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So who are your unsung 'hero' crew in ship battles?

With my current crew I always seem to do a lot worse when I don't have The Duras Sisters crewing the better ships. Not sure if it's something about the combinations I'm trying or I'm just seeing things.... but even so, for a very early crew member that was a pain to immortalize for generally meh stats, these women are not going into the freezer anytime soon.

So which crew have you had and kept for a while (possibly longer than prudent} simply because they've seen more victorious ship battles than Nelson?


  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    FEwe2 wrote: »
    So which crew have you had and kept for a while (possibly longer than prudent} simply because they've seen more victorious ship battles than Nelson?

    None. I don't keep any crew specifically for the arena. I'll use the best options among crew I'm keeping for other reasons.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I play the Admiral Division heavily to get 5* ships for voyages. I just maxed out my cube two days ago right after I posted on a similar thread.

    I don't really care about the other divisions.

    The Duras Sisters are good with the right ship and crew combo. I fire off the sisters first, and then my heavy hitters. Last, I use my unsung hero.

    Unsung Hero:

    She doesn't seem like much and only gets one use, but if times right, she adds a third again the value of your hull. Using her, I was constantly battling ships at least a level above me and often winning. I slowly crawled my level 9 cube within a 1000 of the top 5%. I would probably have gotten farther, but the Dabo gave me the last I needed for level 10. Now I'm flying up in ranks again.

    It also helps to choose your battles. I like fighting ships (especially the Bounty) with 2 accuracy crew and two power crew. I win most of the time in such conditions.
  • The Duras Sisters are good if nothing else aside from the fact that they have a duration of 20secs which outlasts most defensive strategies.

    The real MVP for me though is Captain Klaa:

    He only has +6 attack but if you use him whilst cloaked that jumps to +11 which if you then use a crew with a damage multiplier like Phlox makes short work of most opponents.

    Only drawback is the computer AI isn't great at following the same strategy so I do find I drop back down if I leave unattended for a bit, but it's easy to climb back up again and makes it more fun.
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  • +1 For Klaa. Also, like many out there, Commander Kang would not be anywhere near my active roster if not for the Commander division, basically for the same reason as Klaa.
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Rakal Troi is a nice mix of defensive and offensive abilities for me.

    She's also always been solid in my Gauntlet and Voyages, as well, so she's a great triple threat member of my crew.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • DittoDitto ✭✭✭
    In 4* division, I've become fond of: Rura Penthe Reed (of course) .. but the unsung ones are:
    Platonium Kirk, and Luther Sloan.

    With those 2, your crit bonus goes through the roof .. Kirk gives a good accuracy, added to Reed's high attack ... and suddenly you 1 shot your enemy when you crit . :) Good times ...
    (now if I could reliable get a good crit rating to crit more often .. *sigh* .. I've tried, but haven't found a good combination yet .,. :( )
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    The biggest problem with Klaa is on D. Since his ability has a 12s initialize time, it won't be active until after the first cloak is blow and most matches won't go to a second cloak. More often than not, he never even activates on D.
  • NivenFresNivenFres ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Mirror Jadzia Dax is used on both my Captain and Admiral ships.

    She is Eng/Sec/Sci, so she is pretty versatile as far as slotting.

    Initialize: 8s
    Duration: 10s
    Cooldown: 12s
    Boost +5 Evasion
    Ability: 1+ evasion after 5s, +2 evasion after 12 second AND +1000 Crit Rating

    The Crit Rating really seems to ramp up the critical chance. Mix that will some Critical Bonus and/or +X% Damage. So ups the crit chance as well as adds evasion. Her timings also sync nice with the rest of my crews and ship abilities.
    "If it wasn't for autocorrect, we wouldn't have Tuvok on a Giraffe."
  • SarjoSarjo ✭✭
    edited May 2018
    T’Mir - her attack at 4 seconds hits HMS Bounty before cloak (with a 200% bonus) and when you use her on the bridge of the ISS Enterprise [the +15% speed of attack] Accuracy activates at 4 seconds too. Her passive stat for evasion is a whopping +1815. And she is ready to attack again before T’Kuvma gets that chance. I will sing her praises as she works just fine for me in Admiral Division.
  • [ISA] Big McLargeHuge[ISA] Big McLargeHuge ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    The biggest problem with Klaa is on D. Since his ability has a 12s initialize time, it won't be active until after the first cloak is blow and most matches won't go to a second cloak. More often than not, he never even activates on D.

