think it finally has some use here.

    "Your arms are just too short to box with god".

    As toxic or backwards as this community can be sometimes, the keyword you keep missing is "Community". We are a family, as dysfunctional as it may be. Even the staff, who takes a beating day in and day out, is part of the family and community. For the better part of 29 months, we have been together and making our way through this game that, love or hate, we all still play - and that's for an endless range of personal reasons.

    When you show up, as new, and declare it bad or not worth your money/time, when you insult the staff or the game or the value, when you question why people spent money - that's when the community appropriately backlashes. You have your voice, you had the floor. You stated your opinions. We all thanked you and moved on. Use the search function, I'll wait. You will literally find endless examples of people who grandstand and announce their departure or some other sort of nonsense. And some people agree with the post. And then time happens, and everyone moves on. You weren't done, but we were. You continue to try and make something out of nothing. The community has metaphorically slapped you in the back of the head and told you to watch and learn by the examples of others, and not try and be the disruptive troll that you are.

    No, I don't have to respond, but let's be honest here - you are in my house, no, in OUR house - and i don't like it when someone walks in like they own the place and don't have the common courtesy to take off their shoes at the door.

    So please, take off your shoes.

    As I said before, I value your opinion. Now little bit of derailing of my own but it feels valid I think. Do you consider yourself or anyone else here a God?
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    (Before) I paid because I enjoyed the game and wanted to have better ‘things’ ... and on the side helping the developers.

    (Now) But ...... can I get a refund - For all the time I spent on this game?

    Have played less now and ready to warp

    It's a shame to hear that. Have you been raising your concerns about the game on the forum?
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    You are dead to me.

    I am going to go Bless the Rains Down in Africa to make myself cope with the loss and the void that now fills my heart where you once resided.

    Or - and better yet - I have a spot open in my fleet. Will you join us?
  • Dark MatterDark Matter ✭✭✭
    You are dead to me.

    I am going to go Bless the Rains Down in Africa to make myself cope with the loss and the void that now fills my heart where you once resided.

    Or - and better yet - I have a spot open in my fleet. Will you join us?

    Spoken like a true God. Why would you want to have me in your fleet? You may throw your thunders at me here, on the forum. Besides I have my own fleet and I value it greatly.
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