    Absolutely true, but that can be mitigated subbing him out for someone more suited to AI auto-play usage when you've finished burning through your tickets for the day.
  • NivenFresNivenFres ✭✭✭✭
    Sarjo wrote: »
    T’Mir - her attack at 4 seconds hits HMS Bounty before cloak (with a 200% bonus) and when you use her on the bridge of the ISS Enterprise [the +15% speed of attack] Accuracy activates at 4 seconds too. Her passive stat for evasion is a whopping +1815. And she is ready to attack again before T’Kuvma gets that chance. I will sing her praises as she works just fine for me in Admiral Division.

    I've not found a good replacement for her in Captain, so she's manage to avoid freezing for quite some time.
    "If it wasn't for autocorrect, we wouldn't have Tuvok on a Giraffe."
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    My ship battle heroes are not so much single crew members, but unsung crew who work well together.

    Assimilated Tuvok: 20 seconds of +9 attack, starting right after my cloak completely negates T'Kuvma (passive: accuracy +650, evasion +425)

    AU3947: 12 seconds of +6 evasion & +20% attack speed, starting with Tuvok (passive: accuracy +685, critical bonus +600)

    Mirror Phlox / Voq: 10 seconds (5 each) of +7 accuracy & x200% attack damage, starting with Tuvok (Phlox passive: evasion +725 / Voq passive: accuracy +935)

    Combined, it is a massive 10 second attack:
    - attack +9
    - attack x 200% damage
    - attack + 20% speed
    - accuracy +7
    - evasion +6

    By waiting 12-14 seconds to start (depending who I'm defending with my cloak), most of that 10 second attack is done after the other ship's main evasion crew is done, leaving them utterly defenseless.
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    Like @Dralix , I no longer keep anyone in my active crew quarters specifically just for the Arena, but previously I did use Thot Gor once to get me to the # 1 Rank in the Captain Division.
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    admiral - enterprise E picard, 1701 dax
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    I play mostly captain division using the USS Voyager. Professor Scott is always the one to deliver the final deadly blow when I need it most.
  • It can get a bit awkward since you're sitting there taking punishment, but I've got some Attack Speed crew on the Defiant.

    +20% with Stamets (Evasion), +20% with Mirror Janeway (Damage), +20% with Thelin (Accuracy)

    I believe all that attack speed stacks, as I recently froze Stamets, and I can't punch through ships quite as often with only +40%. But I replaced him with Wedding T'Pol, 1 higher evasion and earlier activation time. My ship lasts a bit longer.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    A lot of players are fond of Mirror Phlox. Waitress Ezri has the same bonus (+7 to Accuracy; immediately deals 200% damage, 12s initialize, 12s duration, 5s cool down). I use her instead because I figure she's less familiar to a lot of players who have learned to avoid Phlox.
  • Formal Dress Wesley Crusher (despite being Wesley) is a star on my ship. +9 evasion helps a lot when going up against players with a lot of instant attacks. With him, I can usually dodge most of the first wave of attacks, while using Shran with a +9 attack leaving them vulnerable in the cooldown to my own instant attacks with Doctor Chaotica and Klingon Dukat.
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    ST:TNG Crew Addition Wish List:

    Mariachi Q - Déjà Q Quote - But I feel like celebrating! - Thank You!
    H.M.S. Pinafore Data - Insurrection Quote - And his fist be ever ready for a knockdown blow. - Thank You!
    Rascal Picard/Guinan - Rascals Quote - I want to see my father!
    Kivas Fajo - The Most Toys Quote - What a marvelous contradiction. A military pacifist!
    Batai - The Inner Light Quote - This tree is our symbol. Our affirmation of life.
    Irumodic Syndrome Picard - All Good Things Quote - You said it was earl grey. I'd swear it was darjeeling. - Thank You!
    B-4 - Nemesis Quote - Why do you have a shiny head? - Thank You!
    Zero G Worf - First Contact Quote - Assimilate this!
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